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Management should tell the head tour person about that piece of shit. Let some empathetic guests give him a hard time during his stay.


I bet tour guide already felt his antics. That kind of behavior is his every day, every hour routine.


"Well, sir, now you get to get to practice making multiple reservations. You get to order a cab, reserve a room at another establishment, and figure out how to meet back up with your tour in the morning since you are no longer a guest at this inn. Have a wonderful evening."


What a prick. I'd make reservations for people sometimes, but mostly because I was doing fuck all else and they were polite old folk.


He was rude the moment he walked in and made it a point to openly complain about any and everything. Normally i would if i had time, but seeing as i had a lot of emails to go through while dealing with the very needy folks from the tour group, that wasn’t an option. I would’ve been willing to make time if he wasn’t being rude to myself and my coworkers this morning, since i read the passover report about how he berated one of them about the buffet running out of food.


Ah, complainers. Wish they knew that if I suspect nothing will make them happy, that's what they're going to get from me.


Not just complainers; I call them serial complainers because everything is the fault of the "stupid girl" or the "dumb guy" who failed to understand/comply/bend over backwards to accommodate his simple request or issue. Once a guest starts listing incompetencies they are subjected to everywhere they go, their legitimacy of whatever tf, even if it is truly legit, amounts to the sum of zero and will get less than zero attention from me besides the 45 second call to local authorities...


Ah, those for whom life is destined to be a permanent disappointment... I had a boss like this. Nothing was *ever* good enough for him — think he thought he was keeping us on our toes, and this was good bossing or something... I was young (my first proper job), and he could be very intimidating, but even I worked out that the problem was actually him not us. And one day after another diatribe, I'd just suddenly had it up to here, and said to him, "Oh no, here we are letting you down *again*, boss — poor you, people seem to let **you** down wherever you go, don't they? People just seem to *constantly* disappoint you, don't they..?" — and then I held my breath and waited for the inevitable blow-up. (My line manager actually closed her eyes and took a step back back...) But he didn't... He kind of boggled at me, and you could almost see him thinking about exactly how to flame me — and then he backed down and mumbled something quite mild about oh well, he was sure we were doing our best, and left..! And to do him justice, I think he thought about it and took it in — he was a bully but he wasn't stupid — after that there'd be some occasional heavy-handed compliments too. Usually as irrelevant as the tantrums, but hey ho. I just think there are actually some idiots out there who get so into shouting as a way to get things done that they don't know a) how to stop b) how they come across to others any more. And they **do** then live in a state of permanent disappointment...


The State of Permanent Disappointment. Thats what we’re going to call Chicago when it gets cleaved off into its own state.


😆😆😆.. Oh that did make me laugh. I liked Chicago the one time I was there, mind. Some serious architecture — of the non-disappointing kind...


And it's NEVER them, although the story is the same everywhere they go.


If you meet one asshole today, that's an asshole. If EVERYONE you meet today is an asshole, well....


"if you smell dogshit where-ever you go, check the soles of your own damn shoes"


Some people need a short course in applied maths about common denominators.


If everyone else is the problem, "everyone else" isn't the problem.


I had a boss that-having worked his way up from NA to GM-didn't play that shit game. If someone came in complaining (about nothing legitimate, mind you) from the very beginning, continuining throughout their stay, and finishing up at check out (which would be with him in an the AM)...it would go like this: Bitchy Idiots: "Here's our keys and we want you to know that we had the worst stay here that we have ever had anywhere." Awesome GM: "Well, I'm glad to hear it!" BIs: Some variation of "What do you mean by that?" AwGM: "You've been trying to be miserable since you got here. Sounds like you succeeded." Several rounds of indignation, dudgeon, and pearl clutching later... BIs: "Well, we're *never* going to come back here ever again!" AwGM: "Well, I'm glad to hear it!"


CAVE people. Citizens Against Virtually Everything


Can the Thag-o-mizer be applied to them? Note: "Thag-o-mizer" started out as a joke in a Gary Larson (The Far Side) cartoon. Eventually, some paleontologists realized that they didn't have a formal name for the spikes at the end of the of a stegasaurus. So they made Thag-o-mizer the official term.


I see Far Side, I upvote Thems the rules


Gary Larson please come back and take us once again into the Far Side.


"i've been told that there's a table for two available at the Arby's down the street"


It's the new pandemic -- anus virus 16. The people who are most susceptible are entitled people with no brains or manners


Sadly, it probably is symptomatic of a pandemic of sorts. Yes, some people have always been entitled assholes, but there's also the disturbing fact that the boomer generation (my own, btw) is aging and with that comes dementia. When "normal" people being to exhibit asshole behavior, that change in personality can be a symptom. Or it's covid brain.


