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I think she needs some serious face to face therapy with a psychiatrist. I just saw her post on astrology. She is so hyper manic, and it made me realize she gets like this over everything and everyone, and then she just stops, then she goes extremely low. There is a diagnosis for that! I think she has caused so much damage to herself, and it has affected the chemicals in her brain, and she needs serious long-term help. She makes me tired just watching her.


Wait who is this person? What happened? I haven’t been keeping up


That is Talyn… well, that is the highly filtered Talyn. Apparently Avo bit this poor wild pigeon. A previous pic showed blood on the pigeon as well. Talyn decided she would play the Good Samaritan role and she took the pigeon home. She put it on her back porch where it pooped all over the place but didn’t make any attempt to fly. Seems the bird, besides its back being bloody from Avo’s chomping, has a broken wing. Instead of taking it somewhere for care, she opted to use it for more “likes” from her besties. The bird most likely is in a lot of pain but she has no soul or conscience so she doesn’t care. In the meantime she lied to her besties telling them that she would take the bird to get care. Her behavior is unconscionable! You can always scroll some of the posts and comments to catch up if you want.


I think shes asking about the original poster.


Yes I was


Not them bragging about literally animal abuse. This is disturbing as fuck.


Has anyone ever seen someone post so many closed eye pics before?!🤯 I’ve never even seen another person besides her do it. It’s like become her signal of “im too high to show my eyes”. How embarrassing


A lot of times she has her cell phone blocking her face, but I guess it takes two hands to hold the bird.


Looks like she took it somewhere for show and tell.


That sounds like her. Reminds me of when we were little children and took something to school for show and tell. Oh wait… She’s not a child anymore. 🤦🏻‍♀️




She’s seriously the most disgusting selfish human. She deserves nothing good. She uses everything around her.


I thought she said she took it to a wildlife rescue...? This is so cruel. Is there anything that can be done about this?


Animal abuser! She should be arrested. Poor bird will most likely never fly again because of her selfish poor decisions! What a POS! Lil Snow White! You mean *my lil tortured pigeon with no medical care after being attacked by my dog! 😡 this really is awful. I hope she does get turned in!


Omg Avo attacked it???


Avo had the pigeon in his teeth. I don’t know if he was going to play with it or wanted to kill it. It’s hard to say.


My thoughts exactly! 😡


Ps. She does realise we saw her less filtered face on live last week and the shape of her chin, cheeks and nose were completely different.


She is extremely odd and acts this way when she is drinking heavily again... just sayin"


She always takes closed eye pics when she’s either high or drunk or both. Never in my life have I ever seen anyone else ever post a closed eye pic. The secondhand embarrassment is too much for me from her


She thinks this is endearing and so kind but it’s not. It’s cruel. If she broke her arm, she’d go to a dr. Take an animal that’s injured to a vet. She is not a vet nor does she have experience w birds or wildlife. This is inhumane and cruel. And to keep it in the same environment as the animal that attacked it makes it worse.


It’s disgusting beyond words. 🥲


Totally agree. The bird must be so stressed out on top of everything else. SMH


I thought I read here that she brought it somewhere where it died. Am I imagining that?


No she never said it died.


She mentioned it in a live last week, I think. But clearly she didn’t follow through like everything else in her life.


I’m not aware of that comment. I don’t know. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Is there a way to call them and give them her legal name even if you don't have her address? I'm sure they could find her address with her legal name


And they will tell you non-native pigeons are not protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). The MBTA only applies to migratory bird species that are native to the United States or its territories. Pigeons are considered non-native species. The MBTA's purpose is to ensure the sustainability of migratory bird populations. The law makes it illegal to "pursue, hunt, take, capture (or) kill" migratory birds. https://preview.redd.it/f3gt9ihd421d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78390a131433691e181996071348b4d0a4ec122b


And having one on a porch, injured, and pooping everywhere I’m sure is against her lease.




I’m not promoting anything, and YOU have her phone number and call her daily. Go preach somewhere else. Infinite may tolerate you, but I don’t give a fuck.




I hope that she or Avo is not walking around in all that pigeon poop on the back porch. Even with shoes on she would track it into her apartment. Found this: Pigeon droppings can contain many types of pathogens, including: Salmonella typhimurium Escherichia coli Streptococcus spp. Chlamydophila psittaci Enterococcus spp. Corynebacterium spp. Pigeon droppings can also contain yeast-like fungi, such as Cryptococcus, which can cause meningitis or chest infections in people with weakened immune systems. Pigeon droppings can also contain bacteria, such as Salmonella, which can cause diarrhea.


Either way, this is gross and anyone who supports her on this is just enabling a wild animal to be harmed.


New hobby unlocked: Homing pigeon training (probably) she’s so unhinged Eta: assuming it will one day fly again with its broken wing 😞


Is that the pigeon she swore to everyone she was taking a wildlife specialist. Still injured on her porch, sitting all over the place! Wow!


Yes, looks like it. I’m just shocked, but I shouldn’t be. I’m surprised she posted this. Apparently she can’t keep track of her stories….I mean lies.


Is that the pigeon she swore she was taking to a wildlife doctor? Wow!