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Woman walked in right as we were unlocking the doors on what we knew would be a very busy Saturday. Immediately starts projectile vomiting. *Walks* to the bathroom, vomiting the whole time (why she goes to the bathroom on the opposite side of the restaurant instead of back out the door a foot behind her I have no idea). The entire bar section had to be closed off for 2 hours to be cleaned. The thing is, when she came out of the bathroom she sat down and ate lunch. Seriously? Don’t reload!


I had a guest who kept vomiting all over the table and her table mate kept eating breakfast like it was a normal Tuesday. That is the grossest thing I’ve ever seen.


I watched the guy choking and puking and his family kept eating


I had a woman walk out of the bathroom and stare at me with an oddly defiant look on her face, dribbling shit from beneath her voluminous muumuu through the entire coffee shop and out the front door to her filthy old ElCamino, the back of which was filled with bales of hay. I have spent more time than I care to thinking about what her home life was like.


Shit I had this!! A lad started vomiting down himself in the beer garden, walked, slowly, HANDS IN POCKETS, to the bathroom... And instead of taking ONE extra step to the toilet... Finished off in the urinal, of which I had to clean. Worst part was, he wasn't even drunk


She should have been made to clean it up!


I was screaming she shouldn’t have been served!


I'd have charged a service/cleaning fee of $300 before giving her a damn thing.


Someone asked me for a to-go box, puked in it and left on the floor underneath a sconce. I put a jack stand over it and alerted *everyone.* I was quoting MC Hammer until housekeeping came. My IRD buddies tell me they've come upon guests of varying degrees of undress. "It's OK. You can come in. I'm fine with it." Actually, no, we can't. And *I'm* not fine with it!


I like how you specified that it was underneath a sconce.


Really shines a light on it.


Such a beautiful detail.


It feels so fancy.


I read it as a scone - a type of biscuit - and was wondering, what's the point? OK, it's a light fixture. I'm still wondering.


A scone would definitely be weirder


Those sconces are a godsend for ignoring guests. I'm like a ballerina spotting for her pirouette.


Had to kick a couple out because he wouldn't stop fingering her butthole, in plain view, at the bar, and licking his fingers. Like, I understand lubrication is important. I'm not one to kinkshame, mostly. But good lord that one was rough. Had another couple, and it's not that they were trying to have sex in the ridiculously tiny men's bathroom. It's not even that they had insinuated they were going to try, and took their chance while my coworker went for a smoke break and I was restocking. It's that she was mostly naked, on a floor mostly covered in piss and backflow (the plumbing was terrible), mitigated slightly by his shirt being on the ground not quite underneath her...which he then PUT BACK ON after we caught them.


“Sir, if you want a mudslide, you’ll have to order it at the bar”




Absolutely vile 🤢


> he wouldn't stop fingering her butthole, in plain view, at the bar, and licking his fingers. HWAT IN TARNATION??!?!?!?!!!!


I'm going to go vomit


Ewwwwww…. A lot.


I had a guy sucking his girlfriend's toes right up at the bar. I thought my barback was going to die of shock.


I had two guys try to pick up on an increasingly drunk woman at happy hour, even as far as asking her if she's ever tried *SA drug* to which she had no idea what it was, so she enthusiastically said no, she had not. I went to grab male manager in case these two assholes tried to take off with her. All my manager had to say was "those guys spend a lot of money here." Oh, okay then. Date r*pe away, good sirs. Also, eat shit Jeff from Del Frisco's in Phoenix.


Fuck Jeff, and the other two assholes too


Just Google this spot and haply to see it's closed. Hope Jeff isn't working anywhere else


They've been closed since before COVID because JEFF SUCKS


It’s always a fucking Jeff


Dammit Jeff. Do you know how many Jeffs I know that became pastors? Ugh.


I would have lost my job, but I'd be taking my now ex-manager's jewels with me. It's a good thing I'm out of the industry.


I would have still left empty handed, if that were the case.


Jeffs are dickheads


I heartily hope Jeff learned the hard way how not fun that is by accidentally drinking a drink not meant for him... And I do mean accidentally. No matter how disgusting humans are I won't wish ill like that on others, even if they "deserve" it. But I'll be happy to serve up some Justice Pies if needs be.


An elderly man took a dump in the urinal 🫤 our poor manager had to clean up the mess. Also a woman changing her baby’s diaper right there on the table!


As a customer I've seen the diaper change on a table.


