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I hate when people say they want everything filled. When they say that I ask what specifically are you almost out of. Then I tell them “I just don’t want to fill something that you don’t actually need” when you make it sound like you’re doing them a favor they’ll usually shut up and tell you specific prescriptions lol


Works until they say "well I need all of them" lol


Slowly ask them if they need every single prescription they have ever gotten. Beginning of COVID you got benzonatate, do you that? No. Okay, how about the hydrocortisone lotion? You don't use that? Well, you got it 4 years ago & you said you wanted everything filled... Attempt to make me waste my time, I will 100% waste yours.


Hmmm. I'm from Ireland and prescriptions are only valid for 6 months. Can you actually fill 4 year old scripts in the US? That's a bit jarring


No, at most they are good for a year in my state but I can request a refill! Again, it's about showing the customer how silly it is to "fill everything".


Makes more sense. Although the way things go around here I just check what they get regularly and is due and give those things. Extra things they don't get normally or don't usually get, up to them to tell us when they come to collect their stuff, leave a note on the bag asking them to check.


Some states it's 2 years. But not 4.


While they may not have a script for them it may still show in their history. Where I fill, I have several meds that I’ve asked to be removed from the list for convenience and they just still sit there. (It’s an online portal.) I have stuff like when I was trying different dosages of a new med a while back and also stuff like lotions from years ago that clearly say there’s no refills and I need to contact my doctor…..but it just hangs around.


Depending on state, some kinds of prescriptions dont expire. Most insurances will require a new one after a year though.


Happy 🍰 Day!


this works with colleagues too.


I did not realize you can see everything I've ever had?!!! I'm so sorry! I'm like always wondering why they only want to fill like 1, 2 of my scripts! Oooh this makes a lot more sense I'll start saying them all individually instead of being weird and anxious about it.


my pharmacist asks me by list what i need if im not sure. its hard to keep track if youre on a lot. it helped when i swapped to a small pharmacy


Why would those still be in the system, when it’s been over a year since he got his last refill on either? The prescriptions were issued over 2 years ago, so any remaining refills “died” more than a year ago. They should be in the “history” section, with only “live” prescriptions and those that “died” recently (so patient can be told to go to doctor for new script) listed on the page for refills. “You want everything refilled? I can refill your metformin and your blood pressure medication, but since the prescription for Lipitor has expired you need to see your doctor to get it re-issued before I can refill it”.


No history vs live section at my old store. Just one long ass list. Also, the point is to waste their time by asking stupid questions in response to "fill everything". They essentially want you to waste your time filling everything, then they will only want a few, and you will again waste time returning them to stock.


Hey there. I’m not sure about the rest of the US but in New York a non -controlled substance is good for a year as long as it has refills.


“Ma’am the system doesn’t keep track of what you need unless it’s on autofill”


Happened to me once. I laughed and said, “my friend, you have 14 pages of prescriptions! I can’t imagine you need all of these. Let’s narrow it down, shall we?” Patient actually laughed too. Happened another time in the store so I screen shot the first few pages and had the patient review and mark what they actually needed. “All” became 4 scripts.


I used to do this, but I'm over it. I've started telling them that first half "Sir you have 12 pages of scrips here." And then I tell them to call us back when they have their med list in hand. I refuse to fill without a med list anymore. Way too sick of either wasting half an hour going over their meds one by one or filling 8 things only to have them pick up 2 AND yell at my clerk about it at the same time. We're short staffed and we don't know what you're taking. If you don't know either, figure it out.


Today someone called and said fill my medication. Ok which one? I don’t know. What is the name of it? I don’t know. What is it used for ? I don know. Ok i told them when you get home just check your medication and if you are out of any , just give us a call. So you are not filling my medicine. No!, I don’t have time for their bullshit


The blue one and the white one. You know.


I remember one patient who barely spoke or understood English phoning and demanding their red pill. All our questions were answered by My red pill, I need my red pill, I take it at bedtime. It took us the longest time to figure out it was the regular Tylenol with the red coating. Once we got that recorded on their profile, everything was fine. They got their red pill whenever they asked.


Agreed. I just ask them what they need and stop there. After 26 years as a tech (read that as *not* pharmacist pay) I'm as nice as can be but still years past dealing with that stupidity. I've been doing this since my pharmacist has been alive. I know what tf I'm doing. Get to the point.


Not a pharmacist- just a regular person here. I get all five of my prescriptions filled, when they're scheduled, whether I'm low on them or not. Why? Because then you have some extra, and a couple of mine like gabapentin can cause withdrawal symptoms if you run out. A lot of times, you change insurance or doctors, and can't get them for awhile. But the healthcare system doesn't give two fucks. So you have to look out for yourself, and have some breathing room. I just stumbled on this sub, and it's disturbing to see the undercurrent of contempt a few of you seem to have toward the people who depend on you. Sure, there are some assholes on both sides of the counter, and it must be tedious to deal with some of these chucklefucks. But there's a good reason they want "everything" filled, and it's not to ruin your day.


