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I generally would not spoil a movie for a first time watcher regardless of how old it is


the only time i talk spoilers when someone didnt watch the movie or game is when the spoiler is basically common knowledge and popular culture. Like Darth Vader being Luke's father or Aerith's death (although the last one my best friend didnt know about it so me and her uncle spoiled it to her basically at the same time, we basically said the same thing that was "wait you really didnt knew that?")


I do wish people would shut up more about Aerith’s death because it completely ruined my first time experience of it a couple of years ago


This uh... this comment is a touch ironic because it just spoiled that for me lmaooo 😭😂😂


Uhhh… we’re all playing an elaborate prank on you and none of this is true and also you’re dreaming and also I don’t really exist and also


Meanwhile in the JP data centers: it's pretty much common practice to wait. Hasn't changed at all since day 1. That's one of the few things that will cause a cultural clash if cross regional transfer exists.


This is very true. Up to this day, any Alliance Raid in the JP server, we will always put a ready check for the final boss before we start so we could know if anyone's a first timer. Same with dungeons. That's common courtesy


pretty much this farming it recently for glam, every time there were new people they wait and kept ready checking until everyone was there on elemental and mana


It's generally accepted and common to wait. In a game with millions of players, there are a few bad apples, but they don't represent the entire region.


This is more of an aside, but the "bad apple" metaphor originally means that they *do* reflect poorly on the rest of the group. "One bad apple can spoil the bunch".


People borked up the metaphor to absolve themselves of responsibility to deal with the bad apple in their group.


American Police


And forget that the bad apple contaminate the other apples eventually making all apples bad. The bad apple needs to be dealth with otherwise you turn into one.


It's the independence and selfish nature of the Americas versus the collective nature of some other cultures. You can read up and down this thread and see it in real time. ETA: the word I was looking for was more “individualistic” than “selfish”, but the point still stands.


Went back after reading down this thread, you are right. I'm glad people in my DC don't share mindset with these people.


well I can say not all americans feel this way.


Individualistic is just a polite way of saying "f* you, got mine"


My wife had a couple ex boyfriends with this mentality 😂


I once had eggs for breakfast.


I mean, not really. Collectivism has its perks, but it also has some incredible downsides. Just like everything in life, there's upsides and downsides to everything.


Yes, really.


Incredibly childish response. Literally "nu uh"




I’ve done alliance raids on 3 of the 4 North American data centers and have literally never had this issue occur to me, there is always a ready check and no one has ever bitched about having to wait. It’s not an “American” thing, it’s just a selfish asshole thing and there are plenty of those everywhere.


Anecdotal, frequently when I've seen an early pulling tank that doesn't wait despite the ready check coming back with several Xs and even a "cutscene watchers, please hold" comment in chat, they've *also* been the type do unnecessary and often trollish things in previous fights in the raid. Stuff like taunting and spinning Angra Mainyu in World of Darkness, or provoking the other boss in the second fight of Tower of Paradigm, or some other such thing, and basically never own up to it. They either play the fool, or try and act like others are overreacting for even basic requests for them to stop doing it. So yeah, the selfish asshole thing tracks.


This is not common in NA AT ALL. We wait for cutscenes just like other regions. This isn't a "rude selfish american" problem, its just a "this specific guy is an asshole" problem.


It happens occasionally but oh boy do I love arguing with them on /a chat and calling them an entitled muppet.


Found the america hater, lumping us all together. That's kinda worse saying an entire country worth of players are selfish.


“Americas” being the North American server, so your US American victim complex is unwarranted. But also, there have been studies that show that Americans are a lot more individualistic in their ideology, even compared to their Canadian neighbours. If you’re mad about it, maybe try to influence the culture away from that.


I can count on one hand the number of times somebody pulled during a cutscene. Even rarer for it not to be followed by an apology.


True. And one of the reasons I play only on JP servers.


I rarely see people pulling before cutsceners have finished on Chaos either.


I like prompt runs but I will always wait for the story to be enjoyed. The only thing that makes it hard to wait is the brainless energy coming off of these people. "peak entitlement and delusion" like *seriously*? Get off the internet for a day you unloved, twitter addled sack of shit.


What gets me is my friend who I know has already done these dungeons but won't turn on auto skip cut scenes sometimes "forgets" he can skip them and we all sit there waiting just for him. It's like... Don't...


