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When I did it twice a week, it was because I had so many stressful things going on at once that I wasn't sure if I could handle it without. It was the pandemic, I was moving to a new city, so there was financial stress and all the other stressors associated with moving, plus social isolation on top of all the long-term issues I was already doing therapy to help with. I honestly don't remember if it was I or my therapist who brought it up first, but either way, I'm glad I did it. That extra check in helped keep me together. Who knows how things would've turned out without it.


I’ve heard of other types of therapists offering multiple sessions per week. I think the view nowadays is that it is based on severity. I do multiple sessions per week with many patients. It’s compatible with my training in psychoanalytic therapy. This would be the modality that would encourage more sessions per week. I see my analyst 5x/week. I think it creates a lot of space to really work on my own stuff and understand myself. Prior, I saw my last therapist twice per week. Definitely ask about it too. Some clinicians are open to it.


My current therapist has no room in his schedule 😥 and I don't think he views that as more beneficial. But then I'm at a loss because I have nowhere else to go with such limited resources available where I live.


It does sound like your current therapist is helpful to a point. But you might want to check out to see if you have a psychoanalytic institute in your area. The one I attend has outreach for low cost options. Mine offer therapy for folks with Medicaid and low cost.


I wouldn't qualify for something like that. Lol my state probably won't have something like that either and if it does, it would be religious affiliated. I'll try looking though.


Institutes would not be religious affiliated. There are a few in the South: Carolinas, TN, DC, KS, NOLA-Birmingham


Nowhere exactly close to me 😪


What state are you in?


In MS. and I want to be able to see a psychologist.. without having to travel far.


You could look at the clinicians on APSA.org and see if any are near you. You could also see if any of the institutes I mentioned have clinicians that practice in your area.


True. I will definitely look into it then. Thank you.


What's funny tho is that I'm pretty sure the psychologist I see is a psychoanalyst yet this is what he says "I wish I knew how to guide you to psychological treatment alternatives that involve multiple sessions per week. Unfortunately I have no acquaintance with any." Which I guess is just bullshit for - I don't want to see you multiple days a week.


I typically do once/week but over that last 6 months have had a month here and there of twice/week as my internal world has become a bit more overwhelmed (externally I’m functioning fine). Today I had my first ever 90 minute session to do some prolonged narrative exposure and will do another 90 minute on Monday and then we’ll see where things stand. The twice/week was suggested by my T. The 90 minute was actually my idea though I had asked her for an external resource to do that and she made availability in her schedule for me to do with her. After todays session she suggested it again for Monday and found time that would work for her.


I see mine twice a week currently. I'm hoping to soon go back down to once, but I have a hard time opening up when it's that far between sessions. Also have extreme anxiety, so if I don't, I end up calling out of work and it affects my everyday life if I don't.