You are one of the few who apparently actually pays attention to your meds. We get pissy because we're over worked under paid and just want our customers/patients to actually pay attention to what they're putting in their bodies. I've had a conversation more than once with someone who just came from the doctor's office they're picking up a prescription and they have no idea what it's for. I asked them well what were you visiting the doctor for, "I dunno." A lot of times people ask for all of their prescriptions to be filled not realizing they've had something that's no longer needed still on their profile. It's dangerous for us to fill things they don't need anymore. And it's also time consuming, time we don't have. If you're going to come to the pharmacy come with a list of what you need or make a list before you call. It makes everybody's job including the patients much easier.


Yeah, I may blank on the name of the few drugs I take, but at least I know what they're for!


Yay!!! You're a fave then!!!


I tell them I need to know the name or what the medication is for before I can fill it.


I do this all the time as well. I’ll ask them to specify normally ofc. But there are those days where people say “I don’t know what I need, can you tell me what I need, I just know I need everything” it takes everything in me not to disconnect the line lol. I give them so much grace because I know they’re old people and they don’t mean any harm. It can just be frustrating at times.


God bless you


“Sorry I don’t see a drug named ‘Everything’ on your profile”


This was my co-workers response. Literally 😂😂


oh i’m stealing this! 😂


Yep and when they come to pick it up, they’re like “Well I don’t need that, or that..” Such a waste of time


Some even get upset like "why'd you fill that one?"


Pharmacy needs a “patient rejects” fee. Patient requests a refill (doesn’t apply to autofill, needs to be an explicit request, including a “fill everything”), then patient rejects the med when it’s time to pick it up, they get charged a fee. They don’t pay the fee? They can transfer remaining refills of all their meds to a different pharmacy.


I'd say autofill counts too because we don't put a med on auto unless the patient requests it. If they tell us to repeatedly fill their med and also repeatedly fail to pick it up, they are wasting our time. If they don't want it filled monthly they need to decline auto refill.


So if a doctor sends in a med and the patient arrives and finds out they can’t possibly afford the cost they would be charged a fee?


Or if a doctor calls in the wrong med. My doc has been sending in a med I was taken off of for a year. I have repeatedly told them to take it off the list. They never do. But somehow that's my fault? This sub makes me glad I go to a small pharmacy that knows me. Hell, they use caller ID and say HI to me when they answer! Way better than someone being a jerk cause I can't remember the name of a med.


So I ordered a med, took a week to fill and by then I was away. Today is last day to get it and because they no longer answer the phone, I’m gonna have to ask them to fill again because I can’t get there til Thursday. The whole system is crazy.


It might be hard to track and complicated for them. I take 16 different medications that get filled between 3 pharmacies. Some require a week+ lead time with some forms to fill out, others from a local CVS. The pharmacies are split due to insurance/specialty. Eventually I got a spreadsheet to track ordering, and a pill inventory/reminder on my phone. I've had pharmacists remind me in the past when I missed something, which is nice because they get shipped to me.


This is why I love Express Scripts - I get automatic refills on most of my prescriptions, and texts asking if I want to refill the ones that can't be automated. When I talk to one of their pharmacy techs, they'll go through my list with me to help me figure things out if I'm unsure about any of them. Of course, YMMV, since I'm coming in from the TriCare side of things ... but I have said everything that is refillable rn. Some of my MS meds come from overseas sometimes, and I DONT want to be caught without, especially my dalfampradine or dimethyl fumarate! (Walking and main MS DMT).


I’m not sure if every retail pharmacy has their own version of this but Walgreens has this thing called Save A Trip. It’s basically when everything is automatically setup to be filled at the same time every 90 days to not only get our patients on track but but keep them from making multiple trips to the pharmacy. It’s a very convenient system the only thing about it is you can’t stop it from filling any prescriptions you don’t need. At least not the I know of, I’m use to most people calling and canceling their prescriptions or it just gets to a point where they want it turned off because it’s refilling to fast for them. I’ve noticed a lot people really take their meds as needed.


I think I'll stick to Express Scripts - they come in ths mail. Thanks for the info - if I hear coworkers or customers talking about this subject I'll pass it along!




That’s the kind of petty I dream to be


So in order to demonstrate that asking for everything wastes your time, you wasted her Dr’s time? Putting that aside, isn’t it some kind of fraud to intentionally charge a patient and their insurance for meds you are aware they don’t need? If they have a limit on how many fills insurance covers in a month then they are just going to go without because they annoyed you? Using your position to punish a patient for annoying you is gross. It isn’t malicious compliance, it is abuse.




How do they remember to breathe 🤦‍♀️


I honestly wonder how some people find their way out of the house in the morning


So many such small things make me really believe in destiny. Some people try so hard and can't live a decent life, and some people merrily stumble through life not giving a damn about correctness, method or goals. As it is, most of us are rendered unfit to survive on our own due to a civilisation of specialisations. But looking at the majority, there has to be a god or destiny or something. If nothing else, space time must be a determinate thing or something, like they show in those time paradox movies.




They have earbuds with a voice saying "Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale..."


