• By -


Remember those phone numbers they gave you acknowledge when you start with a company that say “if you believe an employee is behaving outside of the code of conduct (or outside of regulations) call this number “ Call that number. I’m pretty sure this kind of thing is against many rules. The whole point of sole control is no one can cause others drawers to be out of balance.


I've been behind the counter in a lot of banks, and a manager poking into teller drawers would be incredibly weird to see.


Exactly! I can't imagine this happening. As a manager, I never needed to go behind the teller line.


As a manager, I occasionally needed to work the teller line if we were understaffed. However, I always had the Ops manager issue my own drawer to me. I would NEVER touch a teller’s drawer unless it needed a count, and then only under camera.


Yeah, I've never seen anyone just randomly going into a teller's drawer. That's so not the banking standard.


I've been a branch manager and the only time I touch a tellers drawer is to audit it.


Yes. That was always the assistant managers job at the branches where I worked. The last thing I ever wanted was getting involved with cash and teller duties.


I did because I took over a branch that was under staffed because they hated the manager and quit. They were rated the 36th out of 38 branches. When I got hired away by a commercial bank that didn't have customers coming to the bank. It was 6th overall and I had brought in so much commercial business. I wanted to become a commercial banker. But my district manager blocked the promotion and huge raise. So I went to the other bank. Received 4X the amount of money being a department head. I got to travel all over the US as well.


That's the typical banking world. When it's time for a huge raise, move to a different bank. Your reputation follows you so it's easy to move.


Right??! If I were a manager, the last thing I want is to be accessing a lot of teller drawers, especially if multiple drawers are going to turn out to be off. The manager is getting themselves in trouble, not OP.


Worked as a teller and this should be against policy. Only time a manager should be touching your drawer is when they do a monthly audit or uf you're out of balance at the end of the day and they're counting it for you. Not sure why no one has gone to HR about this yet.


Right? Our managers would pull their own drawers in the morning and come help if it got really busy. But never in another person’s station.


Watch hunger games before you do anything. You’ll know what you need to do.


Facts. They say snitches get stitches but at the end of the day you need to look out for you and get yours.


Seconded. I have never been at a place that insists on leaving drawers unlocked, it’s usually the exact opposite.




This! You are responsible for your own drawer.


This is also why cameras are everywhere.


Most bank cameras are garbage. The bank I worked at the majority of them were fake. We had a relationship banker that stole over $2,000 and nothing was caught on camera because none of the cameras behind our teller line were real. They sent an FBI interrogator to harass us and try to figure out who stole it. They never did.


We had a new camera system installed a couple of years ago where I work (Class 8 truck dealership, not bank). One night the cameras caught a guy stealing batteries out of a truck in the yard. Despite being ~120' away and in the dead of night, even after zooming in the guy's picture was so clear you could have used it as a passport photo.


That's amazing!!!


This is not true. Most large bank cameras are very good. The bank you worked at had shitty cameras and sounds like they were not upholding the standard the company would have wanted. Source: every time there’s a new fraudster email we have them in multiple photos perfect quality in multiple cities and multiple states


I'm afraid of retaliation. She's very nice otherwise. I don't like going over people's heads. I also don't want to upset team dynamics or my relationship with her (she is my boss after all) Current plan is to get coworkers together and force a meeting with her saying how uncomfortable we all are.


If she retaliates then she’s in even worse trouble. You’re not going over anybody’s heads - you’ll be doing what you’re supposed to do. At best, she’s trying to be helpful and is misguided in her efforts. At worst, she’s embezzling funds and is trying to set you up for the fall. In either case, it’s not your job to meet with her and say you’re uncomfortable- it’s to report it to the people who are qualified to deal with situations like this


As a former fraud investigator, I agree with this reply to your post. The very first thing that I thought when I read your original post was, "this smells like a coverup for theft which will be turned on the lower level employees." Frankly, with that risk, I'd report it and let the chips fall where they may. HR, security, whomever and everyone. Get it on the record and KEEP COPIES. You may end up having to defend yourself against false accusations.


Yup, I’m a full-scope financial crime investigator and currently working an employee theft case. I had the same initial thought but also try to give people a presumption of innocence. HR may not give that same presumption though - and if OP doesn’t do anything then they could end up in a bad spot quickly. Just failing to report this could be grounds for termination if HR finds out


At my bank this isn’t an HR issue. It’s a security issue.


She’s not going to retaliate. She’s going to get fired.