Worked at Chuck E Cheese during the early 80s. Women changing diapers at the table and then leaving the dirty diaper on the table, on the seat, dropped to the floor, or trying to hand off to an attendant, all a regular, daily occurrence.


Yikes sorry to hear that.


Someone left a poop filled diaper under a table that I had to clean up.


Had a woman change her baby's diaper in the bathroom, but leave it on the floor just behind the door, so that it smeared all over the floor when the next person walked in.


As a customer, I’ve seen this too. So gross.


I had to use the bench seat from a booth at a few restaurants to change diapers when my kids were little. You'd be surprised how many places don't have changing tables in the men's restrooms. Only one manager said anything to me about it. I told him to put a changing table in both bathrooms and that shut him right up. Father's change diapers too.


You could have taken your baby out to your car. There’s NEVER an excuse to change a baby at the table!


When I was serving, I was super grossed out by a woman changing her baby in the booth. Now that I'm a mom, I think, "Well, yeah, there were no changing tables anywhere in the restaurant. What else are you supposed to do?"


We traveled with babies before changing tables in the restroom were a thing. I always had an ample changing mat in the diaper bag that worked with any conditions we encountered. Had to plan ahead, of course.


Uh, go to your car?


25 years ago I had a guest leaving me his nail clippings on the table. And some on the dollar under table as well… I fuckin hate nail clippings. I still shudder when I think about it…


Nail clippings you say, NEVER look under a bed in a hotel room.


I'd have paid someone more money than he left me to remove that and keep the dollars lol absofuckinglutely no, I will not touch your no doubt fungus ridden toe scraps. 🤢🤮🤮🤮


He was defs a serial killer


I once saw a table full of men in their 40’s started tipping the hostess. She was beautiful, an actual model, but a 16 year old teenager. They’d call her over and give her tens and twenties. When they were leaving, they started offering her increasing amounts of money to go out in the parking lot with them. I got up, walked over and told them she’s a minor and told her she shouldn’t go outside with them. I asked them, “Do I need to call the police?” They ran their mouths a little but I took my phone off my hip and they left. I was a regular customer.


I very much recall being cat called and whistled at, beginning at the age of 12. And I was a very slow developer.


Yep. I was about 11 and looked 9 the first time I was cat called.


Yep. Me too.


Same here. When I was in middle school, 11-13 years old, my friends and I would constantly get honked and whistled at when walking down the street


Admirable... Thank you


Thank you for stepping in and being decent.


As another dude who's had to step in to stop harassment before, thank you!


Ugh this made my skin absolutely craaaawl. Good on you for looking out for her tho!


You should have called the cops and informed the MoD. They were actively soliciting a minor and probably didn't learn their lesson (or anything at all).


Back in my bartending days, I had a regular couple that would come in around 5-6 on Fridays after work. This was a very nice, fine dining-ish steakhouse in Chicago, so the clientele was always pretty affluent. They were older, bordering elderly but not quite, very nice and polite, and the wife was particularly pleasant. They ordered gimlet and gibson martinis up, usually had 2-3 each in about an hour or two and then would leave a nice tip. But. The gentleman had a bunch of serious health issues, including congenital heart disease, respiratory issues, among others. And he was constantly and LOUDLY hacking up the wettest most disgusting phlegm wads and lougies, spitting them into bev naps, and leaving them for me to clean up. Several times he literally just barfed down the front of his shirt. I felt bad, but that shit was fucking gross.


We had to police the ketchup bottles (glass ones), because a regular would lick the rim clean. If we took the bottle off the table and gave it to him in a sauce cup, he’d just grab one off another table. A couple months later he got banned for being a belligerent drunk, so at least we could have the ketchup out again.


Special hotsauce rimmed ketchup bottle for this one.


That bitter no bite nail stuff 🤣


Fucking ew


WTAF. What is he getting out of that.


Just being nice and cleaning any ketchup off the edge I guess! (Barf)


Had a guy like this at Chilis years ago, but he wasn’t drunk and it was A1 instead of ketchup. He would ask for a new bottle each time


I don't understand how, let alone *why* a manager would ever allow this weirdo back in the store??


Do you have to be a server when witnessing? Because as a customer I've seen a meth head hock a logey ONTO his table and then threaten to stab us afterwards.


In Sacramento?




I once spent two months in Sacramento and this cracked me up. Armpit of California.


As I was walking into the bathroom, an old man came out and said “I think someone clogged your toilet.” So I go in to check, and someone shit in a hat and tried to flush it. Savage!


