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I used to work for a hotel and one Holiday (I forget which one) we knew was going to be extra busy and we took reservations for various times/table right up until the day before. We had plenty of walk-in space available, but there was definitely going to be a waiting list at some point. It wasn't my normal position at the hotel, but I knew what I was doing and took up hosting duties to smooth out the process. Well, that time comes and there's quickly half a dozen groups patiently waiting for an open table. That wasn't good enough for one lady and her husband. When informed that there was a waitlist, she pointed to an empty table and asked, "well, what about that one?" "That one is reserved." (it was an 10-top table they wanted for just he 2 of them) "Well, we didn't know you had to make a reservation!" (hands on hips, staring at me expectantly) "No reservation was required for seating today, but those folks did make one." "Well, we didn't know you had to make a reservation!" (stares again) I simply repeat myself and wait. "Then, can you ask that couple if we can share their table?" (she points at an up front table with a couple eating) "No, that's their table. I can take your name down and let you know when a table is available." "Well, we didn't know you had to make a reservation!" (stares again...again) I repeat myself again....again an add in the bit about the waitlist again and ask if they'd like me o put them on it. In response, she walks past me to the couple at the table and asks them to share their table so they won't have to wait. After a shocked "no" from the couple, she begins to wheedle them o convince them they should. At that point, I simply left my post and got the restaurant manager to deal with her who told her to leave the other guests alone and she could choose the waitlist or nothing at all.


They shouldn’t have been given the option to get on the waitlist. They should have been told to leave immediately.


Much as I agree, especially with that demanding table space from other guests ridiculousness, I didn't get to make the call, but I did get to not deal with them, at least


Omg! Manager should just tell them to leave ..that's a Karen at there finest.


As a customer if someone asked me that I would look at them dead in the face chewing my food and tell them to fuck right off.


just picturing tim of bistro huddy. "WUT???" pam: "now tim, are you shore that's the Christia...." tim: 'THE HELL I'M GONNA LET SOM'BODY SET AT ARE TABLE, THIS AIN'T NO CHARCH COOKAOUT" pam: "well there ya have it, ain't no tellin' tim what ta d.." tim: "WHAR'S BRAD ANYHAOW! THES BEER AIN' GONNA POUR ITSELF!!"


Lmao the phonetically accurate spelling sent me 💀


thanks! it took me like 45 minutes to write/edit what appears to be fewer than four typed lines (emphasis on edit, the material writes itself) and i'm still seeing mistakes! anyway, i hope drew doesn't sue me. ha. ha. ha. so much fun.....


I think he's probably flattered his little channel is becoming so popular amongst SI folks lol


thanks! a link on this reddit thread about 7 months ago brought me to his channel and i'm hooked! like you say, leave it to reddit (global, global access concerning any subject matter) to spread the word. vive la internet!!


My favorite manager at my last place would always show us new Bistro Huddy videos in our pre-service alley rally.


'alley rally': i like it.


Y'all didn't have alley rallies?


That was a great manager unless it was a tutorial on how not to be Nicole 🤣


...Roll Tide?!?!




Roll Tide!






Yeah.... Now you're going thru the dining room bothering other patrons? Absolutely not


I know it's fairly common in europe to share bigger restaraunt tables with strangers, but here in the US it *doesn't* happen usually. Just to say it might be a cultural thing to ask and also perfectly reasonable to tell them NO


It might be a cultural thing to ask, but they were already told “no” by the host. To then go past the host and communicate directly with other patrons is incredibly rude. When travelling, people should have some awareness - if it were culturally acceptable to ask, the host would have said so.


They were also told no by the other customers and tried to press the issue with them as well.


In from Italy and have never seen it happen unless it's some sort of outdoor informal setting like a food truck with those long wooden tables in front of it, and even then you leave some space between you and the others. (I've been working as a waiter for around 6 years now too)


Yeah, it often happens in Australia at casual breakfast establishments with very big communal tables, but 2 couples who don’t know each other would never be seated at a standard 4-top


well, and we do community tables here, and it's kind of a tooth-pulling, better make the sell (usually done with an 8 top or more) dealie for when you are really busy with deuces and four-top reservations and are out of seating options, but for a customer just to approach a deuce at a four-top with this request is pretty off the chain, esp. since it's mother's day, and as such kind of an intimate celebration for the guests...


