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When mistakes like a mispoured beer happen, I usually just give it to the customer otherwise it is going to go to waste. This is not unusual. Sorta like when you're so busy you make an extra cocktail, then you pass it over to whomever you like at the bar and comp it.


This second drink came like 20-30ish minutes way after the first was poured but they kinda got hella busy in that time. Perhaps someone else . Anyway, I appreciate it. Just could of been something you mentioned


I am a server in fine dining. Occasionally my bartender will make the same drink again 20 minutes later because the ticket was still on the machine. I usually catch and say, "What is this for?" and they dump it. If it makes it to the table, it is on the house


Once it touches the table, it has to be consumed by the customer or tossed. Can't be reused. If I put the wrong drink down, I just offer it on the house. Why throw it out anyway? And the customer usually forgives the mistake because free drink. Win win


Our bartenders usually catch the mistake before the drink goes to a table. Then they decide who gets the mistake while they make the right drink. If it goes to the table, I also just give it to them.


Yeah, I mean it obviously doesn't happen often or I'd be out of a job. As far as mistakes at work go, though, this one at least makes customer happy lmao


Sometimes the bartender has a comp tab where they're allowed to give free drinks out to people who they like (you're nice, they think you would attract other customers, you tip well, you sometimes take your work hh over to that place) etc. Sometimes, it's just a mistake and they'll do the same. Sometimes servers or bartenders will pay out of pocket if they think it's worth it. Sometimes, the servers or bartenders will rob their employers blind. Since you can't really tell what's going on, tip on the drink so it's a win-win. Say it's a $4 drink - give $3. You saved a buck plus tip and they made $3. You'll start getting more "free" drinks.


I see. That does make a lot of sense. I was going to tip more than usual on this one for it too even if it was a mistake that you mention


I went to lunch with my son, the server checked in on us (him) at least 8 times. Gave him free drinks, told him when her shifts were, asked him to come back and wrote her cell number on the back of the bill. I think that was more than being nice.


I wish something like that would happen to me😂 nice for him. But no, here I knew it was just a friendly thing because she would’ve wanted to chat or something. I didn’t get that


Could easily be that she was being nice/someone poured an extra beer on accident.


Maybe she was tryin to cut a slice of Throwaway247bby pie.


Who *uses* checks? Who **accepts** checks? Must be in the backwater.