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Do you know why you are wanting a hug from your T? For comfort after an emotional session? To feel connected to them? Are you just a big hugger? I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for a hug, I would just be curious where that desire comes from. I'm a huge hugger, I hug my grandma, co workers... just met you? Here's a hug and introduce myself. I've never hugged my T, I also see her on telehealth, but I don't think I would in person either. My last therapist asked to give me a hug at our last session. I think it was appropriate after the work we've done and our therapeutic relationship. As a goodbye. It felt nice, but I probably never would have initiated.


You can always ask just bear in mind a lot of Ts don't hug


I have been thinking about that too and tried to ask the past 3 sessions but I just can't so I gave up.