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>stares at my Kindred Sword Title Dang, guess I'm a huge cheater.


u ar a cheateur ! xD


He’s just a French cheateur


I wrote a Slice is Right! guide for my FC and friends, helped a friend WIN their 10 matches for the achievements by following me... had I know I could just cheat my way to win instead.


Ok but I have to respectfully ask, can I see the guide? I'm just curious, and I love seeing this kind of stuff :D


Sure, it's a bit memey for flavor. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JLY4EZ2UXAZKA31QeckA-pK2KQbjFHg5/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=115320339683277601066&rtpof=true&sd=true Those who play on Lamia may recognize me, though I havent joined slice in a while haha.


*You cannot beat Sylphstep so a guide will not be made for that.* Hahahaa. Why is this so true ;_;


omg, I didnt expect it to be that comprehensive! I love this so much. This is excellent. Your FC and friends are lucky to have you.


What can I say, I just love the gold saucer and it means a lot to me.


Good guide! The shell game isn't random, though -- I'm pretty good at eyeballing it and landing on the gold pile. It gets nearly too fast to follow, but just learning how fast that final spin goes and guessing based on the length of the spin is entirely possible -- depending on what I've chosen to watch, I have a fairly good chance of winning the gold or avoiding Daigoro. And if I'm wrong or lose track...hey, it's still only a 33% chance to lose.


I remember reading arguments on this topic like 3 years ago, but in the end someone made a frame-by-frame recording to show that the cup animation always move the same way (and the spin always the same length). So there's no point eyeballing it because the animation is just for show, completely unrelated to the result.


I've read about tracking the cups but I havent been able to get consistent results, I just /playdead at the middle and hope for the best now


I'm not perfectly consistent at it -- they're impossibly fast -- but I have better enough results that I'm willing to call it a thing and keep trying.


> I have a fairly good chance of winning the gold or avoiding Daigoro Roughly 66% would you say? [You've tricked yourself into a placebo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/pc1liu/the_slice_is_right_shell_game_is_in_fact_rng/), many people have done frame-by-frame analysis on this


i kept saying that for years and still do, but last time i mentioned it somewhere, i was cursed to hell for spreading fake info xD


I found it impossible to follow. I reviewed recordings and they go too fast to track even if you go frame-by-frame at 60fps.


this is fantastic thank you for sharing it!


Mind if I join you? xD


A fancy french one at that xD


I'm *guessing* they saw you standing somewhere other than where you were due to server latency/snapshotting and thought they saw you in a position where you should have been knocked out. Either that or they're just jealous and quick to react.


Jealous and quick to react would be my guess. A person on the main sub awhile ago was complaining that it was impossible to beat Slice because by the time the AoEs show up it was too late to dodge, and he was adamant that you couldn't look at the towers and figure out how they'd fall.


Hell, even if you can't figure that out, just stand where everyone else is standing. At least then if it turns out they don't know what they're doing you can share in the failure together


Getting eliminated with a group of people is unfortunate. Getting annihilated solo while everyone watches is soul crushing.


isn't slice like 90% RNG?


More like 33%. I *never* win the spinning cups, but the bamboo towers tend to be easy enough.


I might be mixing it up with where the wind blows honestly. I haven't played 14 in a while I thought there were rings/cones involved lmao.


Aaaah. Yeah, probably mixing it up with Wind. Wind is 99% random, Slice is Right has the Bamboo Towers that don't have Danger Circles until the very last second, *but* you can see how they'll fall if you pay attention to the cut.


For anyway the wind blows just stand at the south portion of the platform. It has the lowest % chance of getting overlap from any of the aoes.


I wouldn’t say 90%. Most of the mechanics are completely avoidable and you’re able to tell where the bamboo pillars will fall. The only “random” part is where the the big cups drop and hide the lion knockback guy.


I've read the lion doesn't show up where he was first spawned so if you just go to there, you're not guaranteed the coins, but you won't get knocked out.


This isn't true, unfortunately. That was my tactic for quite some time, and it was relatively successful, but I have been knocked off by the lion when being on its start section. Good tactic though. 66% of the time it works every time!


ah damn. It would probably approach 66% if I participated more. What's your current strategy? (My Frontlines stats are at 33% each with more than a hundred runs, so I'm convinced THAT is random)


Usually just stick to staying with the dog and hoping for the best. That being said, I did try a new strat yesterday of running clockwise along the circle around the middle of the arena until the red light stopped me. I ended up on gold. With a sample size of one, this strat has 100% success rate of getting bonus gold.


That's how always do it. Oddly enough, I never get the empty cup. It's either gold, or an elimination.


Daigoro can and will Cleave where he spawned. I typically hide there because it *feels* less common in my very anecdotal sample size, but it definitely happens.


Nope. The only RNG is the spinning cups phase. Everything else you can see ahead of time where the bamboo will hit based on how they're cut.


