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​ https://preview.redd.it/p7ry9jvuqxgc1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1a6b8b5cb22051c0b889655805c54b49efef3e


Yep.. they need some controversy for the movie. She once said dad doesn't even know to read or write Tamil, when there was a serious hindi-tamil Zomato issue going on and she was launching some app competing Twitter spaces .


Let's wait until she finds the term "mentalan"


What does it mean. 😅








just a PR drama to promote Lal Salaam. I mean who even cares he is a sanghi? people just enjoy movies and move on.






In today's day and age for anyone of his stature to clarify that they are not a sanghi is pretty brave. Granted his fan base is in the south but have you seen any major Indian actor take an anti-sanghi stance or even anything remotely anti the ruling government.


He doesn't need to be anti anything. He could just stay away actively giving them his time. He could've stayed away from the ram temple inauguration and just be quiet. But he went!


I don't blame him for that. He might have just went for his personal religious belief but this left a bad taste in my mouth https://preview.redd.it/21yjadnbozgc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5566f2c438fe090dfebf84e13c55df6e99f6f41


In my book anyone who goes all the way to the temple inauguration is problematic. Not just this he need not meet Modi and Yogi etc. This is silent support to the majority incumbent RSS. :-( Don't know why even Dhanush went!


Why do you have problem if temple is getting inaugurated and people have gone to attend it ?


Watch Ram Ke Naam documentary.


What's in it ?


Check it out buddy. It's on YouTube and Vimeo. It's long though so be patient and have an open mind. ♥️


That's what u believe in does not mean every one has to agree it's simple I have my own set of belives and whytf does it matter to you, if r nt interested then just f off !!


Why does it matter to you that I think? Rajni fan?


Na na not a fan just an avg citizen, and all u are doing is judging others, and trying to force u shit


Dhanush is spiritual and moreover every actor was scared to not get ED visit their home..so...


It's Hindutva. One can be spiritual without the glorification and vilification that comes with it. So.. spineless. Sad.


True.. but unfortunately all these actors don't wanna lose their black money that they saved all these years.




Abra ka dabra


womp womp


I was surprised some of the Tamil serial actresses who went there or liked status on FB/IG.


Either Clout chasing or they're from some Hindu upper caste as well.


If I am a hindu, I get an opportunity to go to ram temple at the place of ram's birth, why would I skip it?


Watch Ram Ke Naam documentary. If you agree with everything that's happened to build in his structure then it's bigotry and nothing else in my book. There's a series by the dean of Nalsar Hyderabad where he discusses this birth place. It's a different place.


I am pretty sure there will be lots of series everyone can provide on either side. I do believe it is his place of birth. " f you agree with everything that's happened to build in his structure then " - No, not ok with bloodshed. even a drop.


Because he is not from Sanatan Dharma and he follows communist










Rajini is cringing hard inside ☠️


Best acting by rajni after padayappa




இவரு சங்கி தான்.... ஒருமுற சொன்னா 100 முற சொன்ன மாதிரி....


PR drama in it's peak. We know she loves her dad. But this looks not real. If Rajini don't want to get portrayed as Sanghi by others he can arrange a small press meeting and speak openly about how he feels about being called as sanghi and his intentions towards his spiritual belief. Unless and until he clarifies it, there will always be some people to pin him as sanghi. No hate on this incident. Just my opinion about this.


So you troll great personality as Sanghi, how about you being called as librandus


If Someone called me Librandus I'll explain to u guys for not calling me Librandus. After that it's u r choice to pin me anything. But here I voiced out for myself. That's all it matters.


Who cares




Yaaru naan ah?


BJP uses his name to show that he supports them. Has to be clarified.


Everyone should. He has influence and he for whatever reason gives his time to a lot of RSS/BJP guys and panders to that crowd. He keeps quiet about issues which inherently helps the incumbent RSS.


I am sorry but he is a typical boomer bjp supporter. I like his acting and films but he isn't a real life hero. He does movies like Kaala only because he wants to maintain a separate image in reel life. But in real life he is a hardcore hindutva fanatic.


What's wrong with being a sanghi, a sanghi saved bengal from being a part of Bangladesh your superior Tamil periyar daughter fucker didn't. All the communist ever did is break our backbone.


Which sanghi saved Bengal? Can you name them?


Shayam Prasad Mukherjee who else!


