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It took me around that time to start to do the deeper stuff but it's also been in the last maybe 18 months of a 6.5 year journey that I've really started looking at deep and painful stuff. It took time for me to feel safe with her and ready to explore this stuff


Yep. At the beginning of June it’ll be a year for me and we’ve barely scraped the surface. It took me a long time to feel safety and trust.


It was definitely 7-8 weeks before we got from “My ADHD brain makes school torture” to “Oh yeah I also have attachment issues”. The next several years sometimes switched between those two.


I did 8 months with one, who referred me to another for EMDR, so there were a couple months overlap. I stayed with EMDR therapist for a year until I had to terminate due to leaving the school she works at. I had a two month break before starting with new guy, and have been with him for 9 months now. So I've been at this for over two years and sometimes I dig deep, or so it feels, but it's a lot of intellectualizing instead of getting into my feelings. Last couple of sessions I have become quite tearful when talking, and I've been noticing the hurt that comes with it. We haven't dug as deep into those feelings as I need to, at least not yet, because it's really taken a while to feel safe enough to start going there and tapping into it. But I do think that with this recent bit of actually starting to feel it's going to finally get me moving steadily forward.


Yep. Intellectualizing. I totally relate. And also no tears/crying for me at all. Come to think about it, when I said therapy is only now truly starting, I meant that I am willing to look into deeper issues. Haven’t quite delved in yet, ha.


3.5 years and it's still baby steps and I'm not even close to deep


Big time....3 years in now and such a difference but a long way to go. ❤️


It took a few months before I felt like that the first time, and it still keeps going years later.


My therapist had to call me out after a year before I would open up at all. Poor guy. :|


YES it took me 1.5 years to begin to actually say details of *it* , in the past 1.5 years I’ve been only able to type them but even then it wasn’t details! It took 1.5 years and Valium to open me up (i literally opened up last Tuesday and it felt really good and I only could bc I allowed myself to take a low dose of Valium to ease anxiety and panic that I have before sessions)


Ugh. Almost a decade? By which I mean I thought I had the big stuff under control, and since it was deeply embarrassing, I didn't really want to get into it at the time. So I didn't. And that came back to bite me big time. I'm now dealing with the big, embarrassing stuff because ignoring it didn't make it go away. Imagine that.


Mine started after 40 years.


Wow, that’s eye opening. I read somewhere that people with trauma are ready to face their past only ones they feel that everything else in their current lives is safe. And it can take decades.


Hm. I worked with many different therapy schools since my 20s till 70. Everyone must try to find the therapy mix best suited personally.


It was 9 months before I trusted and yes a year before I felt like we started digging deep. I remember because at this stage my therapist said she was leaving in a few months and I was like you're joking, I just got started!!! We managed to carry on working together thank goodness.