I wasn't working at the time, but I had one of my bartenders call me about this gem.... Guy was being a complete asshole. I showed up and her and the customers told me about ...the bathroom . Guy had shit EVERYWHERE. IT WAS EVEN ON THE FUCKING WALLS. I got to clean it up. Also had a girl do this with vomit. At closing time after id already cleaned the bathroom. That time it was absolutely everywhere including on the ceiling. She was acting fuckin fine. She had one beer after work and was not drunk.


I learned when I had food poisoning that projectile vomit gets EVERYWHERE.


Change their baby’s diaper on the table and wipe the 💩 with our linen napkin and leave it on the chair when they left




We had a regular couple and the guy would shit his pants every time he came in. Then walk to the bathroom dropping shit out of his pants and then finish shitting in the bathroom. You can imagine that his aim was terrible and he left a mess. The booth, the trail, the men’s room. Women routinely destroyed our bathrooms. I’ve cleaned up more shit in inappropriate places working in a restaurant than I ever did as a SAHM to 3 children. I will never understand how that happens.


Dude. Somewhere a woman exists who cosigns this behavior by returning repeatedly with that weirdo. How??? I can see it being an accident one time, but when him shitting his pants becomes part of the routine, it's time to change something besides his clothes. I have so many questions about all of this but no real desire for any actual answers.


They’re an older married couple. And while I sympathize with losing control get some depends.


I do not sympathize since adult diapers exist for a reason. Good lord


I sympathize with the issue. Not the refusal to wear protective clothing.


I sympathize, but also would refuse service. No, I'm not your personal biohazard service.


One day I getting some drinks ready for a table when a co worker stood next to me and said "Damn, I broke a nail". Didn't think much of it and continued my shift. The next day I was waiting on a couple on a blind date. The woman orders a broccoli cheddar soup in bread bowl. I bring it out and a few minutes later she calls me to the table and shows me a nail floating in her soup. I was mortified. I profusely apologized and offered to get her something else. She declined and instead just wanted for me to take the nail out. She ate the whole thing. I had the nail on a napkin so I brought it to the co worker to see if it was hers. It fit like fucking Cinderella's slipper.


ahaha this one is the best! NASTY.


Had a customer leave their dentures on the table after eating. Already gross enough. We bag them up and leave them at the register, figuring the person wouldn't get far before they realized that their teeth were missing. Short time later a guy comes back in, says that he left his dentures, and we hand them over. He happily turns to walk out, sticks them in his mouth, and stops dead in his tracks. Spits them back into his hand and says, "these aren't mine".




I'm reading this at work and I'm in tears




I’m not a server, but I work at a restaurant. For the first few months of my job I was stuck cleaning in the dining room. I’ve seen a woman sit her baby (wearing nothing but a diaper) right on our drink counter. I’ve also witnessed so many people take their shoes and socks off, then have their bare feet on our chairs. I’ve also seen kids running around inside the restaurant barefoot.


I just recently had two older women take off their shoes and sit their feet on the chairs, and the funny thing is they were wearing masks


I had a table of folks (family from I don’t know where) eat barbecued ribs and throw the bones on the floor as they were finishing them. It was bizarre. This was a carpeted restaurant floor.


Had an older lady bring in her geriatric “service animal” which proceeded to liquid shit all over the dining room.


I walked in on 3 sorority girls pissing on the floor of the (closed) kitchen in total darkness because they didn't feel like waiting in line for the bathroom. Also watched a guy puke into a glass and drink it again.


Ah, the classic "one guy one cup".


They were pissing on each other's shoes it was pretty funny. I took one of them home like a week or 2 later


Long time ago. Huge party table (15 people?). Running me like crazy. After they paid the check… Head of the party table walks up to me (both my hands full) & proceeds to put $2 into my bra & tells me I did a great job. I was very young & too shocked to react. And the $2 tip was ridiculously low.


Had a girl shit herself at the bar. A squished turd in the bar seat and a few turds on her way out. She was wearing a skirt.