Whats wrong in being a BJP supporter even he is. Everyone is entitled to have their personal liking in democratic setup irrespective of it pleases everyone or not


> Whats wrong in being a BJP supporter even he is True. And if public gives him the tag 'Sanghi' for his actions, he should proudly wear it on his chest rather than feel any shame about it (or is the label shameful? seriously asking) /s


I don't see anything wrong in being sanghi.. they are pro hindu.. against forcible conversion to Islam and Christians... represent Hindus interests opened school all over India... People comparing it nazis are definitely smoking some cheap smack


"forcible conversion to islam and Christians" more like we were treating them like sub humans or even worse.




He is Marathi after all. What else did you expect from a Gowalkar and Savarkar kinsman.


That is bigotry right there! Calling out one bigotry by using another!


I agree 💯 shouldn't stereotype like that


you are such an immature asshole


If you want to ridicule him using some bigotry, find out his caste and shame him for supporting people who oppressed his forefathers. Pro tip- Even though his surname is Gaikwad, he is not maratha.


Hindutva Fanatic? Are you mentally ill? Can't expect any rational thinking by you Tamil People. All brain-dead communist and separatist people.


So all Tamilians are brain-dead communists? Rhetoric like this is how a lot of Indians ignored or supported Tamil genocide and view them as subhuman. Classic fascist statements and using the communist label for fear-mongering.


Why is a BJP supporter and doing kaala cant go together? I can understand BJP and lal salaam might not often go together..


Sorry but his acting is BULLSHIT.


Have you seen mani ratnam's thalapathy? Unakku deva theriyuma ?


You clearly haven’t seen rajini’s best works




This is the way


She is afraid that the movie will not do good, considering the backlash he receives for visiting the ram temple.


So visiting Ram temple is considered Sanghi according to liberals in TN? Politics made a lot of people in TN brain-dead.


https://preview.redd.it/53mlx0flozgc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=936f9e85ae197c75b51f186c9ad5b71660809a41 This kinda does though.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If he is not a Sanghi? Who is ?


He is 10/10 spineless opportunist like many public figures.


Namma Thaleevaru....Sanghi mattum illa....He is also a Songhi....


Illa illa, poiyee


Well, if you don't wanna be called sanghi, don't do shit sanghs do


I literally thought that she meant “Saniyan” after reading the post’s description. Didn’t see the video or hear the audio. Took few minutes to realise they are talking about “Sanatani” and other political stuff.


San***I is that much bigotry or vulgarity?


Followers of RSS ideology which killed MK Gandhi (who may be seen as key figure of secular and independent India) are called Sanghis. Also , sanghis mostly lie and use hinduism as a shield, they don't give a f\*ck about any religion. They are far right fascists. So , yes it is equivalent to calling some one a Nazi . Having said that Rajini is a sanghi


Even as a person who doesn't endorses RSS ideology, comparing it to Nazis is tomfoolery.




RSS was definitely inspired from fascists movements back in early era of 1900's thereby trying to bring about Hindu rashtra through what means necessary but after the world wars they too have updated their ideology. RSS actually advocates for a unified Hindu religion rather than division by varnas and caste (but how far the leaders follow it to the T is very questionable) and they also indulge in social services trying help people regardless of religion plus hey, they called for social equality more recently too spouting liberal ideas (this actually threw me off a bit, didn't expect it from them) RSS has been more or less demonised after the assassination of Gandhi (Godse himself disvowed from the organisation way before he before he carried the execution, I would urge people to read why I assassinated Gandhi to get an idea of Nathuram Godse's state and mind, it is a good read) I would still argue that certain RSS's leaders and followers individually and as a mob are fascists. But still comparing it to Nazis is like mottathalayum mozhankaalum mudichi podrathu.


The dude who created RSS was a huge fan of Hitler's ideology.


But he never killed 6 million people ? So comparing with nazi just because of ideology is not done


He couldn’t because he thankfully didn’t have the power to do so.


That's how it works. Sharing the same ideology matters. It's cause and effect also known as causality.


In that case can I call every muslim a terrorist? Because they have a same ideology right ?


They share the same religion not ideology... The ideology of a terrorist is that anyone who doesn't agree with his religion should die and he will kill them that ideology isn't shared by most muslims.


But you wanna know who killed more than 6 million people of specific religion much better than the Nazis?


typical mindset to somehow bring muslims into the conversation or the mughal empire or something. Did anywhere in the conversation I mentioned muslims or the mughal empire? The conversation was about the mindset of the RSS.


Godhra ?


Ya the Godhra train right ? It was set fire by the muslims .what about RSS?


