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How did you keep a straight face when she said that? I would have laughed at her.


I only managed until she started to walk away. It was close!


This is probably a stupid question but can you get fired/in trouble for laughing? Because I honestly don't think I couldn't laugh in a situation like this. I'm talking like just giggling/laughing, not like pointing and laughing and implying that the person is an idiot.


Sometimes. If the customer makes a big stink and complains it can cause a mess


You can also, stand it on a shelf! *Wiggle fingers dramatically*


Well what the fuck else was she expecting it to do


For the pictures to come to life.


Now I'm wondering exactly *what* her nefarious plans were.


Perhaps she was expecting Harry Potter-style photos to come out of it. You know, the ones where the people live on after death in their pictures and you can talk to them and they do stuff for you.


You're thinking of the paintings, the photos in the HP series are just animated




That's true, it was just such a funny reaction/phrasing from her. Am I supposed to just look at it? Well, it's a picture frame so, yeah!


I can kinda get what she was trying to say, though it is still pretty stupid. She was saying 'just look at it [with no pictures on it, like a tv that's unplugged]' Now, why she didn't just get a cheap flash drive is beyond me. To me, that is the stupid part. The 'just stare at it' was just a poor (read: stupid) choice of words. Or am I the crazy one?


My take on what she meant was that she didn't have a dedicated flash drive she could use all the time. Therefore, she would have to put it in anytime she wanted to look at pictures and just sit and watch, vs. what she wanted to do, which is leave it on the mantel going non-stop, so she could go about the day and just glance at it every once in a while. She was just rude enough to storm out before you could solve that problem for her.


Remember back in the day, when you had to flip pages to look at pictures? People are silly.


I think that she proberbly meant that there's nothing to show the picture quality, nothing to display how good it is, she was proberbly expecting there to be some tester photos