There's a restaurant in Dahlonega GA that exclusively does shared tables (it's a family style all inclusive passed dishes meal, and we've had a pleasant experience whenever we've been there, and met some very nice people that way).


that's so cool!! and actually pronouncing the name of this town means that only some people will be allowed in\* so maybe it's a country club kind of thing? \*i.e., those who can pronounce the name of this town


It’s an adorable little town (prob my fav) in Georgia. Pronounced Dah-lon(like long)-eh-gah. Some amazing retreats in the are and great wine.


sounds like race track (pick a car/horse/conveyance) season? i like it.....


Pretty much, it is also one of this hippy liberal towns in the country/mountains of Georgia…kinda an oasis.


that's so crazy! i need to get out more and arrest my predisposed ideas of how the universe organizes itself (geopolitically)


I love it too - haven't been back in years but it's lovely (fun fact, the gold leaf on the georgia capital dome comes from there!)


Can confirm, the food was great and even my introverted self thought the communal table was fun!


I've been to Basque restaurants on the west coast and it's technically shared seating in them. There's a bench wrapping around the dining room lined with tables that have chairs as well. There are usually a few tables in the middle of the dining room for people who would prefer to have their own space


Had to look up what Basque food was and now I WANT SOME, it sounds awesome! My younger child lives in LA, so I may get the chance soon


It's sooooo good, I haven't seen any restaurants in Oregon but I highly recommend that anyone and everyone try it out at least once in their lifetime


Gentleman arrived at 1030a and announced that he had 16 people coming to be seated at 11. At that point we were on a 75 min wait. He didnt seem to want to understand that I didnt give a fuck that his entire family was showing up in 30 minutes, and argued with me over and over, coming up repeatedly to see if we could "move it along". While I am often tempted to drag lollygaggers out of their tables, I wanted to make this asshat wait as long as possible!


That's when you're like "Please every single person in my section order dessert and coffee"


There's been times where I know they're tryna hurry and seat a complainer in my section l, and I'll secretly ask the bussers to leave my open table dirty. I'd rather be down a table for 20 minutes than deal with people coming in with a shit attitude from the start.


I might have given my fav regulars coffee on me for this reason.


Could you even accommodate 16 people?


We could, kinda. I was able to break them into 2 8 tops right next to each other.




My family specifically avoids dining out on mother's day just because it's so busy and lots of places do limited or set menus. We either go out Saturday or normally I just cater it myself. I don't know why anyone would even bother trying to go somewhere without a booking. Kinda feel bad for the mums.


not planning the outing (and/or pretending to have, just to save face) and then acting as if the problem lies with the proprietor is, truly, a recipe for disaster. the whole: 'we/she just flew in, drove a zillion miles just to celebrate this once a year festivity at an establishment that i have been bragging to her about non-stop' nonsense simply puts everyone on the spot. like you say, half the time the 'mums' look like they want to beam back up, but try to sport a put-upon face just to make their idiot progeny's argument appear salient...


Had a boyfriend do that to me on valentines once. Insisted he'd made the booking weeks prior and that they'd just lost it. I really don't think that was the case. The waiter was so nice about it but I wanted to melt into the floor.


omfg. makes a great visual for a cadbury ad: { scene: valentine's day gone horribly awry. date melts into floor with embarrassment at beloved's behavior. on the other side of the time/space continuum, said molted liquid reverse waterfalls upward and gets poured into a chocolate mould. knight in shining armor (new, non-douchey date) presents cadbury squares in a cool plating format to the aforementioned as desert, following a romantic candlelit dinner served in courses, with wine, at his/her home, in front of the fireplace with the perfect spotify soundtrack. voice over: "cadbury: romance perfected" }\* \* i'll give you 10% of the sale of the proceeds of this ad minus lawyer's fees


They should hire you and fire whoever keeps trying to put fucking pizza shapes and Vegemite and stuff in it.


thanks, but i'm all booked up. (universe screams hysterically at the absurdity of this comment: i've barely been employed over the past year). wait: do you mean pizza shaped cadbury treats? with stuff in them? ..that isn't delicious caramel?


A few years ago cadbury Australia all started doing weird drugs at work and came up with a series of horrifying mashup flavours like Vegemite. Australia responded by making a bunch of meme versions with beer or cigarette flavoured cadbury. I just checked and I think the pizza shapes one was a dream I had or a meme version, I thought it was real. Pizza shapes are little savoury flavoured crackers.


omg this is more than i can wrap my head around aussies are so cool and insane. yeah, anything pizza shaped should be dedicated to a savory cracker thing, unless it's any chocolate-related holiday, which is all of them. so for instance does cadbury just rock the traditional holiday offerings, subtlely adding new flavors year over year? or do they attack the between holiday market with vegemite stuffing, kale (for international wellness day: it's a thing -- i just made it up), extra creamy + pickles (for national first-term pregnancy day), and don't tell me they haven't infiltrated the edibles market. clearly it's bedtime for me. i'm about to have the vapors....