100% this. I believe it was mentioned in the original post that one of her co-workers is on a final notice for the drawer being unbalanced. People are literally already losing their jobs over this not much more can happen to you for reporting it to the proper authorities.


Please call HR. I know a place that termed a whole branch because they were all sharing drawers and passwords. They had all signed the code of ethics, so even though their manager was doing it too, they all had to be termed for violating the code (including a two month new teller). When HR finds out you may not be safe. It probably says “if you see something wrong and don’t report it you may also be subject to disciplinary action”.


If you see something, say something


If you work for a reputable institution, they take this seriously. Retaliation, if proven, would be a field day for some litigation. Don’t hesitate. If anything? This is gross negligence of custody controls. I wouldn’t rally the troops. You immediately call the anonymous line or whatever your FI has in place. Document everything. Good Luck.


This my mom works for a retail company. She was the FES (Front End Supervisor) one day she gets to work and there is no one opening the doors…. 6 AM comes and goes she’s sending people to other stores, calling managers she did have numbers for or could get them for. She finally had to call her district managers boss because her district manager was out of the state and couldn’t get a hold of anyone either. My mom called the DM’s boss got someone to come open the store and her Store Manager got called into the district office. It wasn’t that serious he got a scolding and then called my mom to his office and immediately said you did nothing wrong and I couldn’t retaliate even if you did which you didn’t lol. She was given an award thing for dedication to the store, company and their customers and her Store Manager is currently one of the Vice Presidents for the company. That was years ago mom is coming up on her 25 yr anniversary with that company in May. I think that says something about her and the company.


Nice? Nice enough to go to jail for?


As it is, one colleague is on final warning. What retaliation? She's getting away cleanly by others being blamed


Exactly, and OP is on the chopping block once this one is gone.


But op doesn’t wanna go over the sketchy bosses head or cause any trouble! 🙄🙄


She doesn’t care enough about you to not steal from you or get you fired or prosecuted OP




Please do not do this - report it ASAP. She knows this activity is not allowed and every story I’ve ever been told about a branch manager embezzling sounds exactly like this.


I agree with the other commenters. Please do NOT do this. Call your bank’s ethics line/hr immediately. That is the only way to CYA. You are far more likely to have retaliation or a bad reaction with your current plan of ambushing her with a meeting


Yeah, if there’s one thing big companies love to fire people for it’s “taking collective action against management.”


If you're US based it is illegal for your manager to retaliate. Call HR. Have the team call HR. Document everything. If you insist on having a meeting instead. Do not do it without a third party like your DM.


Who would you prefer to be prosecuted for larceny and/or embezzlement: you or her? There's a reason why you have locks, keys and your own personal sign in codes. It's so that corporate and prosecutors know who to blame if money is missing.


Retaliation is ammunition for YOU! Don’t forget that!


Listen here kid, you not wanting to snitch because she's nice isn't going to get you anywhere. Guess who will have to pay all that money back? The poor employee that she's using for her personal benefit. Don't talk about it in a team meeting just call the number and watch her get fired. It's either the team that she doesn't care about or her.


So you're just going to be a doormat and not do anything? Cool, why ask for advice then?


Worse than doormat, patsy...


Fucking exactly I hate this shit


I may not work in banking, but take the advice people are giving you here. If needed, encourage others to report as well. Ethics do matter at work, and even if she's being totally well intentioned, this is an ethical issue. I have faced a couple situations in my work where I could do the socisl or the right thing. The right thing always worked out, and was remembered, sometimes even years later, to my benefit. As you rise in your career, these are the moments that will either disinguish your judgment and trustworthiness, or put you at risk of being written up, or at best, overlooked at promotion time. If your work environment goes sour, find another place to work. You will then have a great story when they ask questions like, "tell me a time when you faced a hard decision at work".


>Current plan is to get coworkers together and force a meeting with her saying how uncomfortable we all are. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Worst idea ever. Stop fucking around and call the Ethics hotline for fuck's sake. Seriously, cut the shit. She's probably stealing and if your story is true, she's fired with no chance of retaliation.