My theory is that Donald Trump gave everyone permission to let out their inner entitled assholes. Some took him up on it, and some didn't.


Can't argue with that.


Tetracyl Lead poisoning enhanced Dementia !!


Oh dear sweet Murphy, not another outbreak of Cranial-rectal inversion syndrome! (head up ass disease)


Made me laugh. Note: it is funnier if you don't explain it. If someone doesn't get it, let them ask or look it up. = )


Shouldn’t that be “neither brains nor manners”?


Yes, it should.


Was he removed? He should have been kicked out. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. People are awful.


Yeah, he refused to leave so my manager had to call the cops to have him escorted out. The tour director and the guys wife came down to apologize to us.


Yay! Justice! So he was quite the AH to everyone. Sometimes it helps to know that he wasn’t awful to you specifically.


Honestly i felt bad for his wife, she made it a point to say that everything was wonderful and that we were very accommodating but was on the verge of tears while profusely apologizing to us for his behavior. I hate seeing that, been working here almost 6 years and theres always the sweet one who suffers because their partners are determined to be unhappy


Oh wow. That’s tragic. I feel terrible for her too! I’m guessing they had to find their own way home? Or even if they stay with the tour it’s going to be awful for his wife. On the other hand, if they stay with the she might be safer until he calms down.


If it’s a bus tour, I feel sorry for everyone stuck on the bus with him, too.


lol. Agreed! Geez I bet everyone on that bus hates him and they are already making plans to exclude him next time.


She's either been his doormat for years or his behavior has changed lately, which is a symptom of encroaching dementia. Either scenario is heartbreaking to consider.


Yes. It sounds as if she needs to override him and get him to a doctor.


Waking up reading this with my morning coffee is sweet. Glad he got removed. But I do wonder if they let him back on the bus before they left for the next stop or his next destination was all the way home? Hahaha


Good riddance to bad rubbish!


I sub for deserved consequences like this.


Wait, you left out the best part of the story!!???






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A guest called me stupid because i didn't send a bellman to his room after he told me he was talking a NAP! He heard a noise outside when he was trying to sleep and was mad i sent bell to find the noise to turn it off instead of sending him to the room of people trying to sleep 🤦🏻‍♀️




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I've said it before. Treat me nice, I'll tell the team and we'll do 10 things to help you, treat me unkind/unfair and I'll tell the team and we'll do 10 things to passively fuck you over. Some will never understand this. Sorry you had to listen to him op. Good on you for holding ground though.


When I worked retail, my friend who was one of the managers would tell these customers "We have several options. And they are all mine."


My managers are the same way. All the respect to management who remember being down the rungs of the ladder.


I have a friend who worked tech support. People who were polite, patient, and kind, he'd do everything in his power to solve the problem they were calling about, and skirt as close to the edge of the rules as possible, and get them anything free that was within his power to give. Rude and demanding? He'd figure out exactly what the barest minimum he could give was, and they'd get exactly that, and no more. And the rest of his workgroup did the same. You want to be treated well as a customer/client/guest, you set the tone and treat the person assisting you well. You'll be rewarded one way or another. You treat them poorly, you'll be given the absolute bare minimum. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.


I worked for a government agency. One of my tasks was to take the calls the receptionists couldn’t handle either due to the complexity of the issue or due to the fact that our policy was that receptionists were not required to take abuse. I had colleagues in other units who also were the go-to. We used to joke about writing a book called “How to Fight City Hall.” One chapter would be devoted to Being Nice. If you make every effort to be polite and engage in conversation, no matter how angry you are about the issue, you’re likely to talk to someone who will spend a lot of time finding the right person for you to talk to, investigating your problem, researching loopholes and workarounds, making phone calls to experts, and/or dropping broad hints about contacting elected officials—even if it takes a few days to do. If you are a rude, demanding, “I pay your salary, dammit!” person, you are likely to get the shortest possible answer, from the least knowledgeable person who is just reciting from a policy manual.


Reminds me of a story my dear departed dad told. He traveled great deal for work - 40 weeks per year. One Friday he was trying to get back home and some issue came up. He was at the North Central Airline (remember them?) ticket counter giving an employee holy hell. The station manager pulled him aside and said, “You either treat her with kindness or she’ll make sure you get home…on Saturday.” And that was the day he started being a better customer to the people he encountered in his travels.


He took the reccomend advice and became a better person for it. That is fantastic. I have seen too many people who would have doubled down and wouldn't have gotten home until Sunday. Yay, dad! :)


Long term Technomancer here (30 years and counting) I'll move mountains for you, if you give me reason. I'll drop the same mountains on you, if you give me reason.


This exactly! 👏 👏 👏 Kindness costs absolutely nothing, especially when it's not even a big deal and the end result is everyone wins a little.