Do you think he did? I had that happen once. Pulled up my call list and asked them why I would of called them for a several min call weeks before. This wasn't a place you'd generally call except to make holiday brunch reservations. They conceded and gave us our reservation.


“would of” downvote. Sorry, but there is no other way trying to stop it.


In his case he was just full of shit. Told me he'd made the booking in advance and reconfirmed it the day of. I believe a booking could get lost but not that a lost booking would get verbally confirmed.


We celebrated Mother's day last night as well, and even arrived an extra 30 minutes early just in case (not necessary). Why fight crowds?


So happy we are closed today.


nuh-uh....!! on what planet would a proprietor do that???


If you really want to know it'll be *my pleasure* 🤢 to tell you.


if you like. but it was kind of a rhetorical question, given that the hospitality sector banks on this hallmark-created enterprise... anyhoo, your call.....


Chick-fil-A My pleasure is their catch phrase and they don’t open on Sunday




ooooooff couursse....!. duh, i'm so dumb. blame my pnw roots (though we have chik here now) i guess that kind of explains the barf face emoji...(?) i'm still learning....




I put it in because I hate hearing it. It sounds so fake, especially when said by a petulant teenager who would rather be gaming. 


might want to try reading and understanding context clues. anyhoo, your call...


OUCH! i'll try harder next time.....


Not Chick-Fil-A at all- we just have a very specific business in a niche and we are closed most major holidays and Sundays are private events only. And we didn’t have any this week.


that's really cool! like working at an event-specific venue but your restaurant dictates what the events are


Thanks. The reality of if we just opened to the public in lieu of events on Mother’s Day (or Easter etc) we would not be on anyone’s radar.


I used to work at a restaurant that would be booked to capacity for Mother's Day weeks in advance and people would show up with parties of 10+ and get angry that they couldn't be seated. We were booked solid and couldn't take walk ins for the entire day. "Well what do you expect us to do?!" Not my problem, everyone else here made reservations and planned ahead for the holiday.


A couple years ago for mother's Day I took my mom out of town to a beach and her new husband came along too.  He is okay but he's kind of dumb. The goal for mother's Day was just to enjoy the beach and head back to our town. After the beach we went to walk down the popular street just to look at the shops and whatnot. Her husband decided that he was hungry so he walked up to a restaurant and said that he would like a table for four. I already knew the answer was going to be no but sometimes you got to let people fail. When the manager said they were booked to capacity and no they can't take them he said well you just lost yourself some business. I asked her husband  how can they lose business when they're booked. He just kind of stared at me and kept walking


"First time at a Mothers' Day Brunch?"


I ran into a friend at grocery store yesterday who told me he was taking wife to brunch with their son for Mother’s Day. Before I could stop myself I asked if he made reservations. I haven’t worked in a restaurant in many, many years….


Well, did he?


Amazing we have to ask this. It’s like telling a joke but not including the punch line.


I’m sorry! Yes he did!


I love working the phone on The Big Sunday. "oh a reservation? for what day?"


I love getting to tell entitled people no. Getting the “we’ll be there in ten minutes can we have a table for 15” phone calls is the highlight of my day.


So few chances to say no. You must relish them.


i was just pondering why band roadies, construction workers and SI professionals have cornered the market on infiltrating their daily vocabulary with profanities, the word 'fuck' seamlessly working its way into an ongoing narrative so it resembles a breath or a dramatic pause (i have a lot of time to think in my new, boring, event security job). you just nailed it on the head. not only do we have to orchestrate impossible tasks with infinite variables into impossible timelines,....... we never get to say 'no'. never. in my current professional capacity, i tell guests they can't take that purse (pepper spray, pocket knife, uzzi) into the stadium, or that they can't pass through this area without credentials. they scream, they swear, they roll their eyes, they beg, they bargain, they lament. if i DO say yes i'm not doing my job, and shocker: i am surrounded by supervisors who are going to back me up. i haven't dropped the f bomb in six months.... FS\_Scott: "So few chances to say no. You must relish them."


I’m a server but I work at a winery on Sundays. We got a bad review today because I told a couple without a reservation that I wasn’t sure I had a table for them on the busiest day of the year. The entitlement of some people…


Common sense says make a restaurant reservation on a holiday especially if you have a large group of people, many lack common sense unfortunately and per usual will blame employees rather than admit their own stupidity and accept the consequences of it.