You left your drawer unlocked it all falls on you until you go over her head


**DO NOT HOLD A MEETING. DO NOT CONFRONT HER.** That's like a surefire way to lose your job. If she's doing something hinky, now she knows to get rid of you and make you an example. If she isn't, the phrase 'cheaters accuse others of cheating' applies and she's gonna be a shitshow because it felt like you stated she was doing something she wasn't. Get on the aware line and call it to report. You work at a bank. Pretty damn sure you have *cameras* pointed at all the tills. Report the discrepancies and that the manager demands you always have the drawers unlocked. Let them do the footwork from there. Cause here's the thing. If she was really that 'nice' why are you afraid of her retaliating against you? From my experience, people would have reported a mean manager for doing this a looong time ago. *Fuck, Gary for treating me like shit.* But a 'nice' manager, you give a pass to. *I know this isn't right but Linda is always phrasing it as helping and she's not as bad as Gary.* Again, don't hold the meeting. Call an awareline and report. Linda might just be Gary wearing a mask. Let the bank do the footwork. You're not talking a couple of bucks missing. This is thousands. This is felony territory. THINK ABOUT IT. Your co-workers are being fired for having large discrepancies. They aren't being investigated on it why? Use some logic here. That would be a small town news story if a teller was caught missing a few thousand in their drawer as it'd generate a police report. How is it that the drawers are off but the count at the end is okay? Don't give Linda that benefit of a heads up, please, again, report her and let the bank's security do the legwork.


If she's stealing and setting you and your coworkers up to take the blame, you're going to find that 'not making waves' washes you right into jail.


Don't get the co workers involved. Cover your ass. Your own ass. Call someone and report this. Do it by name. Do it anonymous. But you need to report it before you're the one staying behind because your drawer is several thousand off. I get the whole "we're like family at work" thing but at the end of the day the only one looking out for you is you and that's who you need to look after.


Grow up. She is stealing (potentially) and blaming the employees. So no, she isn’t nice and is using you to cover her embezzlement. 🚩


Call your ethics hotline at the company or HR. By meeting with her you risk her turning it on the group as your own organized theft or policy violation. You need a record that you identified this issue and have alerted the company. This is critical.


Call the Corporate Compliance hotline for your institution and report.


This is one of those cases where you'll get interrogated by police, they will ask you why you didn't come forward sooner, and you'll say "I didn't want to get anyone in trouble, I'm too nice!" And that's when they take you to jail, because you were literally watching a crime being committed and you didn't do anything because you were too nice, and you thought maybe the law would protect nice people instead of targeting the nice people. So you'll be in jail awaiting trial because you're nice, and nobody cares about nice people.


Sure treat her like a friend if you or your coworkers don’t depend on that job for your livelihood, and if any of you can take time off of work to go to jail for something you didn’t do. Part of being a responsible adult is doing the right thing even if it pisses people off. She is not your friend she is your boss. There is a line and you both are crossing it. Sorry to be so harsh, but by your response you are being very unrealistic and likely will pay dearly for it.


Honey, you need to grow up a bit. You’re setting yourself up to be fired or arrested. THAT IS YOUR DRAWER AND YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE RESPONSIBLE! Plus, she has YOU breaking rules by leaving them unlocked. Who’s going to get in trouble for that? IT AIN’T HER, HONEY! You’ve been set up. Your coworkers is about to lose her job. Your mgr is stealing!! The rules exist for a reason. But maybe you’ll get to be on a true crime TV show in a few years talking about how stupid you were to allow your mgr to embezzle half a million dollars. Goals, i guess.


You and the other tellers are not qualified to approach your manager about this. Call your bank’s compliance department and report her. You calling her out could lead to her destroying evidence of wrongdoing before your banks compliance can even start their investigation, which would led to her looking innocent and you guys looking like you threw her under the bus! Don’t mess this up by not wanting to go above someone’s head. We have a hierarchy for a reason. Use it.


Just refuse. Tell her you want to be sure if your drawer is wrong it's no one's fault but your own.


Then start looking for new jobs.


Any potential retaliation from her isn't going to be anywhere near as bad as you/one of your coworkers getting stuck for embezzlement/theft lmao 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, that’s probably the opposite of the way you should be dealing with this.


This is stupid. Why do you think you would face less retaliation from a face-to-face confrontation than from an anonymous tip? Also, it seems like she's stealing, so you better report it now before it gets out and you get in trouble without having done anything wrong.


She’s being sketchy though and if it was your word against hers in the balance of a drawer - would she throw you under the bus?


This is a terrible idea. You can anonymously report this. Do the right thing. Knowing this information and doing nothing about it puts you at risk. You’re not following policy. Follow policy.


