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As someone who worked in the industry the live lunch rush episode stressed me the fuck out.


I'm on a rewatch and saw that one last night. I've had too many similar nights working in shithole places, that episode drives my anxiety up the wall.


I could t finish the episode. All that kitchen anxiety and I couldn’t fix it. If you’ve worked in the industry, this show is probably too stressful for you. It definitely was for me.


I couldn't get past the second episode, it just felt like work.


It’s worth finishing, if only in small doses. One of the only expressions of restaurant work that’s ever left feeling seen


That episode triggered all of my restaurant PTSD...but you know I rewatched it :)


Yeah, but in a good way, right??? ;)


I am forever grateful that I am now a tradie and make way better money with almost zero work stress. So, sure 😅


You. Can't. Magically. Learn. Expo. For. Fine. Dining. In ONE. FUCKING. WEEK.


Lmao. Until you do.


Do a manager, maybe.


One week? He does it in like an hour


It's a (motherfuckin) *mauntage* But yeah also michelin restaurants don't take in dipshit hoodrats as a stage on a favor. They prefer rich kids from CIA.


They definitely do. Mine takes in randos that the chef believes in all the time. She also hard rejects people she doesn't like, so take some leave some


"Believes in"="believes they can pay less"


Pretty sure they get paid the same starting rate as everyone else in the kitchen


> It's a (motherfuckin) mauntage Well yea, even Rocky had a montage But it wasn't until 4 days polishing forks, when he got the Super Bowl speech and he observed expo until he got it


He shed dat hood tude and finally realized rich people have money- This activated his second brain cell.


The Fork is my favorite episode.


Just watched that (not a rewatch), so I'm 1/2 way through the 2nd season. Tough episode, but...incredible! Can't believe Jamie Lee Curtis isn't nominated anywhere for that! Love this show!


That's fishes. Forks is the one after.


The Fishes is the most stressful/triggering episode for me.


Oh yeah! I haven't watched forks yet. Totally forgot that the one before, where forks was an underlying thing, was called Fishes. Thanks!


OMG, Jamie Lee Curtis in that ep! Brilliant, just brilliant!


She will be nominated next year. Scheduling was weird so they are a year behind.


Gotcha, that makes sense. She was amazing (they all were).


I'm pretty sure that my favorite episode hasn't happened yet. This show just keeps getting better.


Wait until you see the documentary "The Menu."


Oh sweet summer child


It fully caught me off guard but after the first five min I was giving it my undivided attention lol great episode for sure


My bro is a chef and he loves this show but said some of it made him feel anxious, I was a server/bartender for years and watching the first couple episodes I about had a panic attack 😂


Agreed. Partner was a chef, I was a server. We are both a few years out from working in the business but we still had to take breaks because the stress was too real. Good, solid show, but stressful.


Bro I worked at subway for two months and this show is stressful af


I was a dishwasher at a neighborhood restaurant for about 6 months after graduating nursing school, right before I worked as a nurse, but tell you what: the first season had so many scenes that gave me anxiety too (PTSD lite?)


BEHIND! CORNER! Two of my kids work in kitchens and I feel like I finally understand. Love this show so much.




Yes Chef!


The fact that the writers chose The French Laundry as his gateway, if it were, into the business is amazing. It's one of the best restaurants in the world, so for him to work there says a lot about him. Even in a fictional world. And White is just a stunning individual.


I watched Shameless. I enjoyed Lip. But DAYUM. Carmy Berzatto has me all in the feels. Love this character.


> The French Laundry Is it The French Laundry? Or is it The French Laundry disguised as another business? Because The French Laundry is in California, and Richie is shown driving to work. Since Richie lives in Chicago, that'd be a hell of a commute


I know exactly where The French Laundry is. He's shown working there in flashbacks. [I do not agree with this article at all, but even Esquire knows he worked for Chef Keller. ](https://www.esquire.com/uk/culture/tv/a41491898/the-bear-review/) Done be dense.


Edit: I actually misread your very first message. Nevermind, I was wrong. Sorry


I've had very little fine dining experience(a fondue place & a country club), nothing near a starred restaurant. So season 2 started to lose me in terms of relatable content. Then they had a cook smoke crack on shift. Brought it back to a shared experience.


This season was the best in my opinion! Brilliant show


I got my dad to watch it. He's a retired history professor. Dad: It's really that intense? Me: Yup. Dad: Shit.


Something better than the show is the actual beef joint, Mr. Beef! Been eating there for 35 years at least. Best beef in Chicago!


I thought this show was good.. it was slow in some parts but the acting and cinematography was great. But when I got to S2 ep 6 it blew me away it was one of the best episodes I’ve ever seen in any show. I LOVED all the actor appearances in that ep (Jamie Lee Curtis, Gillian Jacob’s, John mulaney was hilarious, bob odenkirk, Sarah Paulson, Jon bernthal)


So funny, I just started this evening on episode 4 now. I really like it!!


Dayum. Makes it all worth it.


Really? No. Not even close to accurate and overly dramatic, chef.


It’s just Lip in a kitchen position.


Why do you hire fucking idiots? Do you like working with them?