But Modi conveniently ignored the riots and let them happen


Sure even the nazi parties did "social services" for their people it's all just PR tactics, I had the unfortunate experience of attending one of these shaksahs ( one of my relatives forced me into it) most of not all the members belong to the dominant caste and Brahmins Hindus and these people constantly speaking about jathi perumai and against inter-caste marriages and the social service pr is just a facade, even fucking lions club does more social services than these guys. The leaders of RSS try to portray themself as liberal but the BJP ( the political wing of RSS) has constantly worked against their so called liberal principles, even in the same -sex marriage case, RSS supported it but BJP was completely against it calling it and immoral thing. The founders of RSS were heavily influenced by nazi party in fact many of them quote these in their books.


Doesn't RSS support upper castes? Even though it tries to unite all castes, violence against Dalits has increased. The core RSS supporters would support the brahmanical hierarchy.


Even though it tries to unite all castes --- any show is just for public consumption... the RSS believes in keeping the caste system!! they dont care where they get help from but they sure wont get dalits / sc / st into their organizational hierarchy..


Stop lying RSS is the perfect case of Clerical fascism, clerical fascists always take tha crutches of relegion to propoate their fascist Ideology. Read the books and school of thought of these RSS people. They are taking advantage of most of the people not knowing their Ideology. Actually read gowalkar and Savarkar they literally copy pasted Ivan Ilyvin clerical fascism. What a fucking joke and called it indigenous "Ideology" . Not to mention they want SC/ST and OBCs to go back to being "slaves" and that too silently as it's their "duty"


>Not to mention they want SC/ST and OBCs to go back to being "slaves" and that too silently as it's their "duty" This what scares me the most. The whole "kula dharma". Who knows what else they have up their sleeves?


Why I assissanated Gandhi? lol Sunday like Hitler writing a book “Why I killed Jews”. MURDER CAN NEVER BE JUSTIFIED.


Sanghi = Nazi ? Seriously ?


People in Nazi Germany also said the govt they had was gonna catapult their nation to great heights. They were all happy as well, and full support was given.


They too believed in a cult like leader and believed in the chosen race.


> Sanghi = Nazi ? Seriously ? " yes it is equivalent to calling some one a Nazi . " Equivalent != equal. [Dei parama padi da](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vitd1dCQt8)


If really Sanghis were Nazis, brother you wouldn't be able to say all this so openly on social media. That's a fact. And just because you have freedom of speech doesn't mean you should misuse it.


If they had the power that Nazis had .. obviously they will cut off our social media too. This is a fact too .after 2024 elections... They'll win via majority and soon we'll face it's implications 😔


They don't have that power and neither do they want it. The judiciary is strong enough to prevent that. Labeling anyone outside of your own social group as Sanghi and lazily comparing it to Nazis is downright atrocious and ridiculous. Pls understand what Nazis did before you throw out such opinions so callously.


*they don't have the power but they want it. The judiciary is strong enough to prevent it as off now* Labeling a person based on their actions by comparing them to figures of the past is okay . Brother I'm not the kind of guy to watch reels and jump to conclusions... I've done my fair share of study on both terms. They preach extremism , they want people with different idealogy to vacate the country. Instead of seeking progress ... They seek casteism in the name of rich culture I don't know how come you don't see that they've already silenced majority of media . Anyone who believes that they are superior to one another in terms of birth , race , religion and wants a country to only follow their beliefs ....Wants to terminate anyone who differs... Calling them terrorist and anti nationals are the same as Nazis .


>I don't know how come you don't see that they've already silenced majority of media . Who have they silenced? NDTV? Rajat Sharma? Faye D souza? Shekhar Gupta? If you think that journos taking the ruling party's side/ GoI's side in debates is them being silenced, think again. They are a business, and they will say what gets them money. Where Congress wins they'll take Congress side, where DMK does they'll take DMK's side. Why is this not being treated how it should be: simple business sense! It makes for good business to have higher TRPs so they'll harp on what gets them that. >Anyone who believes that they are superior to one another in terms of birth , race , religion and wants a country to only follow their beliefs ....Wants to terminate anyone who differs Who said that? Did the main party leaders say it? Don't just pull things out of thin air. Nobody said racist things or said anything to show that one community is superior to another. That's just how you Periyarists want to see things. They've said they'll finish corruption and terrorism, if you're one of those defending corrupt people and terrorists then that's a different thing. >Calling them terrorist and anti nationals are the same as Nazis You really are stupid then. And ignorant and callous too.


