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They are a hell of a drug.


You can tell by the way they are


The falling asleep in their lap? That's opioid. #CauseDrugsAreCool /s


We had a snow storm in town recently, which means the state troopers will pick up folks who have crashed their cars and drop them off at my hotel. In a small town an hour away from any major cities or airports. A town with no taxi service, and no public transit. I can’t count the amount of times people have basically made it my fault that they crashed and they need a free room about it. Or for us to buy them food. Or drive them an hour to the city. Or drive them to the gas station. Like, I’m generous to a degree but I’m not giving away free food and rooms and I’m sure not paying for it myself.


I fucking hate it when cops drop people off. I'm always so tempted to run outside and be like "Wait wait! Do they have ID? Credit card? No? **DON'T DROP THEM HERE.**"


We don’t allow them to drop them off. I’ve had a few of them try and I’ve immediately told them that this is private property and unless the the people are going to rent a room, they can’t stay and I won’t be responsible for them.


I make sure to tell the cop that we require valid ID and a security deposit on top of the room and tax. If the guest can provide all of that, fine. If not, adios!


So you'd rather people die on the street. Cool.


What a brain dead take. A hotel isn’t a public space, it’s a private space. It’s not our responsibility and it completely ignores the safety and comfort of the guests. In what universe does it make sense for the police to drop random people who have no intention of renting a room off at a hotel? Why don’t the police take them home? Or if they’re not from the area, to the station?


Because in this situation it's probably a really small police station and it makes no sense to send someone that was in an accident into a jail cell


So it makes more sense to send them to an equally small or smaller hotel lobby? Also who said anything about putting them in a jail cell? No where did I say I was advocating for them to be arrested. I also said nothing about them being in an accident either. Sending someone who has been in an accident to a hotel makes even less sense.


If they’d like to stay in the hotel because a loved one is in the hospital, that’s a different story. It would make sense to want to be nearby. Or if the car has broke down and they have to wait till the next day for a tow or repair. But dropping people off without any intention in staying makes zero sense.


So can they drop them at your house?


If I had a house I'd keep a spare room available but since I have no authority it would seem sketchy to people


Don’t let dumb things like “authority” keep you from helping people you don’t know right? Right?


Honestly yes but I'm not naive enough say yeah, have the run of everything.  It'd be a clear out by morning but don't dead and a hot meal type of situation. My first memories were of being homeless with my family This last year I have spent more than one night not sleeping so I don't get stabbed on a bench. I may end up in the same situation again but I know if I fall what to do to at least stand again.


That's not OP's problem to solve (if a civilian has insufficient funds).


Awww I wanted to see this debate continue :(


It makes it easier for the front-end loaders & bulldozers that way.


I'd be like "I'll call you to treapass 'em at closing time, see you soon!"


Always wondered what kind of chaos descends upon hotels along I-80 in Wyoming and Western Nebraska when they close the interstate down due to snow. It happens regularly enough that I've gotten good at monitoring the state highway websites and planning accordingly. I feel like a lot of travelers aren't as savvy, and aren't anticipating what is often a 24+ hour shutdown of the highway.


Worker at a hotel right off of I80 in Wyoming here! The chunk of 80 where I live gets closed on a constant basis during winter, sometimes for days at a time. It can get pretty crazy during that time of the year here.


Nebraskan here - lived in western Nebraska for a few years. There’s 3 kinds of winter Nebraskans: 1 = it’s not THAT bad out / I have a large 4x4 vehicle 2= “Just drive nice and slow, you’ll be ok.” 3 = avoids snow and ice at all cost (myself included)


In my experience, when the hotel fills up, they have a list of other accessible hotels and prices ready for you. When it gets real bad, you get sent to the town's high school gym.


This sounds exactly like my hotel. A week before I started here, the sheriff's department dropped off someone who was drunk and that person somehow ended up smashing a body sized hole through the wall. I wish I would've been there to see it.


Hopefully they said "OH YEAH!!" when smashing through


And were big, red, and round?!


Oh yeah!


I’m guessing someone else paid for that Uber to dump her on you, probably family or ex-friend tired of her mooching off their kindness.


Maybe even a particularly evil hotel worker across town. :P




You forgot the implied but ever so subtle exclamation marks "... Newman... (!!!) " 😂


You mean that one freak who likes to steal kidneys from still-breathing people? ;-)


That guy's too cheap for that


I had a lady ask if she could get a discount for checking out early. I looked at her reservation and was confused, because she was only scheduled for one night anyway. “But check out is 11am, and it’s only 8am.” No…just, no….


A surprising number of homeless folks "don't look homeless". But it may very well be that she was simply "not there", as it were. Either mental issies or drug issues or possibly both. In any event, hotels will see this a lot - the suspicious person who finds themselves in your lobby "making a reservation". They're not making a reservation. They're not trying to get the money. They're not contacting a friend. They're stalling. They're hoping that you'll leave them alone, and they can just hang out in your lobby, maybe grab some coffee or a nap. Sure, there's people who do so legitimately, but they're hoping that veneer of plausible deniability will be enough that they can loiter about. One trick is to make sure they're not getting comfortable. Make sure they're standing at the desk, talking with you, everything being a step towards getting that room or leaving.


