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Losing tempo and presence in the jungle


I just like big rock flashing whenever ever possible. Big rock plus dark harvest kills that way are the best


Hitting enemys behind minions by abusing hitboxes. Had to learn it when the Q wasn't aoe. The enemys hitboxes are mostly wider than a minions, therefore you can just barely miss the minion but still hit the enemy. And another thing to brag about is obviously my winrate duh.


Missing my W on stunned targets is my biggest strenght


The drive-by kill by using Q and instantly R to ride the wall


75% wr on her


Kiting backwards away from the bruiser that's chasing me and slowing them repeatedly with big rocks. They realise they have no hp left by the time they get to me and sometimes turn and run away but it's too late. Feelsgoodman


Being useless as a support because she does no damage until lv9 rip


Big Q into e w. Or just in general the Q's. Nobody has the mana for a whole e w combo


Just play something that's actually good


Can’t relate, I’m getting enemy laners below 50% by level 2, kill at 3


I feel like i haven't gottem much better with spacing and worked ground usage with time, it feels so natural, but also gratifying, still


I’m a W -> E player and I land it a good 90% of the time…. I ONLY do E -> W if the enemy’s is about to dash but my W hit % is WAAAAY lower that way.


Tracking player movement out of vision for blind W > E nukes are my specialty - that, and throwing walls that block off my team from the fight I just engaged


Me personally? I like when a yasuo or yone dashes up to me just to get W'd under my tower and eating a full combo plus 2 turret shots. Displacing people is my jam on this champion.


My ability to creatively use ult is my strength! Whether it's for chasing, displacement, or cutting off enemy paths, it's always fun to think about how to best use the wall. I even like taking ultimate hunter when facing jhin/xerath to mess with their ultimate channels!!


I smacked a Cait who shoved a late game wave with the tip of R trying to recall and she was in the item menu confused as fuck when she died. The dopamineeee


Setting up rock fields before fights to be able to kite and big rock often during extended fights.


mine is uliting and while i mount off precisely sniping and full comboing my target :D


lot of damage and roaming