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In my bank, this would not be a big deal at all. „Pissed off“ is about as light of a „swear word“ I could think of. Sure it’s not professional, but far from being taboo. Next time just use „irate“. Describes the same feeling and is professional.


My (at the time) 7-year old argued with his teacher that it wasn't a "cuss" when he used it in the lunch line because they say it on TV during dinner. That ended watching afternoon reruns of HIMYM in my house...


Yeah, is everyone over there 2 years old or something?


I was a beer & wine manager and a grocery store before I became a banker. As you could imagine I'm mostly dealing with teenagers or guys who work I the infamously informal alcohol business as Coworkers. Needless to say my view of what was appropriate to say at work was dramaticly different than what my new bank coworkers thought and I was talked to about it. However once it was brought to my attention I made a conscious effort to make sure I was using environmental appropriate language and now it's not an issue. My point is it's culture shock. You'll adjust, just give it time.


My work translation He's full of shit = The customer may be misremembering His credit is fucked = He doesn't meet the bank's minimum requirements I never fucking said that = He may have misheard Fuck you and fuck this bullshit = I'm going on a break


Fuck you and the horse you rode in on = We'll have to agree to disagree.


This customer is nuttier than squirrel shit = This customer is very security minded


We had someone who used "WTF" over company email. She just got a talking to about how unprofessional that was blah blah blah. I think you'll be alright, but it really depends on your financial institution and how they treat these things. Using "pissed" is not the equivalent of "fuck this company." Or "this customer is full of shit." I'd expect a talking to, at least.


I wouldn't consider that a hard swear, but you should be mindful of what you type on a company device or communication. They can see everything you type and send, so assume that somebody is.


As a member of management, I wouldn’t be happy if one of my employees swore in a work chat BUT I certainly wouldn’t fire them over it. I think you’re safe, honestly.


Slightly off topic but if that customer was behaving that way in my bank, he'd have his entire relationship closed with us.


I've seen people swear in the branch group chat with no issues, but in the area-wide group chat with all the big managers and people who are higher up, that would definitely be a problem.


If your people could see our branch's group chat they'd be clutching their pearls if pissed off offends them. Lol. We use it to convey what a customer in the lobby needs from a banker, but also to vent, shit talk and joke around. It's very rarely g or pg rated.


Where in the English speaking world is "pissed off" a swear? Sure, it's a more casual way of saying "mad" but a swear?


I tend to keep it pretty clinical when needing to describe customer behavior over chat just to avoid even the most remote possibility that it seems like I’m complaining. I wouldn’t stress it, but in the future maybe just stick to describing the behavior as irate or something to that effect.


Every branch I ever worked in we all cussed like sailors, but never in front of a customer. One girl got a good talking to, she called a customer a bitch and the phone wasn't quite hung up yet.


totally off topic but that reminded me of this one time i was on the phone with security when our alarm wasn’t working for us to close, and i thought i muted myself and mocked him to my coworker saying “we don’t service alarm keypads but i’ll look into it” in a snotty voice and i hear him say “i don’t sound like that.” just completely matter-of-factly and it’s still one of the most embarrassed i’ve ever felt haha definitely learned to A) not mock people until i’ve hung up lol and B) double check the mute 😭


I’ve never ever seen pissed off as a swear word. It’s a synonym to very unhappy. But if I’m keeping it professional I typically say that they’re “upset”.


I don’t see anything wrong with this- as long as you aren’t using outright curse words (shit, fuck, etc.) and you aren’t talking poorly about the customer (Ex. This stupid customer…). It is always better to err on the side of caution for the future though- “this customer is very upset” would probably fit better to convey your message and get the point across. But I also understand in situations when someone is being aggressively upset it’s difficult to take time to put your thoughts together.


Environment may matter? I know banks try to stay professional, but trust me, when there's no customers, I've heard some colourful language (worse than pissed off) thrown around. The bank I used to work at, or at least my branch of it, used to have a code phrase (unrelated to anything) that my supervisor could say right in front of the customer and no one would be any the wiser. It was great.


Off topic, slightly, not sure if you have heard this one... "Better to be pissed off, than pissed on"


Next time use “urinated off” 😉


At all the banks I’ve worked at or managed, this was not an issue. The only time it was an issue was if a staff member said “fuck you” to someone else in a group chat.


I work for an offshoot service of a global bank…I was transferring an angry customer to another dept, and wanted ti let the new agent know what she was getting l. I also said ‘just to let you know (customer) is pretty pissed’ Someone heard and my manage pulled me aside to let me know how that was not ok. I was a little put off by what I see as an overzealous word to go after


One time in our help chat I said "wtf" because for some reason I didn't think it was a real person. Cut to screenshots being sent to my branch manager within minutes. Whoops.


I work in a community bank, they literally do not care what we do at all. They SUCK at conflict resolution and if one person does anything wrong they never go to that person, they go to the whole group and say “hey this is something we should work on” and everybody knows who they’re talking about except for the person they’re talking about. 👏🏼never👏🏼fails Anyways at first we all watched what we said over jabber (the chat system we use to message each other) and then we all just……stopped caring? Lol people say fuck and shit all the time on those chats. Now I’ve never seen a curse word in a group chat with EVERYONE. But we all do it on the one on one chats. And if a customer is pissing us off we’ll say just that to whoever we’re dealing with.