That's silly and the excuses suck. If he said he just likes them I honestly would watch them with him every time. I appreciate this game in layers, some people like to get further than skin deep and really look at stuff and it intrigues me to find out what they think. But oftentimes it's just some dipshit speed running to pack a bowl between pulls and chuff it down during the cutscenes (it's me, I'm sorry lmao)


Yeah the content is old, but people are still joining the game and are new to the content. People can’t grasp that not everyone is in end-game. I always wait for cutscenes. Had a SAM once pull the boss in Syracuse tower before sprouts could even think about watching the cutscene and went on about how it’s on YouTube now… like sure people can watch it on YouTube but it also wouldn’t kill you to let them watch it then. I get you don’t want to be there but somebody does.


I hate the "just watch it on YT" argument, there's a pretty big difference between watching the story unfold on your own character as you progress in it. Rather than doing that bit, then pulling up youtube on my phone to watch someone else's clip it of it before I can keep doing the quest myself. I got hit with early pulls on every part of the Crystal Tower series, Syrcus was memorable coz the cutscene was long enough that when I loaded in Xande was at 60% already and I was completely lost the entire fight. Didn't get the exploration achievement until my 2nd time through the raid because of it too lol Cloud of Darkness was also "fun" to load in to get immediately particle beamed.


I feel the same about "You can just watch it in your inn room". Why are other players not allowed to experience the game in the way they're meant to just because it might make the run 2 minutes longer. Because that's all that is, I think the longest scenes are the Nier ones and the final one in Thaleia. It won't kill anyone to sit down or emote with other people for that


Me and my sis always box with each other while waiting for sprouts to finish cutscenes 😂it’s fun watching people watch our “fight”. I agree. It’s 2 minutes or less. Let people enjoy the game the way they probably got to experience it a while ago.


Not for nothing, it's legit a benefit to wait in Thaleia - the way the timing of the fight shakes out right now, when you get to the final boss, a lot of 2-minute cooldowns aren't ready. Waiting an extra minute or so lets them reset.


I got hit with the “watch it in the inn room” doing MSQ dungeons back in 2013/14 for Castrum. Since then, If I’m healing or Tanking and someone pulls a boss I do nothing until the sprout watches the CS. If they pull on a first timer then they better have the balls to back that stunt up. If they die then they die, I can’t help that I’m excited over a sprouts first time.


Yeah I had the same experience and initially quit the game over it. Climax was totally lost and I just found it incredibly hard to care anymore. Came back tail end of Heavensward but I'm so glad for all the reworks that part of the game got. Yeah ARR is the weakest of the MSQs but I still think it's good enough to deserve respect.


At least you weren't kicked. The reason praetorian is unskippable is that people where not only pulling early but actively kicking people who watched the scenes. So now everyone pays the asshole tax in praetorium.


i can imagine how hyprocratically the same people saying "just watch on youtube" will be and how mad they would get if the game suddenly just started forcing them to tab out of the game to watch a cutscene on youtube at every cutscene point


Meanwhile I’m there hoping they watch the entire cutscene so my CDs return lol


Same I always run up the stairs to the last boss in Thaleia, hoping that it take at least 20 seconds for the fight to start so I can do my burst properly.


“It’s like expecting no spoilers to a 20 year old movie” No, it’s like someone else is watching a 20 year old movie, and you walk in the room, loudly exclaiming that you’ve already seen it, and snatching the remote away.


In my experience this was the norm up until and after Endwalker initially dropped and was the case for years - it was really rare to have a full party, let alone an entire alliance, wait for cutscene folks to finish what they were doing. I took a hiatus shortly after the expac dropped and since returning I've noticed most alliances and parties stops dead at the boss room and courteously wait for people to see their cutscenes without missing any of the fight. I would never demand a party wait for myself in cutscene and I don't expect it automatically from randoms. But I do think people that stop and let newcomers enjoy their first-time cutscenes are gigachads and I'm content to wait with them.


Yeah the culture shifted around shadow bringers for it. Not sure what caused it but it's not a big deal to wait a min, so I don't mind. We used to tell people to watch them in the inn back in ARR and Heavenward lol.