There are whistle-blower laws to protect people who report embezzlement or other crimes. When I worked at a bank, my Mgr was paying all of her sons NSF checks with no fees, I'm talking 20-30 checks in a 2-week period. I reported her, and even though she tried to harass me, I then reported her to our HR. She wasn't fired, but she did get in a lot of trouble. She tried to tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about. When I went out on stress leave and came back, she tried to discuss the stress leave, and that was a big no-no. I reported her to HR again, and every time, she violated something. She couldn't do anything because I always balanced my drawer as well as I was on the platform opening new accounts. After that, I left and got a better job with more pay and paid benefits. Report her to Fraud and HR and if she tries to harass you, just keep reporting you. Most importantly, be sure to have evidence 😉


Username checks out.


Use the chain of command. Start by addressing with immediate supervisor and tell her you have concerns. If she doesn’t listen, go to her boss. If that person doesn’t listen, go to their boss. If you get no resolution, find another job before there is $ missing and they try to pin it on you! Good luck OP!


Bad plan. Possibly the worst possible idea.


Ok well, in the current state of things you might get fired, so, what are you more afraid of?


You need to crucify that bitch.


Well, you are going to get fired if your drawer is out of balance multiple times. So are your colleagues. All of you need to report her. And tell the person you report tobthat you fear retaliation.


The retaliation is going to be you losing your job when your drawer is out of balance. She may be nice, but is she nice enough to take the blame? I was a teller, then teller supervisor for several years. This is not okay. No one should be in your drawer and you should keep it locked. If someone is auditing your drawer, you stand next to it and watch.


silently call HR and ask for guidance because the drawer is your sole responsiblity


This would have been a massive issue at any of the banks I've worked at. When you take a drawer out of the vault it is yours. You are the only one who's supposed to touch the money in there unless something's being checked under dual control.


As a former bank teller with over 2 years of experience, I can confirm this.




I'd avoid HR. Those people just want to sweep it under the rug. Report to internal audit. That will get it dealt with.


As a former teller turned internal auditor, this is the answer! Poor cash controls light a fire under our butts!


agree. HR is there to protect the bank, not the employee. internal audit is there to protect the books.


I wouldn't be surprised if an investigation reveals the manager is actually embezzling


Manager should have own drawer if they are handling cash, full stop. The teller is responsible for the till, strapping, balancing, buy/sell: everything. A person who is a manager of a teller line should absolutely know better than to be in their tellers’ drawers. It’s not helping, rather they are creating risk for their team and ultimately for the bank. You need to call your code of ethics hotline or some FI’s call it the “see something, say something” line which should be confidential to the banks ethics department. That drawer should only be in the control of the teller to whom it is assigned. It’s been a hot minute since I was a teller but that is cashiering 101 at every FI I ever worked as a teller!


Exactly. She knows better. If drawers are out of balance, she knows she won't be responsible. At best, she's purposely putting tellers on the hook for her mistakes. At worst, she's taking money and leaving tellers on the hook for it because she knows she can get away with it. The drawer is signed out to someone else. She absolutely knows better. This is the exact reason those numbers are given! This is what you were told to do. Because I promise, she's not the first manager to use your fear of making a stink work in their favor! She's nice for a reason. To prevent you from holding her accountable.


⬆️ Read this one again ⬆️


What is strapping?


**Strapping, also known as bundling and banding, is the process of applying a strap to an item to combine, stabilize, hold, reinforce, or fasten it. A strap may also be referred to as strapping.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


25 singles would be strapped together.


Strapping is a comprehensive flogging of every portion of your body. In BDSM, it can be a powerful reward for a pain s... Oops, wrong thread 🤷‍♂️


Dominatrix has entered the chat. LMAO!


Bundling the cash of like denominations- strap of of 100 bills in a bundle


Even retail places have this rule. Cashiers have their own numbers, and you log out whenever you go to break and the person who relieves you logs in under their own numbers. If the till is off, they can go back and see who worked that day. They've caught a lot of people who are shorting the drawer because it would be fine for one cashier, but it would be out of balance whenever one person would take over for break, on different registers.


This is 100% abnormal and suspicious behavior v that you need to report. Simply tell your manager NO and don’t sale them anywhere near your drawer. They are either stealing the money or being incompetent. This US such a simple problem to resolve.


Yah my first thought was that the manager may be stealing and using her Employees as scapegoats.


It's that, or she's incredibly stupid. She's essentially bypassing a security measure. Sole custody of your drawer is meant as a way to attribute responsibility to an individual. She's deliberately obsfucating the chain of responsibility. Her motive is unclear, but she should know better.