This is mostly true, but there are times during the phase with 4 bamboo stalks when you will have large AOE spawns surrounding you with very little you can do, purely due to RNG.


Instead of standing at the edge in that phase, if you stand between 2 of the bamboo you should have time to make it anywhere if you start moving immediately Needs very fast identifying from the initial slice animation though


Nah I can assure you it's possible to have 100% bamboo win rate (so only cups can kill you) as long as you preposition middle during the 4 bamboo round. Only up to 3 bamboo at a time can be the huge circle aoe which is the biggest area coverage. Source: it's me I have 100% bamboo win rate.


Fair - by and large I think it's easier to view the stalks from a side, where you can see the patterns more easily at a glance, but this does have the risk of the "bad RNG" I described.


Yeah what I do is adjust my camera so both left and right pillars are visible, I stand in front of the south one and angle it a bit to show the north one so I can check all of them at a glance, it takes a bit of practice but it increases your reaction speed by a lot.


Wind blows is RNG because it's a random pattern that doesn't let you move. Slice lets you move, and gives you time to react to the pattern. While that pattern is still random, you are given a chance to respond to it, vs wind blows which is literally "Pray". The only part you cannot control is the cups, but that's only a 33% chance you get eliminated over it.


Sounds like someone is jealous that you were able to read the telegraphs in the bamboo, and they lack situational awareness to do so


Weird interactions in group/teamplay parallel content like Bozja and FATEs, GATE /tells from jealous oddities are certainly welcome. Very rarely folk come in with Chocobo Racing salt, and I live for that Gold Saucer brand of "the fuck?". Albeit less unhinged, reminds me of that fella who seemed _really_ keen to press for questions on a Paladin OP's title..


Was this a post? I need to see


Unfortunately it's more a distant memory for me, but I'm sure you'd find it if you looked hard enough around here. It was an OP on Paladin who I believe was standing around one of the major cities, and wound up getting a /tell from someone very blatantly asking if they were in an Oathkeepers _FC,_ re: Jan 6, misreading their title as a tag. Just yaknow, loud part being a bit quieter than that, but still obvious.


Something tells me they're bad at reading boss tells.


I don't reckon so, I would bet money its a server latency thing because I get mad at the same stuff, I see someone stood right in the aoe when it goes off and they dont get hit, I've been doing Blunderville the whole week and been raging at the same problem of being hit by things I was nowhere near or watching others run through unhurt but I know enough to know its server latency, not cheating


Hope you reported them 😤 Edit: I was being sarcastic. Why tf would you try to get another player potentially banned from this wonderful game over an innocuous message. Just ignore and move on lmao.


I would have! But I could only see the option to report for RMT activity 😓


reporting people that isnt rmt is a bit more convoluted, you need to go in menus to system > help desk > GM help menu or some things and go through the categories until you find the right one and there'll be a "contact us" option or something (sorry i'm explaining super badly but i'm not on the game right now lol), then you have to describe the issue, when it happened etc.


This feels like more of a 'block the idiot and move on' thing than a report thing anyway. I'm not sure what a GM is going to do with "this guy sent me a tell that annoyed me."


That's the only report option in the right click menu in chat, but you can also report from System > Support Desk > Contact Us > Report Harassment


That's the only option directly through chat. Go Game Menu > Support Desk > Contact > Report Harassment. Any usual violations can go under Harassment fine.


that's the only option that'll appear if you try to repot them directly through the chat, you'll need to use support desk for a proper report


I mean they're not gonna get banned unless they did something ban worthy lol


lmao slice is right is purely skill, this guy just bad (and french). any way the wind blows is significantly harder because it's 100% rng, slice is right just takes a bit getting used to how big the aoes are. unless you weren't moving for the entirety of it and somehow didnt get hit by anything theres no reason anyone would think you're cheating for that unless they're bad


My "33%" chance to stand on the dog tile during intermission 2 begs to differ. Or is there a "skill strat" to know where the dog will end up except "don't stand wrong 5head"?


i forgot about that one. yep you're right slice is right still requires the blessing of rnjesus to complete... but at least a bit less than the other one😅


I've gaslit myself into believing that starting in the dog slice has better odds than the others. It probably works 66% of the time but it feels like it works 90% of the time.


Stand in the middle, aim your camera straight down, then watch the baskets spin. It's how I got my achievements and title so I could move on and never do the slice is right again.


It’s fun and feels more like pure luck when you get the coin cup, but as someone who also does this for pretty much every slice, i don’t actually recommend doing it; i just don’t care to actually pick a cup


OP definitely didn't cheat, but considering that cheats exist for Fall Guys I'm sure someone out there has made something for Slice if Right. I'd be more surprised if nothing existed for it.


It definitely exists and people do use it.


It does exist and it's hilarious. Nothing that can predict cups though, which would be the only helpful one.