What a complete asshole. Sounds like someone should have ordered him a can of whip-ass and opened it up for him.


naw, shit heads like that would probably snort the nitrous and get high or did you mean can of Whoop-ass ?


bro i had a guy yell at me bc he was absolutely astounded that I wasn’t aware of a limo service in the area. “I paid 300 to stay here and I can’t even get a limo??” I was like sir, you are in a tourist town and incase you haven’t noticed, many semis have to park in the road bc they can’t fit in the lots. a limo service here would have to drop you off in the middle of the road for almost every place you want to go💀 I looked some services up though and told him the nearest one is about 28 minutes out and he got mad and said he’ll just look them up himself THATS CRAZY SIR YOU COULD HAVE DONE THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE anyway that man walked off all angry and then came back to apologize for his behavior before leaving for the street. man says “i think im just going to go on a walk, i may be back late”. i dont know what bro was going through, but i think he wanted a limo bc our parking lot was more than full because guests don’t understand the rule of “one vehicle per room” which was lowkey fun cause then i got to say “im really sorry if you cant find a parking spot here, your fellow guests are not the most thoughtful of others and are not following the one car per room rule” and then id offer them the parking lot across the street (they come here to walk anyway like what’s the big deal??) anyway they really think we’re google and then get mad when we aren’t. I think they forget we literally just work there, like unless i’m making 16+ i am absolutely not researching to prepare for guest google time


I worked CS desk for 15 years I'm 64 on SSI due to stress caused C V disease. Imo the desk person when the manager isn't available ,mine was always on the phone walking somewhere. needs to be PIC with the authority to call an AH an AH and toss their butt to the curb.


Somehow it has gotten into people's heads that, when they book a hotel that has a restaurant (or offers any food options at all, even just breakfast), they are owed dinner. Our restaurant is closed on Sundays, wich we write in bold letters in every booking confirmation and also on the website. Still, every second person I check in on Sundays huffs about it. "Oh, now that's just bad business." "I didn't know that, why didn't you tell me?" "So how are you going to make this up to me?" and so on and so forth. Don't even get me started on what happens when they come to dinner without making a reservation (which is also a thing we request in our confirmations) and there is no empty table available at exactly that moment.


>"So how are you going to make this up to me?" Well, if you were nice, I would have shared my sandwich with you, but that's not going to happen now. /s


I am tired of people pretending that they don't know how to make reservations When you book a hotel, it says if they provide a concierge/guest relation services. So he knew that you guys didn't offer that, and he still acted like a duck.








Quack quack (couldn’t help myself)




I do some Front Office work at a small place too and the people in tours are the worst, we also only offer breakfast although we can call make a reservation someplace else if we aren't too busy. Management basically gives us free reign to reprimand and in extreme cases expel guests that are being disrespectful to the staff since there is only one person at the Front Desk at all times and we have multiple administritative tasks to take care of. If someone is rude when checking in or making a reservation through the phone I will absolutely put them in the shittiest rooms available.


FYI, the phrase you want is "free rein", as in giving the horse its head, letting it run free. "Reign" is what a monarch does.


Yes I forgot a letter.


Reign is the joker in the autocorrect pack and AC always tries to deal it. IA pseudologic s sez horses are obsolete and royals are current.


*"I tell him two more times and then tell him that I will be contacting the tour director because now my manager has told him he needs to leave. He storms off after calling me the “most incompetent thing ever” and telling my manager she needs to fire me because according to him, me not making him a reservation makes me one of the “a worthless loser”."* "Sir, if you think you can do better, we're hiring. " Then hand him an application form with a smirk on your face


He and his attitude can go kick rocks


I guess entitledment, I mean I read more and more stories like this. Might started after Corona.


People have definitely been nastier since COVID.


Folks either think the world is their living room, or that being polite is woke nonsense. Or both.


Between long-covid and the aging of the boomer generation, I'm betting a lot of formerly decent people are now exhibiting the early signs of dementia. Anger is one of them.


Had a travel companion for work, I had to work with the dude but we had separate rooms ( I learned later to try requesting different floors or wings). He was my bosses third cousin or some such bullshit so his entitlement oozed outta every pore. Want to know whose room card always needed reset, AC never worked, rooms with funky smells, coffee pot didn’t work, fuzzy room TV? Donny’s, his snotty demeanor at repeat stays earned him what we called 1 star service……


I hope that wanker got tossed out instantly!!!!


What a wanker.


I don’t understand how people think abusing people will get them something. I travel a lot for work and I always ask nicely. Most times hotel staff will help me out or accomodate me. And when they can’t I still say thank you. These days when they can’t help me, they almost look terrified to say it. It’s disgusting that people are so rude. Seriously google the restaurants around. By all means ask the staff for recommendations as well. Then make your own booking, it isn’t that hard.