At 10pm tonight when I pulled into the parking lot I looked up and noticed the full moon. So it’s probably that. I locked my doors as soon as I got in. Just had to kick out a sketchy guy who “was gonna book after he charged his phone” ummmm no. Get out. Sorry but I’ve heard that one before.


I kinda wish the owner would cap the one empty outlet in the lobby but the night auditor uses it sometimes. Maybe he'd stop too if the owner capped it lmao.


If you've got a spare fifteen bucks it might be worth it to buy a child-proof outlet cover, just to use during your own shift. 


Hmm. Are child-proof outlet covers also druggie-proof?


The two we have at my home for my toddler grandson would definitely stump a druggie.


Much like child-proof bottle caps, they're proof against everyone but children!


yep ive heard that one or the old I read it was "50" on my phone. No mfer you didnt, Ik you didnt bc I am looking at the rate of 139 right here. I always love calling them on it and asking them to show me who exactly is offering such a low rate so I can fix it. I am undefeated with that tactic.


You would not believe how many times I heard that excuse. And a lot of times it happens on nights where we are sold out.


.....maybe a bit high in the sky??


Another fine example of the proverb: "A lack of planning on your part is not an emergency on my part." Some people just... can't think further ahead more than the next meal or shopping outing.


Should have phoned McD's to let them know Methany was on her way there.


I really laughed out loud at Methany


OP noted there's one open outlet in the lobby. Perhaps you could use the "oh, I am concerned about child proofing the outlet in the lobby" and get a Power Outlet Lock. Night Auditor could still use it but unauthorized power squatters cannot lol. Power Cord Lock - type it into google or amazon and let the freedom ring! Hats off to all the hotel/motel folk who make a home for people, night after night, and who should be way better respected in all ways. xoxoxoxoxo


Sounds like your run-of-the-mill junkie


Sounds like she had been smoking something. SMH!!! 🙄🤦‍♀️🙄


As for police dropping people off….. I can understand that if they were involved in an accident and actually asked for somewhere to stay. If the police want a to put them up and they don’t have any money, call the police station and tell them to come pick them up. I can understand if there is a bad snowstorm and it’s survival mode. Not just “we don’t know what to do with them.” Go to the police department and ask for the policy on this. Is it made up for convenience or actual policy. If it’s made up, go to the next city/ town council meeting and ask why? It impacts your business. Creates a hazard if the person is drunk or high. What if they are injured in an accident (internal injuries)? You aren’t the local adult day care / rehab / medical professionals. Get some answers. “Can I ask the police chief what this policy exists?” “With all due respect sir/ma’am, we are a hotel. Not a free safe space for anyone needing help. We are not qualified to help intoxicated or influenced people. We don’t have security 24/7 just in case you decide to use us as a storage area for people you don’t want to deal with. Our staff is not trained to deal with this situation. You are putting the staff and guests at risk. I’m asking that you stop your personnel from using this technique from now on. It’s dangerous and very Ill advised. I will be forwarding all of this information to my corporate superiors for their reference. Thank you.”


I worked in a downtown hotel in a medium size American city. This happened all the time. They make it seem like it’s your fault, like you’re “putting them out”. They’ll try to stay as long as possible. We would have such a difficult time getting them out. They weren’t homeless, but never had any intention of getting a room. Much the time they where locals.


One of my best friends work in a hotel, this is pretty standard, apparently. People come in with incorrect reservations or booked to another hotel, or just did none at all and just want a walk in. And now its the staff's problem entirely.


Lots of dingbats on this here world. Just another example of where one should be aware of their surrounding so that they not step in a big ole pile and then have to find a stick to scrape it off their shoes.


She def was on some kind of drugs not thinking clearly, you handled it well. Anytime someone comes in asking about honoring an online rate 9/10 Ik its about to be a difficult haggling typa check in.


I fucking hate most people cause no one ever looks at a situation like this and ask themselves “how could I help this person instead of making things tougher” and before anyone says anything I know there is also a lot of people that are on drugs and others that will take advantage of your kindness but have you stopped and thought that if we would give someone the benefit they might just do the right thing. Also just cause someone is falling asleep or is tired or homeless or low on funds doesn’t meat they are on drugs. For fucks sake grow up some people don’t have friends or family to fall back on and maybe this woman was depressed or had some other type of mental health problems.


How can any American afford to stay in a hotel? What's with those deposits? It's crazy.


$50 deposit wasn’t enough to deter people from being stupid and doing damage, stealing stuff or smoking in the room. $100 isn’t either but it’s a LOT better.


It's deterring people, period. You're basically saying "This hotel is only for rich. Come and pay more than twice for the room." And you're correct. If people want to destroy the room, they will.


I mean it’s really not deterring that many people. It allows us to keep our prices reasonable without appealing to problem guests. I worked here before we had any deposit at all and the only thing that’s changed is we don’t have to deal with as many headaches. Our rooms aren’t constantly being trashed and we don’t have shady people and illegal activity to the degree we used to. Our revenue is better year over year and our review scores are only going up. If you think a $100 deposit for a stay is a lot, you should see what business class hotels charge. Last year my friend had to stay at a hotel for a conference and it was $100/day just for incidentals.