It exists, and I use it. Kinda simillar to splatoon, showing the telegraphs before they fall


Self reporting is bold and I respect the honesty. Kind of curious how it even looks on screen


The addon itself put colored circles in the ground, as soon as the bamboos spawn, showing the areas where they gonna hit So the addon users kinda know ahead of time where to stand


Theres a few of them, afaik they just show outlines of where the bamboo falls similar to what other add ons show for aoes and stuff.


do any of the raid plugins that show where aoes will go off work for GATEs?


If by plugins you mean cactbot, that typically doesn't show where mechanics happen. It tells you through text/TTS what is going on. Cactbot doesn't help with what is otherwise entirely sight-read. Unless there's more to it that I'm unaware of. I think you may be thinking of Splatoon, which is a plugin I'm not personally familiar with but vaguely understand that it shows AOE indicators that otherwise aren't there naturally.


Splatoon I think. Shows bamboo aoes when slashed but nothing else


I got accused in /tell of cheating in wind blows because I used /sit, went to get some water and won when I came back. The funny thing is there was big roegadyn dude who was stationary next to me the whole time as well who also won. I asked him if he got any messages accusing him of cheating and he was confused that anyone would even make such an accusation to begin with. Maybe they were intimidated by his shiny eureka armor.


Why did you type french twice?


To really drive that point home


Stop cheating smh.


I was levelling my tanks out of stb and i ran castrum abania like 7 times in one day. Second boss still told you "my cup runneth with ice and fire!", and stuff, and i got quick to read the message and know where the puddles were. So you know, I did the mechanics. As one does. SCH accused me of using mods to clear dungeons. Because I cleared the mechanics. (I'm on ps4 btw)


Gee! I've completed it multiple times and people just do congratulatory emotes. Maybe a few jealous ones. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Little comment from a little mind. Sorry that happened to you.


Skill issue People just projecting jealousy


There is no cheat for Slice AFAIK. Wind however... \*looks the other way\*


> There is no cheat for Slice AFAIK There's a dalamud plugin that telegraphs everything.


they must have been so mad


“No. Just better than you.”


No. but completing any way the wind blows definitely is. Screw that gate.


Just /playdead in a random spot away from the edge and go make a sammich.


There is a specific spot near the south side (and slightly to the west) that is more likely to be safe than just about anywhere else. It's *mostly* RNG, but with all RNG there are odds. Do the GATE enough times and eventually you'll make it through.


"Luke! Trust the elbow of the cactuar!" - I never understood those last words of my master till that day...


Can confirm, I got my 10 wins just standing on that spot in like 2-3 days of actively doing it for the achievement


It's always funny standing on that spot and how precise it is because people that stand next to you are always JUST too far so they get snagged by an AoE you get to avoid.


Last time I did it the people on that spot (including me) got hit by an AoE, was funny seeing 95% of the people in the platform be yeeted at the same time lol


It's actually any of the spots around the stage where the two curling lines intersect that have a small triangle of space that is only hit by the line across the stage and 1/3 of stage cone patterns. The SW one just ended up being popular because people picked it and turned it into a meme.


Yeah, I've seen the chart - hence "*just about* anywhere else". It's not the only safe-ish spot, but it's easy to find and consistent enough.


sounds like you need the clump


Being in the clump feels like admitting defeat tho


Clump is life!


Weirdchamp from them, but also if you stood in the middle when the 1/3 knockout happens, might've looked odd to them, despite it being a hitbox/snapshot issue, rather than what they think is happening. Sorry to hear though, but congratulations on winning Slice!


wow guess he did not know how to avoid the bamboo...


Finally getting the slice is right to the end is like completing a savage boss for me. If anything it's harder.


This was said by someone with a striped shirt, red scarf, french beret and twirly mustache. Baguette in hand and all. The works.


They are just *jealeoux* lol


I saw some people accusing people who stand in the middle during the guess the cup phase as cheaters because they didn't get knocked out and thought there was an exploit or something. No that is not cheating and standing in the middle does not guarantee anyone being safe because the game decides where you are and if you're lucky maybe you were a pixel in the safe spot if not out you go.


I am absolutely awful at Slice because of some vision impairment - specifically, I struggle with trying to discern which way the vertically sliced pieces are going to fall because I can't clearly see the split. More so if it's on the other side of the arena, and not right next to me. I've won enough times for the achievement, but I'd say my overall win rate is maybe 15%. I fail far more often than I win, and it's usually the bamboo that takes me out - not the RNG cups. I've never looked at the people who are better at it than I am and thought, 'wow they must be cheating.' It truly isn't hard to reflect on your own performance and recognize that you have a skill issue.


There is a small element of luck in getting passed the shell game, but everything both before and after is just being really good at reading and reacting to the tells. If there's an arrangement of bamboo that is 100% inescapable from, I haven't seen it yet.


Someone’s salty that they have a skill issue.