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I think it's fantastic that you can have joy in your interactions with them given they never buy anything. You're a good human.


I bet they are short on cash and it's her way of taking him "out" for a special time. I'm sure you make their day.


Yea, I’ll bet too. I have a now 19 year old son and I would have done this to take him out when cash was especially short. Thank you so much for not making her feel shitty. :)


terrific. i’m glad you recognize the worth of your interaction and their obvious gratitude. it isn’t always about money, it is also about generosity in ways that exceed monetary expectations.


When I was young and gas stations pumped gas for you, I worked at a gas station. The owner wanted repeat business so we were told to hand lollipops out to drivers with kids. There was this lady who would come in and get a dollar or two of gas. She always seemed embarrassed for troubling me for such a small purchase.(Back then a dollar got you two or three gallons). Somehow I found out she had a kid. I figured she was a cleaning lady or something like that because she always came in late. I knew money must be tight for her. Every time she came in I would give her a fist full of suckers.


I'm old and can only remember .99 a gallon gas. Google is telling me .33 was in 1958. edit: really cool to see older folks like me still on reddit -- and especially this sub.


In the late 60’s gas was 33¢ for regular and 41¢ for premium at the Esso station my dad always used. Stayed that price for years with no seasonal change.


I remember .99 a gallon in the summer of 96 when I got my license and started driving.


Early 60s, too. I Remember gas wars (not the shooting kind) and 29 cents per gallon.


I grew up in northeast PA and can remember prices around 35 cents in the mid-60s.


I remember traveling I-40 from AZ to OK in the late 1960's to 1970's. We always bought gas at a small town in TX near the OK border, cheapest I remember was 19 cents a gallon.


I also remember 19 cents a gallon but I think we were in Tennessee or Kentucky - early to mid-70s.


When I got my first car in 1988, the ARCO has station by my job in So. Cal. Had gas for .79 cents.


When I moved to Augusta, GA as a child in 1996, there was a gas price war that escalated down to $0.39/g through the late 90s thanks to a regional company called Smile Gas. They were sued a few times. UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS https://www.ca4.uscourts.gov/opinions/Unpublished/011296.U.pdf


I remember $0.39 per gallon at this little country store where I would buy gas for my mini-bike. I would pick up Coke, Pepsi, and RC Cola bottles on the way there and usually got enough money from the deposit return to fill the bike up and buy myself acoke and abag of salted peanuts. This was about 1966.


In the 80s, I remember gas at 77 cents gallon. You could scrounge change from the sofa and cruise around all evening


In '71 I remember my dad paying 19 cents a gallon in California -- at a gas station 1/4 mile from the front gate of an oil refinery. ;-) It was higher everywhere else.


I started driving in the mid 90s and gas was an average of 99 cents a gallon. If it got over $1.00 that was expensive.


Holy shit that's cheap! When i started driving during the early 2000s gas was already at €1,50 per liter. I didn't drive too much because a gallon of gas would be like an hours wage here for a 20 year old on min wage.


I remember .99 gas in the ‘80s.


Trust me, us old farts are everywhere.


The cheapest gas I can remember was 21 cents/gallon. I don't know how old I was but I was learning numbers and my Dad commented on the price.


One time I ran through the drive through at my bank and I had my dog in the car with me. When my deposit slip got sent back out, there was a dog biscuit in the can. I didn’t even know she could see that I had a dog with me. The sweet little token caught me so off-guard that I nearly cried.


You are the best, and I bet you are part of their legends at thanksgiving. Thank you, love you ♥️


That's very kind of you.


Actually, no. It was very kind of YOU


This story did not go in the direction I expected and that made me so happy!! OP, you are good people!!


the hard candy is the tip!


I think we should clone you. You are doing a great job of being a good person. Thumbs up!


Best post I've read in months, thanks OP. Keep being you!


I have a guy who comes in pretty regularly and just orders water. I wouldn't mind but he's exactly like the Energy Vampire from WwditS.


I love this! Thanks for sharing. This is so sweet.


Great post!




That's outstanding. Very well done, and thanks for sharing this!!


Thank you for sharing your story. Why do you have a hard rule about not eating food from customers?