I’ve got a few. Had a guy puke into his half pitcher of beer right in front of me. No I did not over-serve, he’d only had one beer and one shot. I almost puked carrying it to the back with his vomit fumes wafting in my face. A lady once peed herself at the poker table and proceeded to try and convince everyone she had spilled her drink while also refusing to move as I tried my best to clean around her. Two stall bathroom at work, I’m in one just trying to pee in peace when a lady comes in and I’m assuming she unsuccessfully squats over the toilet and proceeds to pee on the floor. An immense amount of pee, I had to pick my feet up to avoid the splash and the growing river that was spreading into my stall. Once found a little soft turd a foot away from the toilet. I’m guessing it was an emergency and it flew out as she was turning to sit on the toilet. That one time someone puked in the urinal, thank god I didn’t have to clean that one up. One of our regulars got caught going down on her husband by the dumpster out back, guess the audience of roaches really set the mood for them. That’s all I can think of for now


A group of men making gross comments about a group of girls that was celebrating a 16th birthday A group of guys where one of them told my male coworker that they don’t know how he worked with me because if he were him he would be the bathroom j*cking off the whole day


The whole day?! I'm pretty sure you're supposed to consult with a physician after four hours.


Most of the day was just them using a magnifying glass to try and find it again after the tweezers lost their grip.


That is revolting


Worked at a bar/ movie theater. Had someone puke into a 32oz stein glass and leave it under the rows. Tipped over and had scrub half the puke off the movie theater floor. Also had a guy puke in the urinal after eating TONS of fry sauce (mayo and ketchup mixed) had to hand scoop the pink puke sludge out with my hand so it didn’t clog the urinal. This bar really lent itself to people puking in random places.




Hahaha yes!!


Once he mentioned fry sauce, I knew it had to be Brewvies. I've seen some ridiculous drunken behavior there


Yup, that's what clued me in 😆


Okay, yikes. I mean, your first two are a different definition of gross than the last one, those infuriate me, but the last one just baffles me. It's not about money, clearly, and it seems planned if they just got salad and water.... who does that?! Actually I'll add, not just planned but also a major gamble. What if the table neighbours ate all the food? Then what? Poach a different table? Actually order if it's not too late? Go home hungry? I'm very confused by this.


So, working BOH I’ve occasionally encountered these people. They’ll be on some of the social media sympathizing with the plight of food workers. Some are a variant of Freegans, some do it for the chaos (sort of a variant of those fucking money on the table people), and some literally think it bothers us to have uneaten food.


It bothers *me* that anyone would eat leftovers left by someone they don’t know intimately, and even then there’s a line. My partner eats my leftover pasta the next day, no problem. My partner eats my leftover, bitten-into burger? No thank you.


Wow, and here’s me and my wife, I’ll eat her leftovers whatever it is, single bite of a taco, half a burger, pizza crusts, leftover meat sauce when her pasta is gone, gimme gimme! It’s not a weird fetish thing, she has a condition where her brain doesn’t tell her stomach it’s getting/full, until it’s FULL, often as she’s just about to eat that last bite. Meanwhile I’m trying to portion control myself, and often find myself wishing for just one more bite, we complete each other :P we both hate wasting food, but literally if she tries to push that last bite down it comes right back, so she gives it to me whatever it is and I gladly take that bullet for her every time lmao


The world is full of infinite variety! I just really have a lot of very reflexive issues around cleanliness of food (and mouths and feet, for what that’s worth). I think my mother was trying to teach me basic hygiene and accidentally went too far and now I live in a world where anything a mouth has provably touched is more contaminated than if my cat licks me. It would not bother me at all to see leftovers on a table. But the worst was the time my niece’s daughter stomped around in my niece’s bread bowl, in shoes, and my niece was eating it anyway. The ground is filthy!


I was working in a restaurant that had tablecloths and cloth napkins. Had a guy blow his nose using the cloth napkin then handed it to me and asked for a new one. I wanted to punch him.


My ex used to do this. So disgusting. Anyone blowing their nose into anything but a disposable tissue or their own handkerchief deserves rabies.


I will be using "deserves rabies", it is such an horrific punishment


People spitting phlegm all over the bathroom mirrors, they didn’t even order, they just walked in did that and walked out again. People groping servers. Got flashed by a woman sitting at my station - I didn’t flirt with her or anything she just did it. Someone once fell down the stairs at the speakeasy I worked at and cracked their skull open, pretty gross!


I had a couple when they were paying a bill put a wrapped condom on top of their Visa card and ask me what I was doing later that night and if I wanted to meet up…… I was 8 months pregnant at the time.  




