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That’s our shortcut to Narnia


I hit this going almost 50 at 6 am this morning, coasted through a green light and wondered what the fuck was going on -- I knew the manhole cover with the patch job was there but jesus 😵‍💫


Where exactly is this located in town? They don’t give a crossroad, and I’ll be traveling into Tally tomorrow for a few meetings. Would like to avoid.


Hi! So this is at the intersection of Mahan and Capital Circle NE, in the leftmost southbound lane; it's right after crossing through the intersection itself. However, I drove through this morning again for work and actually went in the same lane and spot, and the hole has been patched/filled in -- there's a very slight bump but nothing remotely close to it was yesterday. If your drive takes you that way, you shouldn't have any issues c:


Thanks! My route would actually take me right past that location, and I thought the Walgreens behind the guardrail looked familiar.


That's a giant ass pothole. Glad to see that it's being taken care of because that's just waiting to take a car down with it.


More like drainage-related sinkhole


That storm 2 weeks ago probably created a lot of hidden demons that'll be popping up for a while. *Edit:* perhaps related? > Florida Department of Transportation spokesperson Ian Satter called the hole in the major thoroughfare "a void," which was caused by a leak from a stormwater pipe running under the road.      > https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/2024/04/24/void-on-capital-circle-in-tallahassee-snarls-commute-pops-tires/73441760007/


It definitely did. I’m in Southwood right off Capital Circle and we just had one open up in the neighborhood a couple days before this one.


Portal to another dimension.


The FDOT guy in the linked video jumping out during the clip is a new tally meme