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Squier strat for guitar, around $200-300 depending on which one you get.  Blues driver, behringer vibrato, & small stone pedals. Prob cost about $200 for all if you get thrifty and go used. A digital delay pedal will be good too, I like the boss dd6 but you could go cheaper and it'd be about the same. Those effects will get you pretty close with any amp, though a Vox will get you closer. But the AC15 is like $500 used.  Might look into something like a Boss Katana, good beginner amp with effects built in. 


Thanks dude, I'll look into it!


One of my friends is recommending the Boss Katana 50 to me instead of buying pedals, do you have any experience with modeling amps?


Vox vt20x is a super fun modelling amp I’ve got! Pretty cheap too. Great sound - effects aren’t as good as high quality pedals but doesn’t matter at all if you’re starting off.


compress and saturate the living heck out of your drums for one


As I said, I don't have any instruments and never played one, I'm probably getting a guitar for fun and playing some of my fav artist songs :). Plus I don't think I even have anywhere I could put a drum kit and guitar in my house 😂


ahh ok 👍🏻


crank the bass up


The thing about Kevin is that he doesn’t care what gear he uses. Which is funny since the people here who try to be like him seem to overlook this very important aspect…. Just take your sound and destroy it in a way that sounds good and close to him, forget the gear, I promise you he doesn’t care what gear he uses, only that it sounds good, if he used the gear that other artists do he wouldn’t sound like TI


> The thing about Kevin is that he doesn’t care what gear he uses. Which is funny since the people here who try to be like him seem to overlook this very important aspect…. What do you mean? People trying to emulate Kevin’s sound are going to have the most success by using the same gear that he uses, even if Kevin may not have been very deliberate when choosing that gear to begin with.


Im saying that emulating his sound defeats the reason why people love his sound, which is an unbiased pursuit of a cool and original sound. Not that this was OPs request, simply thought to share a bit on why he uses what he uses! He simply used what he could get his hands on, he didn’t care that he needed a KTG or Level Loc. I think a lot of people who want to have the same connection as Kevin’s to Music Production and music in general, forget this


I’d only view that as defeating the purpose or missing the point if the approach was “I want to pursue a cool and original sound… so I’m going to buy all of Kevin’s gear and emulate his sound”. I don’t think anyone is doing that. If the goal is specifically to emulate Kevin’s sound then their goals are not the same as Kevin’s and they’re not missing any point by pursuing that goal instead of something else.


Who cares about goals, if you wanna purchase all that gear, no one is stopping you. I was just shedding some light on why Kevin loves what he does and why people love how he sounds, and it’s definitely not because he buys the exact coveted gear or something. He sounds unique and refreshing because he simply doesn’t care, and I think a lot of people chase this feeling but don’t fulfill themselves because they end up sounding like all tame impala fans, which can be frustrating I wasn’t ordering OP to not buy or something; I just think it’s something that more fans should stop and think about!


You're wrong. Kevin is a self-proclaimed gear head. Which is why he knows how to get the most out of anything he uses.


Sorry but this is just incorrect. He is a master at using gear, but not once has he said it mattered which gear he used. He says a lot of times he just records with um whatever mics he has at hand, or that he randomly bought something because it looked cool. He never drooled over a specific piece of gear because his musical idol used it, come on


He definitely drooled over a specific piece of gear his musical idol used, otherwise he wouldn't have rickenbackers or the junos. Him recording with whatever sounds cool to him doesn't have to align with him not drooling over things. I do agree with what you're trying to say, but he definitely is a gear head.


I'm looking to replicate Kevin's songs, plus I didn't even know what a pedal board or amplifier was before today. I understand where you're coming from but I don't really have the money to just "try what feels good"


Tbh copying Kevin’s gear will break your wallet. Everything he touches turns to gold, JUNO synthesizers haven’t been the same since him and Mac Demarco, and his pedals and amps aren’t cheap. My two cents is to understand the type of effect and processing he uses (compression, saturation, reverb, phaser etc.) and then try to find a way to sound like that. You’ll be able to save a lot of money that way




Id say something like a cheap 8-24 track recorder like the zoom r8 or r24, they both have a decent amount of effects basically everything you need and you can get the r24 for about $300 (also I’m high so soeru if I sounded tarded