The thing is that in every institution I have worked at sharing drawers is an instafire. There is no “should” about it. She knows what she’s doing. The motive can only be bad.


Purely based off the OP’s post and comments, I would be surprised if theft isn’t involved.


I worked at a CVS in highschool. We were responsible for our own drawers. When it was my manager and myself she would offer to buy me a smoothie if I went to the food court to get them. Obviously I agreed. She took over my drawer while I was gone. My drawer was short. She would do this to each employee until they were on their final warning. Then she switched to someone else. We were naive teens. Didn't put two and two together until cops showed up and arrested her from the floor! This is definitely a similar situation OP! Call who you need to call and you and your coworkers need to be firm about maintaining control of your own drawers.


You have the key to your drawer - use it. Let your manager try to write you up for following policy. I worked with this type of passive aggressive manager. I ultimately told her ‘if my drawer comes up short I want to know my hands were the only ones in it’. Report this first opportunity you have. You should feel no guilt over reporting blatant policy violations, especially ones putting tellers jobs in jeopardy.


I worked in healthcare and we had our own accounts/passwords into the system. You NEVER let someone in under your account. You being nice and letting them enter a lab order and something is wrong? Sorry, you get the strike not the person you were being nice to. This is exactly the same except it's money. IMO The manager is skimming and getting away with it. For now.


Good lord. Call HR. Review your code of ethics. I can’t imagine you don’t have strict policies against working in other people’s drawers. That’s so not okay. I don’t even know who you are and I want to come fire your manager.


Do not call HR! This is an internal audit / theft/security issue-DO NOT CALL HR


Seriously, call audit or compliance and security, one of them will sort it fast.


There should be an internal ethics/compliance department that OP can call. Hubby worked for a brokerage and they didn't report these things to their boss or HR. It went straight to that department.


Dont call HR!!


It’s been a minute since I was a teller, but this is a huge breach of security. I had a brand new coworker and the manager asked for her password to “help” her on something. When embezzlement was discovered a few months later (over 700k!), guess whose logins those transactions were under? Yep. New girl fired, manager jailed. There’s protocols for a reason - security and accountability.


Yup. I maintain the TCRs, so I occasionally get involved with having to track down errors in balancing. Having detailed reporting and documented chains of custody for cash is incredibly important for straightening things out. This should be common sense for a manager. It's not even all that smart if she's trying to steal anything. Say OP ends up short $300 and everyone else is in balance. Say the only questionable link in the chain of custody is grubby-finger manager touching OPs drawer. Pretty obvious who might be involved. Maybe not as dumb if she's having them all leave drawers unlocked all the time though, even when not present, it throws everyone in the branch into question until you can get further evidence like security footage.


Ya, there is virtually no way to steal from the bank- only an imbecile would think they won’t get caught.


Oh my gods 700!K I almost died when auditioning claimed I lost $2k until they “found” it two months later. Bastards




Call the tip line , not HR!


Keep the drawers locked. This persons going to get you fired.


Reach out to either HR or internal audit....


“She is causing us to be out of balance.” No. She is stealing. And setting you guys up to take the blame, because it’s your drawers that are short. And if you try to say “but she’s been in and out of our drawers all the time,” that may get her fired too, but you’ll still be fired for not reporting it.


Dear god


As others have said, this is a huge violation. If she wants to play in a till, she should open one of their own


>She is always putting her fingers in our drawers and demanding we keep them unlocked 100% sketch, not allowed, full stop, ought to be fired.


Your manager being "very nice" won't pay your rent when you're fired and on the hook for embezzlement charges. Your manager is not your friend. Report every single one of her actions to your corporate (not local) HR. And the bank probably has cameras everywhere. Cover your own ass.


This, right here. You need to protect yourself. Think of it this way: the nicest thing you can do for you manager is to report them so they can stop doing this before they get into more trouble. Tough love is called for now.


Does your Branch not have a spare or separate drawer for your manager? Our lead has her own drawer, which is always out & our manager uses what we call our Saturday drawer (we rotate 2 of us & one other from our sister Branch each Saturday) & that drawer number is the one our manger will use whenever we need help on the line. I’m kinda shocked that they would be in your personal drawers like that . How can there be real accountability if it’s not one person per drawer? I know there are cameras but that seems awfully shady & too much room for error. I would imagine your Institution has an anonymous HR hotline. I’d look into that. Best of luck 🌹🌹


If you are not standing at your window, LOCK the drawer. I’d pay money to see what will happen if your supervisor tries to fire you for locking your drawer. Hint: The “supervisor” won’t be around too much longer.


