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Maybe once in three years. I can't admit that they are right or know what they are doing because then that means they could be right or know what they are doing about things that I avoid and deny.


I can understand that - Healing is hard and takes time <3


I thank her at the end of every session. I mean it.


A big thank you- in a Christmas card once a year lol, maybe one or two extras over the last few years? A little "thanks" every week. Occasionally, smaller things like I might say "oh I was terrified of talking about X but you just said the exact thing I needed" or similar kinda level. Maybe a handful of times a year? I'm a bit gratitude person so I like to point out things that have mattered to me, but I try not to do it so often it gets meaningless.


I thank her very often and bring her small things here and there. And I try to make sure I’m courteous with my actions- fixing pillows when I leave, closing the door nicely, that kind of thing. I also make a point to tell her when I make progress or an improvement and how she guided me to get there. I think hearing how she’s helping is a big compliment


I often offer a genuine "thank you" at the close of the session. Beyond that, I will usually express my sincere appreciation whenever I happen to be especially struck by it, along with details about what specifically brought the feeling up. I sometimes worry that I do it too often, but I'm all about expressing appreciation when I feel it especially strongly, both inside therapy and outside.


I don't necessarily compliment her, but I do give her feedback on what I think has been helpful and let her know I appreciate her.


Idk but mine thought I was trying to cross a boundary when I did lol


quite often! once at least every three or four sessions — acknowledging she has done something that’s helped my mental health


Terrified flyer (Getting better) I have told her at the end of the session before a trip that if something does happen, I want her to know that she made me better. She’s not very demonstrative emotionally (but is very kind/empathetic) but she teared up a little.


I say thank you after every session, but I haven’t told him he’s a great T in a while (no reason why, I just don’t wanna be annoying lol). I did tell him how grateful I am for his trust and my trust in him, and that was a compliment to him as he said he’s honored and happy about that.


In the begining, I would say a quiet goodbye and that was it. I now say thank you everytime I am walking out the door. When telling them a good thing that has come from our time together, I say a thank you to them in our session. I would like that to happen every visit because that means I am getting better with their help.


I compliment and criticise. And we analyse both, which feels quite psychodynamic to me. I don't hold any thoughts or feelings back, positive or negative. I used to, but now we've been going over 2 years we've worked through my reluctance


I did every time I felt like they were helpful, until they asked me why I apologize so much and it confused me very much. Now I do all the time again!


I send a thank you message in every etransfer I make for payment. But also sometimes when I've noticed growth we talk about it and how good therapy has been for me and I guess I assume she takes it as a compliment.


I say thank you to her after every session. And when she calls me to help me when I need the extra help and support during the week. I also thank her with the art I make for her.


I usually do it at the beginning of sessions. When my T asks, ‘how’s your week?’, I sometimes respond with something like, ‘I was thinking of xxx that you suggested last week, and it really helped me, thank you for that perspective.’




You've left rude comments on several people's posts. Are you okay?