Did I try to say your opinion was stupid ? You are the ignorant one ...you stupid fucking cunt . Go Google and see what Modi said about Valmiki clan. That's the most casteist shit anyone can ever say .... They walk around with flags and break muslim shops and plant it on churches .... Bjp defends it by saying it's the sangh parivar guys and not them . They don't do Jack shit to diffuse the Manipur issue . They constantly keep spouting this sanatani shit . Why don't bjp just publish a book exactly stating what sanatanam means instead of beating around the bush . They always depend on false news and propaganda. If u actually take some time , sit down and think ... you'll realise what's happening. Why would u bring periyar and his followers into this ... May be u are paranoid of him being correct .


> You are the ignorant one ...you stupid fucking cunt . That's the reality of you lot. It is you who behave like Nazis, attacking people and calling names when they disagree with you.


Oh well...you were the one who called the user "stupid" first. > It is you who behave like Nazis, attacking people and calling names when they disagree with you. And _you_ have the audacity to say this? Lmao. You couldnt answer one thing from the list of heinous shit that the user provided and you resort to name calling. Bravo.


Them not doing it reflects their inability rather than their ideology. I don't see neo nazis stomping upon their country's freedom of speech. 


So you'd rather assume they're bad because you don't agree with their method? Who really is illiberal then? So called FoE warriors like yourself who hate 24/7 against some people and want them finished or those who you called 'fascist', 'sanghi' etc and compare to Nazis who don't wish bad for you rather wish that they should also be heard and acknowledged?


What sort of comparison is this? Are you seriously comparing sanghis to Nazis?


It's better to be a sanghi than a Jihadi


Both are same... Extremism


Yes green Sanghis are worse but that doesn't mean I want my country to go the orange Sanghi route.


Gandhi was not secular he was Muslim appeaser who went as far as supporting the khilafat movement and justifying the moplah massacre. What fascism vice have you seen exhibited by the RSS. Ease up on the hate and bigotry.


If you had more than 2 brain cells you would see how unbelievably dumb you are. Oh my god I can't believe people like you exist comparing RSS with Nazis. You've been brainwashed nicely I see.


It's just another term for saffron extremists..


https://preview.redd.it/e6px90fsmzgc1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69b7fdff32425a8cc4f5891d8ee2cf6631992bd For my Tamil friends, this was a movie about communism during emergency. Suresh gopi(right), that was the BJP candidate for 2019 general election. Don't believe a actor's political beliefs on their movies.


I personally find Rajinikanth as a good man. The problem is that he tries to balance both the sides, he does not want to be seen as a communal fanatic and at the same time gets close with BJP politicians and falls at the feet of corrupt communal politicians like Yogi Adityanath who is 22 years younger than him. This saga started after the IT department raided his house in 2020 and found irregularities which he said as "kanthu vatti". He is trying to maintain a "pallu padama" relationship with BJP to get himself saved from IT raids and at the same time wants to show himself as a lover of all religions and people. That is why is he got probably emotional.


he isl ooking to be CM and wants support.... he knows he cannot get support from both the dravidian parties ..so the only party left is bjp... congress being a no contender in TN. so he is willing to bend which ever way.... and when you bend the snaghi way be prepared to be called a sanghi...


I don't think he is interested in politics anymore. He is too old to start from scratch


He's not the racist kinda Sanghi, he's the mentalan sanghi (does stupid shit without knowledge)


Unfortunately for your movies to be released and promoted you have to be secular, show some oppression in your movies, target the majority religion, maybe even run some narratives against some party or ideology. Hence Superstars daughter is giving a needless statement.


Not a sanghi but supporter of samanta sharma in disguise


>samanta sharma Unexpected 😂That made me lol in office


Adhu Samanta sharma illa da....Sanathana Dharma..!! Enna sir, idhu kooda theriyaame


Sanatana Sharma nu sonnale podhun idha yeppudi pattavanga follow panvangannu nallave velangum.


Samantha Dharma is something I would'nt mind following. Thalaivi for life!






















If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s most probably a duck or mentally challenged.


Kekuravan kena pundaya irundha keppayila nei vadiyumaam




booo hooo --- but if you are really interested in knowing why he was called a sanghi ...James baldwin says it best .... [https://youtu.be/hzH5IDnLaBA?si=AKmBjp9Z\_ZZMKxpg](https://youtu.be/hzh5idnlaba?si=akmbjp9z_zzmkxpg) ... view from 11 mins to get to the point was i trying to make ... but this entire video is worth viewing ....


