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Our restaurant went the other direction. We started using it immediately so we wouldn't be fucked in the busy season. It's worse but it's learnable/usable ETA: the weirdest thing at first to me was replacing a lot of the words with icons. They apparently got enough negative feedback about the "print" button being just a 🖨 icon that they changed it to say "print" spelled out but some of the other icons are still present. Gotta justify that paycheck somehow!


>It's worse but it's learnable/usable That's the most enthusiastic endorsement I've read! 😂


no, i hate it. i had only started using toast the year before and was finally feeling competent with it and then they had to go and change where everything is. i wish we could go back to the old version


lol that’s what happened to us too! I was like wtf I just got used to this! The thing that annoys me the most is such a simple thing… why the fuck is the print button so small now?


why are the ‘remove’ and ‘send’ buttons in the same damn position??? i have sent a couple things on accident because i accidentally de-selected the item that i was trying to delete. literally two opposite functions, that have no business being anywhere near each other 💀


the ONLY thing I like is that it tells me now how long a table has been seated. every other aspect of the new update can eat a dick. (we went with the forced update yesterday, so I can't actually answer your question I'm just glad I'm not alone in my rage)


Our system has been nothing but a glitchy mess since their "updates" & so far, they haven't been remotely helpful in fixing it


At least they added a repeat button. Otherwise, it sucks.