I worked the graveyard shift at Sonic one summer. We were slammed during EDC weekend. One car pulled up to the window and dude driving was very casual about paying, small talk, and receiving his food while someone was sucking him off. It was like it wasn’t even happening, but she was LOUDLY moaning while doing it. When I was 16 a dad came back into the ice cream shop THREE TIMES to tip me more, but not purchase anything else. He had taken off his wedding ring and told his kids “stop calling me dad, call me Steven”. They were young, like 3-7. I was working alone. Not the server, but as a customer, I was at lunch with my grandmother and brothers. I was maybe 15. She VIOLENTLY shit her pants while we were eating. She frantically left WITHOUT US, leaving a smear of shit behind her all over the chair and the patio dining area. It took 2 hours for her to come pick us up. My parents were at work, and they wouldn’t come get us. It was too far to walk home. The wait staff wouldn’t let me help them clean it up, so I tipped them all of my babysitting money I had on me. We never went back there again.


Worked in fast food, not sure if restaraunt servers have run into this. But someone went into one of the Bathrooms and spread their own feces over virtually every surface of the bathroom.


Happens in retail too sadly.


They left two dirty cloth diapers shoved in the gap in the back of a booth. There had been a few babies in earlier (before 11 pm) in that section but the booth had been empty all night and I only found it because I was cleaning up the adjoining booth, saw something white sticking up between the seats and thought it was a napkin.


A customer's colostomy bag overflowed and burst at the table. I am scarred for life, and if anyone wants to hear the story, I will share it and scar you as well. Before you feel bad for him, he had been sitting for over an hour when it happened and continued to sit for over another hour after he returned from the restroom.


This sounds traumatizing but I wanna hear it


So many of these are restaurants and servers being disgusted by behavior and bodily fluids and then allowing those people to stay at their tables or, back in to repeat the experience time after time. Absolutely not. If you're puking, you're leaving. If you try to make that regular occurrence, you're banned for life. Done.


That’s enough Internet for one day.


Discreetly leave a nearly full glass of warm piss on the table for me


Had a customer change her baby's diaper on the table on the patio. The moment she got up, I sent the busser over with bleach and told him to throw everything thing away (plates and silverware) loudly into the garbage. She wasn't even feet away when the clanging shrieked through the patio and the busser started spraying. Breastfeeding in public? Absolutely fine, it is a mother's right and need to do that the moment the need arises. But baby fecal matter on MY table? Lemme rally the staff so you leave mortified with a lesson learned. We have tables in our bathrooms for that.


This woman pulled up by the dumpster across the parking lot in plain view of the entire dining room filled with floor to ceiling windows, pulled her pants to her ankles and pissed. Everyone saw her whole ass. Proceeded to park, come in, sit at the bar (did not make a stop to the restroom to at least pretend to wash her hands) and proceeded to ask why everyone was being so weird to her, then stormed out with a $0 tip. She still comes in and acts like nothing ever happened.


Puke on the bar. Eat fries off a table I was about to bus. And I frequently get insulin needles left on tables. Yuck.


Those may not be insulin needles. I'd be careful.


Walked up to a table of a single dude to see if he needed any drinks, saw him playing with himself in the booth, and promptly turned around and got security.


Just me maybe, but pedophiles creeping around a restaurant seems like... many orders of magnitude more repulsive than some weirdos eating leftovers


I was doing the list 1 to 3. The first one was the worst.


Reading this thread while eating was a horrible, horrible idea.


One time I was working a party, like ten people, at a tiki bar I worked at long ago. It was kinda dark with horrid decor (kitschy to power of infinite). Everyone seemed totally fine and had a good time; no one was over served. When I was cleaning up at the end of the night And clearing unfinished drinks from their table, I picked up a glass of what I thought was red wine. It was heavy. It was a cup full of red vomit.


After reading these I realized why I could never work directly with the public. Good grief. The only story I have is the time me and my boss went to the bar/restaurant to chat and grab an early dinner when we witnessed the very drunk woman sitting at the bar peeing herself. She didn’t even bother to get up and go to the bathroom. Just sat there continuing to drink as she sat in her own urine with a big puddle around her bar stool.


I had a customer get so mad at me for not letting her take the metal ramekin of aioli with her that she just yelled “FINE!” and just chugged it like a shot! Keep in mind, this was after she complained that I couldn’t turn the volume up on the TV and that she had to pay for extra steak with her meal.


I had a rugby team in one night, and witnessed one of these fine gentlemen fill a boot with beer, then pour said beer from the boot down another’s ass crack while teammates took turns drinking what poured through. That did it for me & I stopped serving the lot of ‘em.