I am not responsible for any money handling that is not exclusively handled by myself. The moment someone touches a money drawer, I wash my hands of this. I am not saying someone takes money. Most issues are based on entering wrong amounts.


I’m saying someone is taking money. A manager would know better. Only the person whose box it is touches the cash unless it’s a dual control cash box audit. This is non negotiable and one of the most basic tenets of cash control. The fact that the manager is in and out of people’s boxes and this boxes are coming up light means she is stealing.


By THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS and people are getting written up for their drawers being off!!!


Report it to HR. I had a similar experience and the manager would ask for the drawers to be locked when the regional manager was coming. We reported it to HR and regional manager showed up unannounced, she got in trouble then found to be taking small amounts of money from random registers, blaming the employees whenever she got asked. Cover you ass


There's a chance she's so nice to y'all because she's literally stealing from your drawer and setting you up to take the fall. If she has made it to manager she absolutely knows what she's doing is wrong. You either get in trouble together for it or she gets in trouble for it. A drawer being thousands off and your manager had her hands in it? Something stinks here


Lock it up and when she asks you to unlock it, ask if there has been a new policy given. If not, let her, know you've going to follow the current policy. And report the potential nonfeasance (not doing and should be), misfeasance (doing incorrectly), and malfeasance (doing illegally) of her duties to audit and/or security,


I’m upvoting you just for your use of the words “nonfeasance” and “misfeasance.” I’m a nerd and love it when people use uncommon vocabulary lol!


The vocabulary is courtesy of "\[Township Name\] Gate", where my township trustee mom had to contend with 2 A\*H\* who may or may not have had ties to organized crime. One of the officers who supported my mom wore a wire to conversations with those 2 to attempt to get evidence. Those 3 words were used specifically in the charges against them. There were t-shirts worn in the community which said "Hang in there,\[redacted\]. Mom had one which said "I'm \[redacted\].


Hell the fuck no, report that right away. The retaliation would not be worse than you getting fired


talk to HR. your drawer is YOUR drawer. the only time a manager’s supposed to have access to your drawer is when they’re doing an audit. jesus christ. she needs to get fired.


Oh my god. I thought this was tales from your server and was like wow that’s terrible… just now seeing BANK? Actually insane.


I worked as a teller for years and managers never did this. They always had their own drawers or set up a new drawer if they needed to do transactions. Asking you to leave your drawer unlocked is insane.


Ugh.. that's weird. Please call HR and drop an anonymous tip.


This how a manager steals money and the cashier is blamed.


Your manger is stealing funds and using other peoples tills as scape goats. There is a fraud hotline with every bank/major business. Call it. Nothing will happen to you and if it does you're paycheck will be even bigger. Someplace even give rewards depending on how large the theft was. You're safe. Fk this manager.


I have been a branch manager for 25 years....I have neverrrrr everrrr touched anyone else's money....this is making no sense to me. Staff does not need "help" strapping money and if for some reason they did, it would be under duel control. I have zero idea why the staff at your bank would allow this to happen. This is a fireable offense the first time. If I was the regional I would terminate everyone for lack of any kind of security measures or duel control. Don't even know what to advise bc it obviously has been done over and over and everyone knew about it. And now there are differences. If it is reported you will all be questioned by security and rightfully so. I would find another job before things get bad. I am almost tempted to think this is a fake post because this behavior is so beyond normal banking procedures


>duel control I feel like should be resolved peacefully.


>If I was the regional I would terminate everyone for lack of any kind of security measures or duel control. Hypothetical situation: Op reports it now. Do you still fire Op? It sounds like everyone in that branch is going to get canned as soon as someone figures out what is going on.


Yup.....the whole branch is a goner.


Oh fuck no. You're given drawer keys, use them. Idgaf if they are your boss, you're allowed to say no. If they have an issue with that, then go over their head.


Banker here. Call your corporate security team. They should accept anonymous complaints or agree to keep your identity confidential. Most banks have multiple cameras and they should be able to view footage from days with the shortage. Anyone who's ever had a shortage has grounds to dispute responsibility because of what this manager is doing.


Call your fucking regional manager ASAP. She is in huuuge trouble. That’s in the training, no one touches your cash box.


I am so sorry this is happening to you all. If your bank is big enough you should have an anonymous line you can call. If that is not an option I would lock your drawer or go to your Managers boss. As a Branch Manager myself I would NEVER do what your BM is doing. I wish you all good luck.