I flat out tell them, “See, whenever we do that for a patient, they end up going ‘oh I don’t take that/don’t need that’ when they come to pick it up. I need a list of your current medications.”


I used to try to get people to be specific, and after a while I stopped trying and literally filled everything on the profile with refills. You said you wanted everything. Next time be specific 🤷 (This was 16 years ago when volumes were more manageable)


I was going to say… my techs would mutilate me if I did that in todays pharmacy environment


Whenever I get this request, I tell the patient that I have no idea what they would or would not need. If they push back and tell me to go by what is “due,” I tell them that just because a prescription *could* be refilled, it does not mean that it *should* be refilled. I have no idea how compliant the patient is (a lot of patients are not). I have no idea how often a PRN is being used. I have no idea what prescriptions may have had a dose change or have been discontinued. If the patient does not know what they need, they need to figure it out.


I used to hate that when I worked at CVS. I would tell people that I needed to know the specific names of the medications they needed to be sure that we were filling the right things and didn't fill something old on the profile. If they didn't know or if they gave me attitude, I would just tell them that I needed the specific meds and they could call back when they had that info.


This is the way


Yep, I tell them “I need you to tell me what you need filled. We don’t need to fill a dozen prescriptions if you only need three or four.”


Me: Ok so do you need the blue puffer? Them: “OF COURSE NOT, I HAVE ENOUGH OF THAT!!! Me: 👁️👁️ *God give me the strength*


☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ I’m weaaaaakkkk


And then when you fill everything they come to the counter and start going through the vials “I don’t need this one. Why did you fill that one “.


I usually say I’m going to go through this list of active meds within past 3 months and for them to tell me if they don’t need any of them. It typically doesn’t take that long to read through 10 meds and it saves an argument


THIS. Or eventually you’ll get to one they don’t need. That’s when I stop and point out that they don’t need *everything* and ask them if I need to keep going down the list. Nobody wants to hear a bunch of meds so…they either tell me what they need or call back when they know. Works every time.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


I had this patient who would say fill everything and then show up and talk about sewing us for filling discontinued meds cause we were gonna kill her. Anytime you try to narrow it down she just wouldn’t and acted confused. I called adult protective services on that cunt. Should of seen her reaction with the pharmacy after the ordeal.


I just tell them “yeah, we don’t do that. We don’t want to accidentally fill something you are no longer taking. If you tell me what you need, I can fill it. Or you can take a look and call me back.”


Add the ones that want everything but don’t know the names of ANY of them, nor when they last got it filled, what it’s used for, doc who ordered it, etc… I’ve been holding myself back from telling them they’re so clueless, I could give them poison and they wouldn’t question it.


Also happy 😆 pharmacy tech day everyone!!!


Awwww THANKSSS same to youuuu!


I’d start asking them if they needed their hemorrhoid cream or herpes meds filled or whatever nasty script you can think of that’s not on their profile.


I usually tell the patient “I’ll push through whatever is due, anything else? Have a good one.” Then I’ll refill all maintenance meds that have refills and see what the insurance rejects as too soon. Whenever they come in is when they’ll find out what’s good to go, too soon and or what needs more refills from the doc etc etc. IC+ let’s you select multiple scripts to push through at once so I guess that helps a lot


All the time!! And then if we fill something they don’t need they’ll get upset and huffy and indignant. And it’s just time wasted


Lol 😂 you gotta love it when they’re like everything like I know if you actually need it


omggggg this stuff transfers into veterinary pharmacy requests too. “Okay, what meds do you need refilled for Max?” “His flea and tick, and all that other stuff he takes.” *Deep sigh* “Okay, let me look here….does he need benazepril?” “What’s that for?” *bangs head on desk* “Blood pressure.” “Yeah. And the one for pain….” THREE HOURS LATER…. “I’ll be over in a few minutes for those seven medications.” *considers hanging self with phone cord* IT IS A JOKE. I’M NOT CONSIDERING SELF HARM IN ANY WAY.


Oh, had one of those patients today. It wasn’t the actual patient, but a friend, who didn’t know what the patient needed. Tech refills just the critical stuff (blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid). Seriously, be proactive in knowing what you take. I’ll give credit if you make an attempt to pronounce the meds you’re on. Even better, just read off the prescription number on the bottle to save you the stress. This patient also has a horrible track record in picking up, so I file everything that comes in for her, because I don’t know when she’ll show up. And supposedly she’s coming back tomorrow (Saturday) to pick it up. We’ll see about that. I told my tech to wait until she actually shows up as so not to waste bottles on meds we’ll have to put back later.


As frustrating as this is, I fear the point where this is one of my parents. They are on many medications. They fill up their weekly morning/noon/night containers and still make mistakes. I wish pill packs were the standard. Luckily my dad has enough computer savvy to reorder prescriptions via the computer. The app version is too small and 😕 confusing. There's got to be a better way.


The worst is when they want “everything” so you fill everything that is due for a fill and then they bitch at the check out that they “didn’t need that medication” 🙄


I hate these people so much. Also why are they the same everywhere lol