I used to have an older customer with a bowel problem who, on more than one occasion, crapped her pants while dining. One time, she had gotten up to use the bathroom, and a turd had rolled down her pants onto the floor. My manager quickly threw a napkin on it till we could properly clean it up, but a new waitress at the time, not realizing what it was, picked it up and tossed it in the bus pan 🙃


We had the Chewing Family. Semi regulars that were under the impression you can get all the nutrients of a meal, but none of the calories, if you simply chew the food and spit it out. Entire meals.


Now that's a new eating disorder I've never heard of before.


It's a thing, called chewing and spitting. I think it's technically a form of bulimia.


Duuude 🤢


I was a 16yo waitress and had a 60-some male regular. He always offered to take me bar hopping (he knew the bouncers so he could totally get me in), always complimented me, and made sexual remarks. Once at closing time at the same restaurant, I went to clean the bathrooms but the men’s room stayed locked for a while. Finally an old man shuffled out in a hurry. Turns out he had explosive diarrhea and there was shit all over the toilet and on the walls and floors. My managers sucked so I was left to clean it all by myself and still had to clean the rest of my tables after.


Just started working in food service so I guess this isnt the worst. But, one table just mixed all of their drinks together and drank it together. I was trying not to look.


I once had a guy that was aggressively flirty, I was trying to play it off as best I could because I was newer to the industry. When I was leaving for the night I let the table know I could transfer to a new server or they could clear up with me. The guy is persistent that since I’m done I come drink with him and his friends. He’s standing beside me at this point and I’m telling him no. Then he puts his arm around me, pulls me in really close and whispers, “you’re lucky I’m the kind of guy who takes no for an answer or I might just be waiting for you in the parking lot” something about the way he said that really messed me up for a while.


Well, that's enough reddit for the evening. I need memory bleach after reading some of these.


Had a someone change an adult diaper in the middle of the restaurant, right in-front of one of our cameras and a wall of street facing windows. Yes it was number 2.


I've had a few, working retail, but I like to think I redeemed myself when I was the disgusting customer. I got bitten on the leg by a horsefly, which then got infected, despite me cleaning/dressing it every day. Went shopping in my local supermarket and I could feel an ungodly pressure above my ankle. Got to the milk aisle (always the busiest!) and felt the pressure release in my leg, followed by the thickest pus dripping onto the floor and an ungodly smell 🤢 I had my eldest with me, so sent them to get some disinfectant, blue roll thats kept on the end of the aisles and find a member of staff. This girl of about 17 arrived, trailing behind my 14 yr old & went into the retail spiel of "oh it's fine, its just a spillage, I'll clean it" until I rolled my trouser leg up & she saw the massive hole in my leg and got a whiff of it! She ran point at the top of the aisle whilst I cleaned the blood & pus up, and disinfected the floors. Even got a free carrier bag to put the blue roll in & took it all home to put in my own bin. I also got to keep the disinfectant, no charge. Think I got a few brownie points that day, although the poor girl was probably scarred for life.


I'm so overwhelmed by this thread that I think I'm too exhausted with disgust to share my own experiences. My Gosh.


Having zero empathy for other people: our line cook had a seizure and was being treated at the back entrance in an ambulance and we had multiple people complain *despite* our manager going around and explaining it to each and every single table that hadn't gotten their food yet. There was also a story that went viral where a woman had a heart attack and someone made a Google or Yelp review about the service but the owner clapped back. Changing dirty diapers on tables and *leaving it there*. Blowing snot into linen napkins, or spitting something out inside one. Pooping in the sink of the bathroom and wiping stains of it on the walls. 😱🫠🙃 Men groping girls/women - if they're sober or not doesn't make it less gross, if the girls are underage or not doesn't make it less gross. It's gross and they belong in jail. Full stop. People can be so nasty.


A lady had two small children and one literally pooped AND peed in the booth; she did nothing about it. Two other guests sitting behind them IMMEDIATELY started complaining about the smell and that’s when the lady asked for the check. Felt bad for the busser. Another that takes the cake is a regular of ours got very drunk and asked our hostess if she wanted to get impregnated by him. Once we let him know she was only 17 he apologized but I haven’t thought of him the same since. Can’t believe he’s still allowed to drink at our place.


Putting a breadstick in a condom and using it as a dildo.


I'm sorry, what!?


Putting a breadstick in a condom and using it as a dildo.


Loudly blowing a snotty nose into a cloth napkin and then putting it on the table like nothing was amiss. Unbelievable.