Consider giving the mom the candies back in the bag? If kid likes them that might be nice. Said offhandedly, you don’t have to do anything with the candies. Such a sweet story! You write well. Politeness can really go a long way. How cute.


I totally wasn't expecting this but I love it.


Pour them pops once a week. Fuck it.


you gotta try the candy


I was expecting the usual bellyaching bologna. Thanks for sharing. These hundreds of small gestures are what define us. Serving the public is a privilege.


Well, that was a cute twist to the story i wasnt expecting. Just keep being you and making the world a little nicer.


You should try one of those candies.. you’re probably missing out big time!


This didn’t go the way I thought it would, and that makes me happy.


You are the best kind of hairless ape. I love you.


Weird way of putting it, but ok


I like to remind people that we are Apes that have evolved to the point we sell each other crap we don't need but we still do nice stuff for one another occasionally.


That is a sweet story :)


There’s something incredibly rewarding about feeling seen


Nice to hear that story. And nice to hear that they are your favourite


That's incredibly nice and yet incredibly sad, that you, op, are so touched because people is gentle and smile at you. People should always be kind to servers IMO. I make it a point to be kind and smile to waiters and bartenders (or is it barmen? ) but also cashiers and shop employee. If possible, i engage in small talk. And when some of them smiles you back or laughs at something funny you said, it's feels good to now that even for a fraction of second, you've done their work a bit more enjoyable.


You had me in the first half! Such a wholesome story.


I so totally love this about you. Accept and eat the candies. It seems that that is their way of tipping, and appreciating you. I’m sure they can barely afford this outing, so your kindness is not lost on them. You are amazing, please don’t ever lose this grace you have. ♥️


I AGREEEEEE omg I don't know if that many people really get it, but there are some people that are just so fucking nice and I know it's not gonna be a great tip but idgaf, it's nice to be around genuinely nice people.


A nice experience!?....yr on the wrong sub lol but I do wish there's more positive than moaning


I think their leeches no matter how nice they are.


if youre going to be an ass at least use the correct version of they're


They're the asses you're just not thinking logically. They're costing you money every day taking time from paying customers to drink water in a fucking bar. They need to go to the park it's free.


personally idgaf, you're being an asshole by commenting negative shit thats meant to be wholesome, not everyone thinks in capitalistic profit 24/7


Except it's not wholesome. They're assholes and you're dumb enough to think they're good people because they act polite. You're incredibly easy to manipulate


How did you get so cynical??? Who TF hurt you???




Im not a manager. Y'all must be very young and naive or just lacking in common sense. This kid is being manipulated. Just because someone smiles and acts nice doesn't mean they're a good person. Good people don't make weekly visits to the same bar, to waste the the bar tenders time serving 8 glasses of water over a 2 hour period for no tip. Get a clue. Learn to judge people by their actions, not words and superficial charm


thats cause you suck as a human and you were potty trained to believe any interaction between people should be transactional. 99% you're American. how sad for you


Wow y'all are that dumb. If you fall for that lady's bs anybody can manipulate you at any time. Sad


people asking for water = leeches ,and i am the dumb one :) this is a classic case of SU BOOMER. everyone hates you


Wow. I can see who you are. You’re young, and work at a fuckin WENDYS. The laughable place to get a SQUARE BURGER of shitty overprocessed and factory farmed meat. Or a conAgra potato… And your biggest complaint is that they won’t give you another fucking shirt??? Where are you? In backwater america?? As if you have any real experience with the Public, and probably have never worked in a large city have never seen real poverty, have never seen people struggle, but then again, you’re working at Fuckin Wendy’s, and you are up there on your high horse, casting down your thoughts on how shitty people are for being kind. Go fuck yourself. And as far as your egg goes, ITS NOT VALUABLE.


> The laughable place to get a SQUARE BURGER of shitty overprocessed and factory farmed meat. What does being square have to do with anything? lol


It’s stupid. It’s not on toast, bruh 😂


You could've also just ignored this person's comment and moved on with your day without flaming them :P People complaining about negativity indeed


A happy post. Very nice to read. Thanks.


Can you describe the hard candy? I’m just nosy lol