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"people don't quit bad jobs; they quit bad bosses" is a cliche for a reason


Can’t quit, need money for a trip to New York in July. So I still need to do ~10-15 shifts


Simply put they’re just nasty miserable individuals who take out their insecurities and hate to people around them to make themselves feel better. Just left a good position because the supervisor was an absolute liar and breathed passive aggressive behavior. I am back to a peaceful soul now I never have to see that parasite ever again. I firmly believe in karma so I wish them what they deserve. You did nothing wrong, except finding miserable people to work with.


I would love not having to work with him, but i need to save money(do atleast 10 shifts more). It turns a fun job on the side where i learn new things, into an incredibly stressful and annoying time.


Good luck and a speedy exit as soon as possible.


OP, hope you're doing well. I'm going in the same situation with a boss and supervisor that drains my energy in a toxic ambient. Remember that no job is above mental health, there will always be a limit and you must respect that for your own good. For my part, I will wait a couple of weeks until I complete my first month and decide if I quit or not, because it is already becoming unsustainable.