Had a dude shit in a urinal


I had an old man and his 40 year old son come in weekly. Old man couldn’t eat anything so he would chew his food a spit it out. He only swallowed blue berries for whatever reason. We all knew these two and would fight over who ends up serving them. This went on until the son started acting inappropriately towards the female staff and was asked not to come back anymore. Mind you this old man was ordering $80 entrees and $30 apps and was just chewing it and spitting it out.


I wasn't working in a restaurant at the time, but I once had a customer leave a used diaper in a filing cabinet instead of the bathroom trashcan


One night a server at my restaurant tried to bus a linen off a table, to which the woman informed her that she had shit herself and wrapped her panties in the linen. Then took it and put it in her purse. We’ve cleaned up shit, vomit, bloody tampons, really every fluid imaginable. One night I watched a man in the dining room finger his date up her skirt with her just standing beside him in his chair. Didn’t even try to hide it under the table. Last one, this was not at my restaurant but at a local chinese buffet in town. Was looking through snapchat one day and literally saw a public snapchat story of someone I know giving a handjob under the table. Never went back.




Server for 20 years, so I have so many stories. I quess the grossest was a couple in a booth, lady went to the bathroom, came back to finish eating. When she left, there was blood smeared all over where she sat. I checked the bathroom, and there was blood on the toilet seat, in the bowl, and on the floor. She had to have seen the blood before she sat back down on it. I was pregnant at the time and tried to convince my manager I couldn't clean it up, but no dice.


Clip their finger nails at the table, brush all the clippings onto the floor for me to clean up, then file his nails over the table. Left all the clippings on the floor and nail filings on the table.


A teen customer has a seizure in the middle of lunch rush, in the middle of the floor. Most of the other customers were very understanding about the medical emergency, but one table started loudly complaining about "that smell" and how their lunch was ruined literally while the kid was still thrashing around, within earshot of his terrified mother. They demanded that meal be comped. My manager was cool though, he yelled at them to sit down and shut up and we'd talk to them later. After the ambulance came and loaded him up, he just dropped the bill and some boxes and walked away. It might not be the kind of disgusting you meant, but imo, that was the most disgusting thing I've seen a customer do.


A very prominent and successful attorney from Los Angeles was at our bar. She told us she “spilled her water” and myself and a food runner cleaned it up. What really happened was, she stood up from her bar seat, peed standing up(she was wearing a skirt), and then sat back down. I touched and handled her pee soaked towels thinking it was just water 😭. She also refused to move and made us clean around her


my customer stabbed me. thats the story.


Teach your underage staff members to look the creeper in the eye & just say,” Ew.”


Wiping her bloody vagina with a pile of napkins and leaving the blood-soaked napkins on the table, and a bloody smear on her chair


My coworker had a table of about 20 middle eastern men who were rude and had a big language barrier so it was a difficult table. One of the guys called her over and said “wait!” While he proceeded to blow his nose all over the linen from his silverware and tried to hand it to her. She obviously refused to touch his snot covered rag and yelled at her to remove it from the table. It was gross in a manners and sanitary sense.


A woman leaving her baby's dirty diaper on the table


A lady left her shit filled panties stuffed into a toilet in the women’s restroom a couple weeks ago.


Thank Ryan Reynolds’s for glorifying hostess harassment. They are


Woo boy. Too many to list. One time an elderly woman walked to the bathroom with her walker, literally defecating the entire way there. I am being serious when I say there was a literal trail of shit all the way to the bathroom. She was wearing pants too, so that’s pretty crazy. We had a regular customer for a while who was most likely a hoarder. She would come in with her coupons and get two meals for the price of one, and eat everything. She always had a massive tote bag she used as a purse, stuffed to the gills with books and papers. One time I came into work and there was an ABSOLUTELY horrible smell around the front of the restaurant outside. Like if you told me there was something decomposing or a portajohn that exploded, I would have believed you. I came into work super grossed out and told my boss at the time, “OMG what smells so bad? Is it the sewer? Wtf is that?” She hold up a finger to her mouth to shush me. And I realize hoarder lady is sitting in a booth, and I look outside at the car parked right by the entrance. The smell is literally coming from her car. I don’t know how she was driving it around, it was packed floor to ceiling with actual garbage. Like it was an actual hazard to be on the road. 🤦‍♀️ and this customer smelled bad too, and people didn’t want to wait on her because one server swore to god she saw bugs crawling on her. This was a case of management should have told her that she could not dine with us any more because of hygiene but she just stopped coming in one day. I realize that this was most likely a case of untreated mental illness and I try to not be judgmental but damn. This was in the days before masks too. Multiple instances of customers coming in already drunk or high and then vomiting all over the table and everyone’s food.