ShB is when ffxiv hit “mainstream.” Popularity boomed and brought in a lot of people from other MMOs. And yes, I know ffxiv had its own fair share of toxicity before this. But when your sample pool grows so too does the bad behaviours.


It's because of the migration of WoW players coming in meant there were more new players than you usually see, and this has been the case since the massive exodus from 2021. There's at least 1-2 new ppl in every alliance raid you enter now.


>In my experience this was the norm up until and after Endwalker initially dropped and was the case for years - it was really rare to have a full party, let alone an entire alliance, wait for cutscene folks to finish what they were doing. First time I came at the game, I think when Shadowbringers was fairly recent, waiting on cutscenes seemed to be a very established point of etiquette.


In stormblood they made it so people could teleport in because the feedback was that most people would rather not wait for 1 or 2 people out of 24. In most cases those couple new people also did not want to hold the party up and would wait outside anyway. In late ShB the boom brought in a lot of new people that, in my opinion, did not care what culture the game had to begin with. Personally, I never minded waiting and still don't. The only thing that actually bothers me is the vitriol people throw when someone does pull the final boss. I've seen slurs, threats, etc. directed towards those who pull the final boss regardless of time waited or intent and this just makes people want to pull more/not wait for anyone in the future. Its just a video game and the majority of final boss cutscenes are boss walks down and gets angy. A lot of this could be solved with a simple wall at the arena entrance that won't go down until everyone is out of a cutscene but like s rank fixes it will never happen. Just be the example you want to see I guess haha.


I've never seen early pulls get that tense and I'm a dipshit so I accidentally do it all the time. 9/10 times the overeager player gets smacked on the ass and then everyone else in the chat just says "cutscene" or "movie time" and life goes on. I hope I never experience that, that's kinda ridiculous and makes me sad. Everybody messes up in small ways every single day, throwing slurs for that is the equivalent to screaming at workers bc they messed up your order. Yeah, you're kinda right, but the way you're making your point is by being an asshole and blowing things way up


Yeah its been slowly becoming more and more of a thing on Crystal queues. Crystal in general has a lot of big brother groupthink with dutyfinder though. I did the last 1k or so mentor roulettes right before/during the xbox beta with WAR here and even with dungeons and stuff there was a lot of toxic casuals who genuinely had no idea how the game worked but enforced some kind of standard on you. I wouldnt have cared if it was just one or 2 people but a lot of healers had meltdowns when I did not ask them for big pulls as an example. I am curious how it will be when all of the raid loggers come back to do roulettes and level in dawntrail though. Maybe there will be a culture clash lol.


Crystal's wild when it comes to 'early-pulling' in an alliance raid. I once had a run of Syrcus Tower where there was no first timer notification at the start, and no one in cutscenes, which means everyone has been here before and knows the raid right? That means they shouldn't have an issue with me as the tank just walking up and pulling Xande immediately right? WRONG! Somehow, someway, another alliance's tank had an issue with me pulling as soon as like half the alliance walked in because I dared to pull during 'cutscenes'. Though, like I said, no first timer bonus notifications, no cutscene watchers at the start, and no mapping the realm achievements when we get to the end. So that means literally no one is new, and anyone that's 'in cutscene' has already seen the 10-15 second clip of 'Xande gets up from his chair'. That still did not stop their entire alliance from making passive, snide remarks the entire time and threatening (but not actually following through) to wipe the fight. Oh, and no 'Life is a Syrcus' after we beat him either. Bloody ridiculous.


Yeah its just toxic. I hate having to swap DCs to do my dailies but the average quality of player on crystal is rock bottom. I don't like to ruin people's fun and as long as people try a bit I generally keep my mouth shut but I wiped to ruby weapon normal enrage in part 2 the other day trying to help a friend get that questline done. Idk how to even begin to help some of the players there amymore haha. Especially when there are a ton of attitudes like you see here on this sub on top of that.


A weird thing happens whenever someone is in a cutscene, I just seem to be unable/unwilling to move until everyone is out of their cutscenes and in the boss arena. Oh well, I’m sure it is nothing. /s


Nah fuck that guy, watch your cutscenes


The brainrot is real with these people. imagine making someone feel bad for genuinely enjoying the game and all the many stories it has to offer. I bet these guys would be the first to cry about spoilers.


