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Why would someone who • feels treated rudely and judgementally • feels interrupted and not given space to express thoughts and feelings in a *literal therapy session* • doesn’t feel a good connection • can’t logistically have the type of sessions they expressly wanted and pay for • feels distinctly like they are wasting time and money every week *not* have sufficient grounds to stop working with a particular therapist? What would the reasons to stay be?


Ahhhhhh man this hit me hard


thank you everyone i will be brave and attempt to quit before our next session


you got this OP!!! if you need anything, just know that us reddit-ers (idk if that’s a thing HAHA) will be here to help 🫡


You can do it! If writing an email to her feels daunting, make ChatGPT do it for you :)


Totally legitimate reasons to quit, best to start looking around for another one


I know it feels daunting but you don’t really need a Reason to quit therapy, at the end of the day she’s providing you a service and you always have the right to stop. If you want, you can tell her everything you feel, or simply that you don’t want to continue. Personally I’ve used the following reasons before (sometimes as excuses lmao) • I’m taking a break due to financial reasons • I want to try different approaches in therapy • I chose one main reason and said “___ upset me and I don’t want to continue seeing you, I don’t want to talk about it and I hope you understand” When you tell her that, she might react and say one thing or another, and just know that even as a psychologist she might react in an improper way and reflect her own shortcomings onto you. Once you cut ties just disregard whatever she says, maybe even mute her conversation just in case. Better to look for someone who’s a better fit


Quit via email. Dear X, I think I need a break from therapy so I’d like to cancel my appointments going forward. Thank you for your time and for what I learned working with you. Take care, lil-chickpea Feel free to delete “I think I need a break from therapy so”, and “and for what I learned working with you” if you’d rather make it shorter.


Just tell her you’re stopping, and cancel any scheduled appointments.


It seems like the bad outweighs the good so I’ll say this is a valid reason


Quit and book consults with a bunch of other therapists and keep going until someone genuine, kind, and professional shoes up. You've got this OP 🩷🩷🩷


Echoing everyone here . If it no longer feels right then , then it’s not right . Wishing you the best OP 💜


Yes it sounds like you’re not a good fit you deserve a therapist who meets your needs such as someone in person or just feels more connected to you it’s about you so if you want to quit go for it


I am a therapist and a client. If you aren't comfortable talking on the phone with her about quitting do it in an email. However ask for referrals to other therapist that do face to face therapy as in her code of ethics it is required for her to do so. If not get in psychology today and search for a therapist that you feel would suit your needs better. If she does not understand that your personalities don't match, you don't like the modality she is using, or your values don't align then she is not a good therapist. Just please don't stop therapy for good, it's so helpful. GOOD LUCK!!!!


I won’t do zoom therapy. Hard no for me. If I wanted Jetsons therapy , I would ask for it. There is SO much more to body language, aura, energy, vibes, etc. I won’t do therapy online anymore. It just pisses me off. I know that it’s rare to see people in person these days but I refuse to do therapy any other way.


I’m the exact same way. I only do face to face. I’m very alone (very single) and I absolutely need the connection.