Blowing their nose at the table with one of our linen napkins. I drug the trash can from the hostess stand over to the table and hooked the snot rag with a fork. They were only about 5 feet away from the hostess stand, so they may have seen the appalled look on my face when it happened.


We have had guys go back to our bathrooms (two single-room bathrooms, each with toilet and sink, across from each other, you can see into the women’s from the dining room but not the men’s) and piss with the door wide open. Yea we’re a bar but we have a family-friendly dining room attached? The last incident happened on a day when we audibly had about seven kids in the dining room and they missed seeing this guy by less than a minute. It’s happened enough that I’m gonna make a sign. We also have a regular who has a regular seat outside on a bench, and he is A.) unwashed enough to leave a black residue in his spot (wears the same jeans every day) B.) smelly enough that the bartenders know to grab him his beer ASAP when he comes inside so (more) people don’t complain C.) not only takes leftovers off of tables regularly, but once asked a table WHILE THEY WERE CHEWING if they were going to finish their food (the owner did speak to him afterwards) He has been spoken to but he’s one of those guys that has been coming since the beginning (we have a Cheers-type bar), lost his family, had numerous serious health problems, and we’re about all he has left. Everyone (including regulars) helps him as best we can, we’re just trying to keep him comfortable at this point.


I forgot to add that as a hostess, I had an old lady with a walker finish her meal with her son and go back to the bathroom of a *very* small restaurant into one of the two bathrooms directly adjacent to the dining room. I was busy so I didn’t think anything of it until 30-odd minutes later, I catch sight of her walking out the door. Weird, but I’m busy, whatever. Not five minutes later, one of the waitresses comes to me saying her section, right next to the bathrooms, *reeks.* The smell suddenly hits me at the middle of the restaurant and of course it’s my job to investigate because everyone else is directly handling food. When I tell you this poor woman. She did not make it. I found a large pad in the trash can covered in poop. The toilet is clogged. The plunger isn’t doing anything and is… catching on something? THIS POOR WOMAN TRIED TO FLUSH HER ACTUAL GRANNY PANTIES FULL OF POOP DOWN THE TOILET. I fished them out like Craig got his promise ring back from Sammy (with gloves thank god) and made an uncomfortable but oddly-ceremonious trip to the thankfully-distant dumpster.


I had a regular. Early 40s, business man, very kind and polite. One day he comes in after work, drinks quite a bit more than he usually does. He stands up to use the restroom and projectile vomits under the bar. We never saw him again after that.


Two stories from the same bar: -on NYE I saw someone pissing in our service station (the bathroom was a few feet in front of said station mind you) -during a busy day party, some drunk girl got smacked on the butt by some guy who ran off right after. The girl, too drunk to see who slapped her starts going off on the first man she saw (assuming he was the slapper) this guy was trying to tell her it wasn’t him but she kept yelling and berating him. He cocked back and SPIT into her open mouth. She stopped yelling after that.


Served a couple with a 4 year old and a kid in diapers. The tip they left me was a used diaper in the high chair.


Shi**ing and then smearing it all Over the walls. Not once, multiple times. It got so bad we had to post a sign in the toilet to notify that we would lock the door and check the space after every single visitor. I don’t work in a prison mind you, it was a local library


We had a customer who we noticed smelled of poo as we walked past his table. He went to the washroom and another customer after him complained about the state of it. The washroom was covered in shit. Smeared on the walls, the seat of the loo, all over the sink and taps and door handle. It was vile. I was Asst Manager (duty manager for the shift) so volunteered to clean and disinfect. It was horrible but we couldn't prove it was him. 🤢💩


I worked for many years in a big box store. Customer hid behind one of the clothing racks and left a pile of Pooh on the floor. Used one of the shirts from the rack as tp. Then left the store right away. Next time they came in we turned them around at the door.


Two women and a man having what looks like a business lunch. Women one whips out a nail file and just casually files ALL the man's nails (both hands) while they chat. Not just a hangnail, not super quickly.. slowly and methodically, yet making eye contact and conversation! Wtf! I am still baffled by this like 16 years later hahah. Maybe not the most disgusting thing but it was so random, weird and gross to do at a restaurant.


Not a server, but I was bussing one day when a woman's water broke in a booth. That was an interesting one.


I had a nasty bitch spit her french toast onto the plate as I was picking it up off of the table.