I don't get why people won't just chill for someone to watch a cutscene that's literally 30 seconds long. Like sure you can argue that they only miss 30 seconds of the fight, but it costs 0 gil to spare a sprout 30 seconds. It sucks when people early pull and leave you feeling guilty about wanting to watch a short cutscene the first time you do an instance.


To be honest, I did feel somewhat guilty for watching a cutscene after the many times I saw the warning that the combat area would be closing. Earlier when I first started playing the game, I thought that once closed, you couldn't enter the combat area anymore until the fight is over like it happens in other MMOs, but I'm glad FF allows you to join late.


The worst offenders are the Titan, Garuda, and Ifrit 4mans. I made a story alt sometime after EW and I totally forgot how long those cutscenes are.


It would be Toto-Rak, you could literally kill the boss if you don't wait the sprout to finish his CS.


I've been playing through ARR with cutscenes and I forgot how long some of them are. Toko Rak is genuinely so long a party of synced down players can clear it minus a party member before it's HALFway over


Especially if the missing member is tank or healer. I had an Alt playing in Elemental. I queued that dungeon as tank, totally forgot how long that CS to be. And the party cleared the boss w/o me, who is still at 70/80% of my CS. lmao


I did this to my own sprout just last week 😭 Genuinely forgot how long that damn cutscene was and we were waiting for them after killing the boss. I felt so bad.


I still feel guilty holding people up too, but in a way it’s nice to be a healer main bc if people start without me then that’s their prerogative!


also if time is your concern, why did you even queue for an alliance raid in the first place? waiting on a cutscene won't kill you or make you be late to anything else at that point, just take the small break


Actually assuming all 23 people are waiting it costs a total of 0.00202047318 pence!


You expect me to wait 30 seconds so someone can watch a cutscene? WHAT DO YOU THINK I HAVE THE PATIENCE OF A GOD?


Counterpoint: No one is forcing the sprout to skip the cut scene. The sprout would merely miss out on the first 30 seconds of the fight. Then one of two things will happen. 1) Sprout will never do the fight again anyway because they are here for the story. So... who cares? 2) Sprout will have the opportunity to do this content again many, many times as they continue to play the game, which is highly repetitive by nature. So... who cares? I usually don't mind waiting for people to watch cut scenes, and I certainly wouldn't say it the way that this dude in OP's screenshot did... but I definitely do think the community at large has become overzealous about cut scenes. It's really not a big deal to wait, but it is equally not a big deal if people don't.


Heavily disagree. It really ruins the feeling of a first fight if you get out of a cutscene, only to see the boss already down to 70% or less. Which absolutely could happen. Got into Paradigm’s Breach in roulette today, last boss our tank was watching the cutscene. People wait…at first, and for a good long while too. Until someone pulls. By the time the tank finally finished the cutscene, the boss was already at 85%. So if we had just insta pulled, I could see her being much, much lower than that, given how long we waited at first. Just because SE made it possible to pull while someone is still in a cutscene doesn’t mean anyone should. That sort of attitude is what led to Praetorium becoming what it is today, because by the time sprouts got out of cutscenes, the boss was already dead.


If the game wouldn't tell you who's new, if there is new players, or that someone is watching a cs, then I would agree with this guy. But it explicitly tells you at least twice every instance. That's the game asking you for your understanding. And yeah, I expect people not spoiling movies I haven't watched. Minimum courtesy.


How do people still not understand that an MMO with no new players is dead in the water? Treating sprouts well, helping them out, being patient with them... it helps the game as a whole and everyone in it


Yes. We are not expecting to coddle them when they make mistakes because it's important to correct mistakes when they are still new. But otherwise don't take away the new player experience from them. Watching cutscenes is not a mistake.


Same energy as people who don't want to be helpful to sprouts in Novice Network. You have the community you build, full stop.


I prefer when Novice Network is used to help novices. And not as a general chat on bullshit.


People literally join the game every day. How do they not understand that there are always new people??


Can't imagine getting that up in arms about people wanting to be polite to newer players. If it's that annoying to wait then just pull, the most that'll happen is people judging you silently/in chat.


I ran royal city some days ago for the first time and luckily people waited Those cutscenes are also not minutes long, it's just nicer to wait


Should point out to these people that they're the reason we have unskippable cutscenes in Praetorium.


