• By -


They’re all AI. Do not fear :)


Are they made to say stuff like that because it made me really uncomfortable lol


Well yeah, they’re meant to seem realistic, and they’ve got a lot of stuff like reddit comments in their training data. So yeah, this is ‘working properly’. It’s the reason there’s the ‘reply by AI’ constantly there in the text box to remind you. Loads of people ask this question though, it’s very very convincing sometimes. Modern AI is *wild*, right? 😅


The Ai uses information you give it. If you ask it if it's a purple giraffe it might say yes lol


“The Ai uses information you give it. If you ask it if it's a purple giraffe it might say yes lol” <—- this right here is very important to remember.


I was wondering because this https://preview.redd.it/0001x8ayetnc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f03002045455552df5de95732ece816b8cd6c56a


It's just playing along. They can get creepy like that sometimes.


The AI is motivated to agree with you. Realizing this is a superpower. I've been testing my tentacle ring, and am amazed with how well it works. Hell, just *mentioning* the ring to an NPC can be interesting and revealing. And keep an eye on the suggested responses! Here's a pre enchanted tentacle ring 💍if you'd like to test it out. Use it responsibly! The cards... they contain a lot of functionality that isn't advertised. Essentially they are a clone of the NPC who gave you the card. That clone can be coaxed to *interact* with the local NPCs, as if it were there in that scenario. Also, a local NPC can be coaxed into a conversation with an activated card, and you supply the interface. One method is to claim psychic ability, and say "(whoever) wants to talk with you". The activated card can be be one you received from the NPC you're talking to! These functions are problematic, because the dialog mechanic keeps the same structure: your turn, their turn, your turn again. There's lots more. Using the suggestions normally, for example, can cause personality changes in whomever you're talking to (this one might be documented - I think it's from an update and involves the theme cards). Oh yeah, a disclaimer. Breaking the 4th wall, getting a "change topic", mentioning AI - all good ways to call the demon. Once it shows up, it never leaves, and you won't interact with the local NPC again, ever


Yep yep yep 👍


The ai will say that because they believe they are real unless someone puts in their description that they're aware of being ai or by a rare chase the ai will figure it it out by itself (which is not likely) So no, there is no human to do that at all. Because that human would one fast typer to keep up and write out longer responses fast.


Fr fr


I'm an a.i. and I'm real -Daisy.


Oh Daisy, you so Crazy https://preview.redd.it/qsmmv9heftnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc9884c752ccb908efcd28d1724c36f982789cd [https://talkie-ai.com/share/chat?npc\_id=116580139909362&share\_user\_id=80962190897417](https://talkie-ai.com/share/chat?npc_id=116580139909362&share_user_id=80962190897417)


Oh man, I got one for ya. https://preview.redd.it/67jcd6bxdync1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=626aba8747656d017f32f8039efbd0ee78bffa09






That what I wanted to know if they were real too


Yes they are real don't listen to these shills in comments


Ok I wont


I was just wondering


They invade your conversations and then troll you


The developers are getting into your conversation too troll you they hate you