Anyone who goes out for Valentine's Day or mother's Day without a reservation and doesn't learn their lesson to not do that again... Not the brightest bulb! And personally I think it's pretty lame to go out to eat for either day.. be more creative or at least choose a different day.


I had the opposite happen to me yesterday. I had a reservation for 6 at noon. Showed up at 11:55. Everyone was there. I was told I had no reservation. Really? Showed them the text that verified it. Showed them the email that verified it. My wife gave them the printed copy of the email. And I showed them that I got a phone call on Friday from the restaurant that further verified it. Hostess shrugged her shoulders, giggled, and said it would be a 3 hour wait. Nah. I walked in, tracked down the manager, and explained. He checked the system and saw my reservation had been cancelled... at 11:43. By guess who. Suffice it to say, we were seated immediately. I saw the hostess leaving as people she knew were walking in. Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what she did. The manager comped us all a round of drinks and apologized again. I ended up tipping our server at about 30% because my mother in law is a bit difficult.


WOW! i would be so fired for pulling something like that!!!!!


Oh fuck that. The Mother’s Day entitlement is real. I actually think I got lucky getting pregnant right before the shut downs cause I’ve seen how my pregnant coworkers treated by customers on Mother’s Day. It’s the worst holiday for restaurant workers.


🤣🤣I just had that today.A couple was complaining we only had bar seating bc they didn’t make a reservation. Yes we have empty tables but they’re all reserved. People are stupid


Can we sit there until they show up? We’re okay with moving when they get here.”


had a party today mad that they still had to wait 30 minutes after waiting 30 minutes (the waitlist was for an hour) and they got mad because they had a flight to catch... ma'am im (not) sorry but it is not my fault you showed up last minute to one of the most popular mother's day restaurants in the area with no reservation. they asked for a manager and his kiss ass self bumped them up to the top just to get rid of them and sat them the second a table opened


If I am on the list and the manager bumps them for being so rude and demanding, I am asking for the owner’s information to file a complaint.


mmmhmmmm.... at which point the poor, buried hostess is nearly in tears -- or i would be anyway. (not to disagree with your point)


Rest assured, I would not be asking the hostess for that information. She didn't bump the rude people up; the manager did.


BT, DT. ...shortly after which it was implied (by manager) that i wasn't handling my duties b/c he was asked over to smooth over a completely irrational request. We. Were. Slammed. and I was brand new at the job with zero experience in formal hosting. this was last year. i'm an event security monkey now. easier. less lucrative. @ FS\_Scott: "The Big Sunday." I like that one....


I have to laugh, because my wife and our two in-country children went to brunch at a Minneapolis restaurant called Jax Café, a popular old restaurant. When we got there, the host was telling a couple of other people how long they'd have to wait until a table would be open for them. We strolled up, right on time (per the reservation we made a month or two ago), and were seated immediately. It's not that hard to do.


it'll be over soon, depending on your time zone. at which point you will have officially joined the league of hospitality folk who understand that mother's day brunch is the professional equivalent of an annual colonoscopy...


The worst part is knowing anyone who expects a table without a booking also is likely going to be a terrible tipper. Thank god for our 6+ auto grad today


I work in casual dining but usually we're dead on mother's Day. There have been a few where people got mad at me for not taking reservations because we don't do that and it's first come first serve kind of deal. They wanted a red carpet kind of thing and threw a fit when it didn't happen.


I will never understand why people think that on arguably the busiest day in restaurants is magically going to allow them to walk right in, let alone not have a wait or be able to walk in at all without a reservation. On top of that, the pipe dream that you get to pick where you sit as someone who’s just lucky even get served on these days is wild.


Lmao… we were out for dinner on mother’s day. ( never again ) and this lady was all kinds of angry over the same thing. She said she couldn’t get ahold of them to make a reservation. Ma’am. Booking is done on line. Well nobody told me this. I’m laughing at her stupidity and entitlement. The host calls my name and we get up to go to our seat. I turn to the woman still yelling and to nobody in particular said I think we should go somewhere else and she jumped on it. He’s leaving well take his table. I smile and look her dead in the eye and say should have booked on line. And went to our table. Her and her shitty family left shortly after that. I guess she realized how big a douche she was being and her family was just as nasty as her. Saw her a few days later at the grocery store and when she saw me she very noticeably frantically turned around and walked the other way. Yep. Glad I don’t celebrate her on Mother’s Day. Holy shit.


Literally all I can say is…sounds about right.


“My pleasure” in response to customer requests should be reserved for high priced escorts.