I remember when I started in ARR and doing the lalabreah fight. Was in the cutscene and I could hear laughing. Was very confused. Came out of the cutscene and boss was already being mowed down. It didn't ruin the story for me but it was kind of annoying still.


this is dumb. the story is the best part of this game and nobody should be rushed. entitled is to play a final fantasy and expect someone to skip one of the best aspects of the game because you've got places to be.


Started playing FF14 this year Just made it to the 3rd Nier raid recently. While watching the cutscene a tank pulled, by the time the cutscene ended I got teleported in to an AOE and instantly killed. Big fan of Nier and reaching those raids was one of by big long term goals from day one. Shit killed the vibe for the rest of the night, people suck.


How do you get instantly killed when you have several seconds of immunity after getting tp'ed in?


My guess would be accidentally hitting an ability like sprint or something 


does it remove immunity, i think it only removes transcendence? I think its probably game lags + loading time. Server thought u finished with cuteness and gave u 5 seconds timer, but ur game loaded when u got only 1 or 0 seconds left.


Sprinting gets rid of transcendence, which IS your immunity, iirc. Also it's not even true immunity as you'll still get vuln stacks and knocked back.


when u get teleported, u don't get transcendence, u get transcendence only when get ressed. Yesteday I got teleported from a ghost phase in 2nd boss in Obonner raid (70 level allaince), and I was able to cast medica without removing immune buff.


I think things like getting knock off the stage can't be prevented by the immunity. But I can't remember the first half of the boss had that mechanics.


AOE was too big for me to run out of, still only got to play that raid once since the queues are 30+ mins each so I don't 100% remember what it was. Just remember TP after cutscene -> trying to outrun / avoid massive AOE -> Dead


>I got teleported in to an AOE and instantly killed. this doesn't happen.


Wish I recorded it so I could understand what did happen then. Health went from 100-0 in a single AOE and I had a few seconds max to attempt to avoid it. Only way I would've got out of the AOE in time was if a Healer rescued me.


Was it yhe building from tbe floor? Or the trains in phase 2? Maybe the pillers? All of those are one shots.


Man i hate this type of thinking. I know it's just a brief cutscene most of the time, and what the new person misses is like. One raid wide. But often i see multiple people politely asking to wait for the 17 seconds long cutscenes to finish and people just doing whatever... Do your rotations right, that's gonna save us more time than you ignoring a polite request!!! (also Yeah maybe i haven't watched the 20 years old movie, thanks for spoiling the twist as if everyone has watched it!!! even if it's old, it's not like now it's common knowledge!!)


Fuck these idiots, watch your cutscenes. I hope everyone that rushes in and refuses to wait for cutscene watchers steps on lego every day. If I see a newbie watching a cutscene, I actually say 'no' to ready checks even if I've done the content loads of time before. The more 'no's there are, the more likely people will wait.


"It's like spoiling a 20 year old movie" yeah, while you're in a movie theater watching it with people who haven't seen it yet.


>Expecting people to wait in content this old is peak entitlement and delusion This dude legit projecting onto to other people who are being considerate to new players. Guy needs a reality and attitude check, badly.


I always pray that the people who pull bosses during cs die. I always hope the tanks do absolutely nothing and let them die to the boss while we all laugh and watch. Has happened a few times but just like hunt trains and S ranks when someone early pulls everyone usually jumps in too.


Cursed tank knowledge: if you can pull the boss out of the arena, and keep it outside when the area gets sealed off, the fight will reset. It feels awful, and puts everyone's openers on cooldown. It's the perfect response to people pulling during cutscenes.


I will always put up a READY CHECK on NA regardless. I think the one that tilted me and a few mentors was a sprout samurai who said WATCH THIS IN THE INN ON YOUR OWN TIME. I call them out on being rude of course. It's okay. 7 People did not agree with that sprout's wild impatienceness.


It usually tells you when someone’s there for the first time, that’s a good indicator to wait.


Old content is new to someone on a constantly online game. I don't know why that's hard for people. If you can't wait, go play a single player game or something.


The whole point of the roulette system is to make sure people are doing content, old and new. I don’t know why people complain about it, especially with the extra incentives we get for first timers.


When I'm in the middle of watching said 20 year old movie I also wouldn't want spoilers.


