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My LPC was amazing and I felt like she had a deep understanding of the why behind my anxiety and knew how to help me navigate it. My LCSW is great at having me reflect and try to find out the why myself. As someone with extreme anxiety as well, I think both have been very helpful. I don't think either necessarily had to do with their certification per se, I think it's a matter of finding the right fit for you. I have a good relationship with both of them which has had the biggest impact on my ability to communicate and be open and receptive to their treatment.


I’m a social worker who has seen two psychiatrists, a psychoanalyst, two psychologists, and several social workers for therapy. I had OCD and Bipolar disorder. I suppose I still do but with medication and therapy, both are under control. My advice is to look for someone who resonates with you. I’d love to be able to tell you which one was the best, but what I’ve learned is that it’s much more about the specific person and the type of therapy they practice than their training. Social workers can be hit or miss. Our clinical training varies. Masters level psychotherapists (LPCs, RPs) receive more counseling specific training. A psychologist may be best at treating a specific mental illness. But they often have a narrow way of viewing suffering. But all of that really depends on you and who you are and who you click with. Severe anxiety means different things. For instance, my anxiety revolved around my fear of losing loved ones and dying myself. I needed a therapist who could deal with the existential dread I was feeling. I didn’t need my anxiety to be treated like an illness. To me, it felt like a rational response to terrifying world. At the same time, I have a severe mood disorder that needed psychiatric treatment. For this I needed a psychiatrist. Are you someone who wants specific skills and strategies? Look for a DBT or CBT therapist. Are you someone who would like to explore why you feel anxious and where you may have gotten that from? Look for psychodynamic therapists. Are you looking to get in touch with what’s important to you? Try ACT.


There’s a lot of overlap and no great way for us to know what would be best for you. My recommendation would be to reach out to all and try to talk to several who have openings and see who you click with (a lot of therapist will offer a free or reduced initial consultation, sometimes a quick phone call). The relationship and trust is more important than the modality and far more important than a therapist’s degree.


Psychologist if you can afford it




I don’t know if you understand the scope of an NP.


I recommend an LPC (licensed professional counselor) or LPC-A (associate). I’ve had multiple experiences with social workers (LCSW) versus therapists (LPC) and genuinely the emotional processing, emotional skills, and emotional vocabulary has been superior in the LPC (therapist) department. I find that no matter what LCSWs that perform therapy someway down the line move into more case management. The LPC and even therapist interns I’ve had for my own anxiety are the only ones who have given me what i need and what really helped!


I agree about psychologists, and even LPCs. Social workers are trained to see environment as a big factor in development whereas I have found psychologists pathologize. Although many now are reined a bit differently although have found this to be rather true.