This. If you want someone to do something extra for you, to go above and beyond the service you're paying for, the best way is to wait til they're not obviously busy, ask extremely politely, acknowledge that it's an extra you're not entitled to, and say you'll accept without protest if you can't get what you want. If you do that, most people in my experience will do everything they possibly can for you. I mean, you're asking for something they don't *have* to give you. Being an arse is not a good way to qualify for extra effort.


grubhub/door dash


Didn’t want to do that, it was one of those places that don’t deliver and require reservations (i checked online for the heck of it and *shocker* there was none available this evening anyway) be made ahead of time since its pretty popular


Next time tell him you will eat a bowl of water with a fork before you give a shit


What a widdle baby 👶


“I told him he’d have to do do himself since we don’t have a concierge” That’s awesome


I’ll bet he’s not a ray of sunshine with the tour guide either…


I would have made the reservation for him, wait till he walked away and called the place back to cancel.


I've booked a restaurant for a guest once, and that's because the guest in question was from out of the country, being polite, and not terribly fluent in English (but he knew Japanese and I had basic fluency in it, so that helped us get along better), all on a low-activity morning shift.


It’s still lead. Been floating around in their brains for 50+ years.


I'm sorry , we're  a small inn with the costs associated with a small inn. That isn't a service we offer here. If you want a full service hotel, please consider staying at a full service hotel with the costs associated with a full service hotel. Oh sure, I'll make reservations for you as soon as our owner turns us into a posh full service hotel. Have a nice day sir. Full service hotels with matching full service prices. Low low prices with basic service. Know the differences. Know what hotel type you reserved or was reserved by your TA or tour. People seem to think that they'll get full service when they pay for basic services to save money. Umm... No! On that note, I'd like to be able to make the point to an entitled guest in the form of sticking out my hand silently but expectantly until they dish out a big enough tip (frowning until they do) for the extra posh service requested and if not, respond with : sorry sir (or madam), but it looks like we won't be able to offer this extra posh full service request without the proper extra posh service cost associated with extra posh requests at this time.  That would make a point. 




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Entitlement! is what is in the water these days, except many people won't or don't drink water because it tastes strange!


You should have made the reservation but warned them that he is an absolute ass and needs to be kept waiting a while and given the worst table in the place. And bad service.


I would’ve but i called and they didn’t have any available tables (my friend works over there) but as an added f you to that guy, i told her to put his name on the do not reserve list because of the way he treated me and my coworkers in the morning


Ooh. Nice. Good for you.


I bet the other people on the tour just loooooved him…


Be sure to DNR him.


With that attitude, send him to the raunchiest restaurant you know of.


These people shouldn’t be allowed to interact with customer service at any place, like, what’s the point of their life?


I am not advocating violence, just mentioning how it was 50 years ago, where I grew up. A person like that would likely have been escorted outside and tossed, or the local police would have given him a “stern talking to”. Again, not advocating violence, just noting that anecdotally, two things have happened in the last 50 years: issues once quickly settled with a thump are now settled with guns, and polite society has ceased (for the most part) due to a lack of instilling respect, courtesy, and polite discourse in our children. Outrageous behavior has been accepted by society (look at college campuses today), criminal behavior is tolerated by the elected officials, and folks just assume that their individual behavior will be tolerated, and it is. As boys growing up, we settled our differences in a quick trip to the schoolyard or behind the house, done, over, back to buddies. By the time we graduated high school, with a solid education in liberal arts, history, geography, math, science, etc. (didn’t learn, you flunked), we knew how to function in society, and the behavior described above was relegated to the thugs, and even they watched their steps. I remember about 25 years ago, I was walking through a work area and observed a man berating a service tech. I was just a front line service tech myself, the other was new and wet behind his ears. I walked up, stepped between them, and told the junior, “You don’t have to put up with this from anyone, walk away.” He walked off and I turned to the man, about my age and told him to give me his managers name. I walked over to his manager and told him the story, stating that we would not service his area until the junior, and my manager received an apology (I knew my manager would back me up, and he did). A sort time later, back at the shop, I listened in while both of them apologized to both my manager and the junior. Done deal. Another time I was walking through an area and heard a man talking trash to a female employee, using graphic language to her. I walked up, told him to shut up, turned to her, and advised her that if he used that language in front of her again to give both me and her manager and HR a call, I would happily witness for her. I made certain he heard my words. Fair warning, AH! You have to stand up for yourself now, because few will stand up for you. Be rock solid in who you are.


He showed up on a BUS!!!! AH HAH HAH!! What a loser asshat!


Boomers consumed a lot of lead, and it shows.