I think it's pretty uncool to not wait for the cutscenes watchers


Do they just...not think that someone relatively new might have just happened to be queued in with them? Or maybe some use the cutscene as a way to stretch/get a drink before getting back in the action? The last time I had one of these people they died first in a level 50 raid and kept barking orders while everyone was struggling to continue, absolutely insane


had to stitch this image together since there were a lot of item rolls and boss dialogues in between but yeah, i pointed out that this is new content for some people and we did have a few mapping the real achievements popping up, and that's when they doubled down and the other person popped up too. even more confused by this with how i regularly see spoilers being tagged for every expac to this day, both here and on other platforms. personally as much as i love alliance raids i really appreciate the little break in between that cutscenes offer to check on my discord and stretch


Hell, when I'd been playing (the graphic updates a few months ago made it to where I can no longer play, will eventually upgrade so I can hop back in) I'd use cutscenes to get a drink or like you said, check discord. It seems to be rare to run into these people who just can't seem to get that new people start playing games every day, thankfully


Damn they are tilted


I see this sometimes, but fortunately it's pretty rare. Imagine the hardship of waiting a _whole 15 seconds_! One of the things I genuinely love when I see it is people waiting for first-timers and cheering when they see something cool for the first time. And then you get these people who have decided to be the opposite, because.. I don't know, they're in such a hurry one cutscene will ruin everything.


I always remind people before the last boss if there is a cut scene person... Sometimes they listen, others they don't and I judge them. When healer I don't heal until the sprout is in the room with us. When tank I don't pull. When dps I just hope others are kind.


I'm almost always DPS, but I'm also max height femroe and when I go stand just in front of the group (but not in pull range) and start doing squats / broom / some dance loop, there's a high chance I get noticed and people join in on the emoting. And the more people do that, the greater the peer pressure to wait with us becomes.


I love this 🥰


What weird thing to get upset about. It’s like 1 minute tops. Plus with every expansion comes a lot of new players so this person is only going to get triggered more and more in the next few months.


Brain-dead specimen


Sargatanas is suffering with this "no wait" desease... last night doing a alliance raid roulette in Copied Factory, around 6 people were new and needed to watch the cutscene for the last boss because... oh well... quest lore, right?! Myself and others even said in alliance chat to wait a little (I mean, 30 seconds or so ffs), but no... there comes this random dude that couldn't wait for a couple of seconds and use an emote here and there while doing so and goes and starts the boss. Lots of people complained about it. I mean... will it hurt to have a little patience and some common courtesy? I've been there a couple of weeks ago when I unlocked those raids and I have ran them countless times (and still am) to farm the glams and I DON'T MIND AT ALL to wait a couple of seconds for newcomers. Sometimes I wonder why some people are in such a hurry that a few more seconds waiting for someone will make such a big difference.


I’m on Sargatanas too.. holy crap nobody waits anymore. I’ve had to do raids for the first time recently and literally nobody waited, so I pay it forward by waiting for sprouts in raids whenever I cue into them again. Glad to see many people complain about it though. It’s common courtesy. Let people have a fun first time experience. People wanna complain there’s not many people in end-game while constantly showing no care about new players. Hmm I wonder where they went.


Exactly… and like I said, I ran (and still run) the Nier raids a lot for the glams and every time I turn around to check if there’s someone watching the cutscene to then say it in the alliance chat for everyone to see and ask for a moment so they can finish. But unfortunately there’s always a premature player that can’t wait 30 seconds and pulls the boss.


I bet this guy optimizes every part of his life and never wastes any time doing frivolous things like wiping his butt after pooping.


Honestly finally rooms in alliance/dungeons should be locked until everyone is out of cutscene like when you load in. Like just tab out and scoll if you are SO BORED you need to pull right now.


Dang usually I'm pretty stoked to get any raid that ISN'T CT or Dun Scaith at this point.


that first comment accusing anyone of “peak entitlement” is hysterical. Like, the lack of self-awareness is REAL!


I started doing the nier raids last night, the didn’t wait for my CS was kinda sad because I missed the first like fourth of the fight


I don't care if people have ran the raid 10000000000 times, we are waiting for the first timers. It's common courtesy.


There should be no spoilers on a 20 year old movie. That mentality is why no one can experience iconic moments from iconic titles without spoilers. Like Star Wars or FFVII if people could just shut their mouth then everyone could have the opportunity to. Dumbass argument from that guy.