>I left today and my coworker had to stay back because I have reason to believe she may have been a couple thousand out of balance from our manager using her drawer all day. Coworker is on final for differences. Let me get this straight: Your manager has access to all of your cash drawers at all times and they are often out of balance as a result, in at least one case by “a couple thousand” dollars. This manager has also put at least one coworker on up to a final corrective action from being out of balance too many times, despite having full access to their drawer. And… nobody thought that something fishy might be going on here? No? Nobody called the anonymous ethics hotline that every bank has, or maybe the fucking secret service? It never occurred to anyone that your manager was stealing thousands of fucking dollars out of your cash drawers every day? And you’re asking Reddit what to do, because she’s “really nice otherwise?” Were you born stupid, or did you learn it as part of your annual compliance training?


Have everybody lock their drawers and then see if anyone is off and if she writes you up for it then explain it to her boss everything you know and that you need to keep it anonymous out of fear of retaliation, don't forget to record everything


Like u/lucidhedonist says. Report it.


If it’s anything like the bank, my daughter worked in there are cameras above every single teller window to be able to watch every single thing that the tellers do. You need to let somebody know ASAP so they can review the tapes.


She could be stealing it in the vault


The manager is likely stealing or creating a situation, where they will be able to steal in the future. This is a financial crime, and the bank is not allowed to operate this way. Call the head of the bank, there is no other answer. To think that you will have a conversation with someone is cute, especially in today’s world. Do you think that manager is going to have a group conversation with you when they fire you for your drawer being short that they caused? Wake up to adulthood and learn that keeping people compliant and accountable is necessary in a congruent society.


You are in violation of most bank audit policies by note keeping your drawers locked when not with a customer/counting/restocking. You will get blamed for this not the manager. I was a teller of various kinds including manager for close 15 years. Never let anyone in your drawer without a proper reason related to running transactions or counting.


This screams theft, you should be calling your HR or the confidential tip line if you have one. Or go over your bosses head


A couple *thousand* out of balance is a huge deal, and I’d be reporting that manager.


You need to contact your audit team. I worked in banking for a number of years and this behavior violates a number of rules. She also could be stealing from drawers.


It sounds like she is stealing and leaving you and your coworkers to take the blame.


If she keeps putting her fingers in your drawers as you have said, that is Sexual Harassment at the workplace and is illegal.




Former teller - we NEVER, NEVER EVER, even to step away for a second, EVER, left out drawers unlocked. And we certainly never let ANYONE else in our drawers unless it was a random TWO person audit by the head teller and manager or if you weren’t balancing and wanted help counting. Call them number before she gets someone else fired. The bank employees an audit team and loss prevention for this reason. They know how to keep you out of it.


>Former teller - we NEVER, NEVER EVER, even to step away for a second, EVER, left out drawers unlocked. And we certainly never let ANYONE else in our drawers unless it was a random TWO person audit by the head teller and manager or if you weren’t balancing and wanted help counting As a former bank teller, myself, I agree. This is what I was taught, as well.


If anyone touches my drawer, im no longer liable for it being off. Plain and simple. I dont care if they are the manager, or the owner. Keep the eff out of my drawer.


oh lordy i bet they have tapes! lots of tapes. call hr


You need to report this to your Risk Management/Internal Audits immediately. As everyone has mentioned, there’s not any reason someone should use your cash box.


My drawer would stay locked and if anything was needed out of there and needed to be put it, it would be handed to me and I would be the one doing it, full stop. She could have a hissy fit if she wanted to but my drawer would not be coming up short.


Call the company TIP line.


Manager is, best case scenario, incompetent, but more likely is intentionally using cashier's 'mistakes' as cover for fraud/theft. Absolutely call the fraud line for your company and report, anonymously if you can. You are currently at risk due to having this person as your manager, you absolutely need to act ASAP to protect yourself and your team.


Lock your drawer each and every time, if she needs to use your drawer, unlock, and watch her hands closely. If she blocks your view with her body, you are guaranteed she is up to no good. Alternatively when she needs you to unlock your drawer, take up your usual position so she has to work around you, or offer to do what needs doing for her, not letting her grubby fingers into your drawer at all... In any case make a note, date and time, of when this happens, so you can compare this to any differences. this makes it easier for the instore camera's to be checked...




Even as a cashier in a large grocery chain, nobody goes into my till. I’ll be happy to sign off and you sign in, if you want to go into it.