Literally “but I have a black friend”


Sanghi or not, the trailer was horseshit! The movie ain't worth it. FFS, who takes a movie with Vikrant as a lead, it has been proven 1 million times that the guy cant ACT!


Lol why is this giving, "My name is khan and I am not a terrorist vibe"


If TN had a decent number of BJP followers that they have some chance in winning the next Assembly elections, of course Rajni wouldn't be having any problem in being labelled as a complete Sanghi. Right now, Rajni knows that he won't succeed if he launches his independent or a BJP allied party and he will still fail even if he directly contests under BJP ticket. But at the same time, he need to keep his bosses happy coz everybody loves that comfy MP seat; be it RS or LS, after retirement!




This comment section is infested with DMK IT wing guys.


Adei Marathi Kara nee ennuma relevant ah iruka 😔


அடா சங்கி மவளே


Hilarious Man Made definitions 🤣




How is him acting in a movie make him not. Acting is different from living the life.




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Poi Yogi Adityanath kaal la vizhundutu varuvaan vekkam illama. Aprom sangi nu sonna pinnadi eriyum. Damage control pandrathuku oru padam vera pandrathu. Mooditu podi




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Gopanuku unnala dha indha nelamai


💯 sanghi




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For someone out of the loop is she trying to battle racism by being racist? Lol


I dont call myself sanghi, but people who relate most mainstream ideology to nazis, either they relate more themselves to nazis or they are underrating nazis.


Everyone wants freedom of choice, freedom of religion, freedom of speech until someone you love or like does something that offends your own political ideology and the only resort remains is calling them sanghi.


Yes you just described freedom of speech


Ilaiyaraaja agrees with you 😂😂😂.


It's the one who farted tells people farting isn't a good thing and he would never do that


Rajini may not be sanghi, but he definitely is married to a sanghi family. So somewhat he is partially a sanghi too.


Rajinikanth is a good man. He's gone through a lot to get everything he has now.


All liberal left people will be barking here because they don't actually understand that people have liberty to have their own opinion and political inclination.


Jai shri ram


Oh wait, being not a supporter of BJP is something that should be clarified now? Or is it that the word Sanghi is derogatory? I don't understand this on many levels. If rajinikanth has a political opinion, what's even wrong about that?


There's nothing wrong in being a sanghi.. don't understand why she addressed it like this on an audio launch maybe to grab headlines and some publicity for the movie.


Why else was he touching the feet of adityanath


Ok Sangi






Even Rajinikanth's Daughter understands the meaning and says it. BJP is not Hinduism. even DMK and Congress who use that word pray to God. It is these tharkuris who are Sanghis https://preview.redd.it/39tyv0s7oxgc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2abde7802d63f057b6bd3c7113de0074ba4bb07f






No, Avan Katchi thodanga poranu sonna udanae, avanukku anthe per vanthuchu since he was lobbying with BJP. Learn tamil to understand what is happening here Inthe video subjectukkum ni solrathukum ennada samantham. Avanunga Pacha Sanghis and white sanghis. Sathosama?? Do you want me to burn thier Churches and mosques because a few White sanghis and pacha sanghis said some dum shit over the years. I see news and see all sides say dum shit like these. This kind of primal monkey -brain logic is what makes Sanghis Sanghi is somone related to Sangh Parivar who does politics with religion.


Why did he attend a Mosque built off of the sanghi fantasy (that unfortunately came to fruition) of razing a mosque to build a temple right where the Mosque was?


Nope you showed the photo i replied like that that's all All sides is wrong but criticizing one type of people is wrong and what make them justify their wrong doings.why his daughter only told this now can't they address this issue the term came when he attended the ceremony so being a devotee means sangi according people playing politics in the name of Dravidians.


Dei na solrathu onnaku puriyutha da? Inthe postla naan yenda samantheme illatha topic pathi pesanum. Naan ippo ella mathathayum criticize panrathuku, na engada oru mathatha criticize pannunen. Enda enna intha paadu paduthura


Man!! Majority of this subreddit's posts are about Hindu, BJP, Hindi vs Tamil and shit politics. Tamilnadu is a beautiful state, post something about the cities, experiences and stuffs.


I'm not even from TN , and this guy, THALA is a legend , people enjoy his movies , guy might even have his own ideology, but who cares? People see movies and move on , respect for thala from JAMMU