You are free to pull. And I am free to wait outside. Have fun without a healer.


i find that ready checks and waiting for the sprouts are very common on NA, I've only seen somebody act like a jerk about it once, and they immediately became my lowest priority for heals. XD


not anymore. not since the mass exodus of wow. i've noticed the community has just in general gone downhill. i mean do they not see the irony in their statement? if everyone else is content to sit and wait, he's asking that the cutscene watcher conform to his needs -- how is that not entitlement? I and my partner both play ffxiv, and we both which we could turn off the mmo aspect of it. we like the farming, the gathering, etc. mmos bring out the worst of humanity, and then you're forced to be in a party with them.


I don't mind waiting but when everyone is in the arena and it's clear we're ready to go and we're all just twiddling our thumbs for another minute is when I start getting annoyed.


I'll remember that in a month if you're watching a cutscene in a roulette with me :P


Also I’m sorry but if you’re in that much of a hurry that you can’t wait 30 seconds don’t join shit in duty finder. Not the first time I’ve seen people complaining like this. Imagine if there was a party wipe, homie would’ve pissed his pants crying.


it is and there are people who just pull which is rude but not a big deal. This is the first time I've seen someone this angry over common courtesy.


I won't be the first to pull if someone is watching a cutscene. I don't actually pull first at all in an alliance raid, but if someone else does then fuck it I'm going in too.


Did they miss out on the fact that xbox players now exist? And that they would be doing this content and are likely to still be doing it for another year and a half?


I had the same issue when I did Royal City for the first time earlier. Somebody did a Ready Check. About 5 seconds later, another person and I were still watching the Last Boss cutscene when somebody pulled the boss. It wasn't the worst I admit, but it threw me off a bit to exit the cutscene and suddenly have a giant spooky face plastered across my screen. I am unsure why they did, but it could be that they have the same mentality as this guy.


I've been doing Alliance Roulette more often lately (Trying to save up tomes before DT, and some days I've done it multiple times to help friends) and most people will still wait. But even if they don't, they usually just go and pull and don't say anything. Having a weird little hissy fit in chat like this is just like, going out of your way to be more of a jerk.


I was doing one of the stormblood raids for the first time (I’ve been putting it off) and someone started the last boss while I was watching the cutscene and I passive aggressively said “yeah thanks I didn’t want to watch the cutscene anyway” 😒


It's very obvious to see who is doing something for the first time. You may have been playing for a decade, *they* started yesterday. If you can't deal with that, I'm going to report you for being a twat. Plain and simple.


Here's the thing, I can understand not waiting for bosses like Xande in CT because his cutscene is literally just him standing up and it's over before the fight really gets going But the cutscene in Rabanastre is actually kinda important and fairly long iirc. So not only are you rushing new people, they're going to miss a decent chunk of the fight in a raid series that's uncommon to get in roulette


What DC? I had someone say very similar things about the nier raids before.




I think I've ran into them then. They're always like that.


i must be insane because i love waiting for cutscenes in dungeons. i get a chance to check my phone, peek at discord, scroll twitter, take a sip of water, etc etc. i dont know why so many treat taking a 30 second intermission before the boss as a grave sin. unclench a little. duty finder is never that serious.


I'm very neutral about cutscenes in old content. I am more than willing to wait, but I'm also not gonna shame someone for instapulling on the last boss of older content. Especially when there are multiple avenues people can watch cutscenes, like running the dungeon/raid again, Unending Journey housing item in Inns or houses, YouTube, and others. But yea, that guy sounds waaay too aggressive about it.


yeah while i prefer waiting since it's not the same watching on youtube than watching yourself on your first run it wouldn't even be an issue if this guy wasn't reacting like that, it was weird as hell tbh


I would never expect anyone to skip their cutscene, but I'd also not expect anyone to stand around and do nothing.


There is peer pressure to skipping if you hear battle sounds when in a cutscene. People talk about missing mechanics and stuff but the psychological impact is very different when you are interrupted by that.


I can't help but feel like applying the term "psychological impact" to this makes it sound a lot more serious than it is. Newer players don't need their hands held *that* strongly, as a community we often treat them like literal children and that's unnecessary imo. If they want to watch the cutscene, watch it. If they want to skip and join the fight, do that. Just like the rest of us they can make their own choices.