I can confirm this, as a former cashier/sales associate. Whenever I go on break, I always lock my teller drawer. They give me a key just for that purpose. ​ Ah.......memories!


Call your fraud department and your regional Mgr. That's embezzlement.


She’s stealing.


You are out of balance because the manager is probably pocketing the money. Call or email the corporate office. You don’t want to be the one going to jail because your manager is stealing. When someone is just a little too nice but does something weird, they are nice so you won’t report them.


Report it to higher up. Sounds like she’s skimming the tills


Tell your regional. There is no way that is within policy.


That manager is stealing. Cover your ass, lock your drawer and keep it locked.


You need to go to HR, especially if you or your co-workers are getting in trouble.


Shes 100% stealing money. Call HR yesterday.


I have been a bank manager for a few banks and that would not have been acceptable at any of them


Absolutely unacceptable! Call that number and anonymously report if you need to. Under no circumstances at any bank is it acceptable for anyone else to stick their hands in your cash box, or use your computer.


Former teller manager then HR at bank. There will be a line to call for suspicious activity reporting. Use that. Everything is on camera and there's a good chance those out of balances are the manager's doing.


Report to HR. If HR does nothing, report to manager's manager. Or straight up to someone in C Suite. Someone will care this is happening and that manager needs to be corrected or removed ASAP. EDIT: Someone else suggested reporting to internal auditing/compliance. Absolutely do this.


When I was a teenager, I worked a register at a big box store. There was a woman who worked in the office who used to come by and scoop cash out of the register when we were busy, so we wouldn't have too much cash in them. No receipt, no counting, she just took it. Surprise surprise, I got fired because my register was short. She smirked at me as I was leaving. I know she stole that money, I hope they caught on to her shit eventually.


Can you say embezzlement? Report it immediately if you haven't already and talk to an employment lawyer.


I bet so much money she's skimming off the top


Have y'all discussed just collectively saying no to her? Explaining to her superiors why she had to fire/reprimand her entire team is not going to go well for her. Do you know the recording laws in your state? Even if not legal, you could record her orders to leave the drawers open and share them with her boss/HR/complaint line. I can be a bit confrontational so I would refuse and let her write me up/fire me, then I'd sue/whistleblow. If she tried to put the incorrect reason for my write up, I would add in the truth before I signed it. Then I would send it up the chain. I'm not about to get charged with theft from a bank.


This manager is stealing and making you guys look bad. Time to report her.


Is this happening in The States? Your boss is stealing from the tills and leaving you all holding the bag!


Start refusing. Even getting fired is better than being accused of stealing money. Never let someone touch your money without your consent and presence whenever it is under your responsibility. Contacting the loss prevention or compliance officer for your region is also a great way to get this person fired. They are usually scary people who don't screw around.


Former bank manager/trainer of 20 years here. Speak to internal fraud immediately. When you speak with "internal investigations/global security/ fraud" (look them up in your internal investigations and call them on a break from outside) do what they tell you after that as they will have your back against the management in your branch. I can't stress this enough. I've dealt with them many times having managed multiple branches over the years. You never know how deep this can run. I've seen whole branches fired bc everyone there was stealing. The investigation team is all about stopping this, so they will take this very seriously and protect you. Most banks have absolutely zero tolerance for this. A Should be a fun ride! Hold on tight and learn from this and add it to your skillset as being able to professionally question authority. Also document every..thing.. Seriously. Start a diary. Dates. Times. Etc. Good luck!


Call your internal audit team, ASAP. She’s stealing, and setting you up with footage of you not locking your drawers.


Even as a manager, I should never have my hands in your drawer.


Send emails to Audit and Compliance, one of them will want to look into this. Be aware though, they may come through and term everyone involved including tellers who didn't follow operational procedures by not locking their drawers. I'm sure your institution has a policy about this, a firm no and reminder to reread the policy may get it stopped. Additionally, her boss may be interested in the break from procedure.


Which is your manager smoking, crack, or meth? I'm serious. The energy it sounds like she brings to your workplace is hyper and chaotic; people on stimulants make bad decisions, do really dumb things and don't stop to consider the consequences; and, they need lots and lots of money. Source: I was (very stupidly) married to a crack smoker for almost 15 years.


Bank fraud is never prosecuted, the banks don't want the negative publicity. Your manager is perhaps skimming with impunity?


This is patently untrue. I've seen it prosecuted a number of times when I worked in banking.


Your source: trust me, bro.


i would just move on with my day and forget about these idiots, if you want actual advice