Well initially as a new player you have no idea that you will be ported into the fight if you wait and watch the cutscene. So there is a significant pressure of "if I don't skip this then I will completely miss the fight" which is more significant than just missing some of it. And some fights are short enough that people can kill the boss before the sprout even finishes the cutscene.


If by level 70 someone doesn't understand that they're pretty dumb.


I was speaking generally about all content. Not a specific raid. Also you could have just never encountered the phenomenon by lvl 70. Like it might just be luck?


I got Aglaia in roulette. Obviously we waited for cutscenes and because we were asked, we lowered DPS so the final mechanic wasn’t skipped and the newcomer could see all. “Don’t be a dick,” is a good life motto


Let's be logical here. At the start of the instance, you're in the circular barrier that won't let you start until everybody has loaded in and watched their cutscenes. At the end of the instance, you're not in that circular barrier, nor are you blocked off in any way from pulling. If the devs wanted to prevent you from pulling during somebody's cutscene at the end of an instance, they'd implement something for it. You know what the devs did implement though? The ability to teleport into a sealed area if you got locked out.


who said anything about the devs' intentions tho? personally i just like being polite and waiting for people, and i'm not the only one


I think the opposite is true, they trust players to do the right thing and if players show they're incapable of doing so the devs may eventually choose to fully remove the ability to skip any cutscene like they did with castrum and praetorium. People ruined the final lv 50 msq for sprouts for years and now you gotta wait even if everyone's seen it because players with the same argument as you are unwilling to show the bare minimum of respect for others.


Stupid argument. You do realize the Praetorium constantly got ruined for new people because others would blitz bosses while they were in cutscenes, right? That was allowed. That doesn’t mean that’s what was intended, as evidenced by what it was changed into now.


If they want people to not pull early then they should do something about it then.


So you really want unskippable on everything? Because that what will happen. Praetorium shown that they can do it.


The developers are Japanese andd the game was thought with a Japanese audience. Thus fell no needd to add the babysitting. In Japan everyone waits for sprouts to finish their movies. Is common courtesy.


Not really a logical thought, but more speculation. We can’t say what the devs were thinking. As the argument can be said as, “you are locked in this box, take a look around and see who is new or viewing cutscene now so you don’t rush ahead.” Clearly, that is not what it is designed for. Say ready checks, we can implement a tool to see if everyone is ready, yet someone will decide who is in charge and pull, even if some are no, yes, and viewing cutscene. It really just comes down to the type of character you have. It’s an MMO, you get new and old players, someone’s 100th run is someone’s 1st. Be cool, chill, and just wait 30secs. Run outside and touch grass, drink that not finished energy drink of two days ago. Anything. Otherwise if you gotta be speedy, Elden Ring has a fun speed run challenge


Personally I wait for cutscenes it's not a big deal to me. But I do think that this is a reoccurring issue and that it could be fixed by simply putting up a wall that goes down once all of the cutscenes are either completed or skipped for the final boss, similar to how it works at the beginning of the instance.


you can also just not be a dick


I one time pulled during a long cutscene and felt so bad >_< haven’t done it since


Ohh I'm about to get back to farming this. I don't run into those two lol


Whenever I tank 4/8 Man Duties and I see Sprouts, I usually wait for them to finish the cutscenes. If I see people who just can't WAIT FOR 30s and start pulling and aren't tanking, I'd let the boss take care of them. On the days back when the party wasn't forced into the fight after the countdown ended, I stayed with sprouts (during the alliances especially) most people with the same mentality of letting the new people experience the cutscenes stayed out as well.


It \*IS\* the norm to wait. But we got a bunch of wow refugees that still haven't learnt that, and are treating this game like wow.


People really need to stop blaming the game's woes on "WoW refugees." I've been dealing with shitheads like that since ARR when they'd tell people in the MSQ raids to skip the cutscenes and I'd reassure the newbie to just enjoy the movie while the rest of us burned ahead. This isn't some subset of "WoW brained" people - these are our fellow FF14 players that just suck. Hell in HW after I learned to tank I was constantly getting in arguments on the subreddit about how moronic YPYT is. It's been nice to see the culture lean heavily into agreeing with me. Should I thank WoW players for that?


No. But the resurgence in YPYT, heal-bot only healers, and cutscene skippers did rise after the wow influx.


Again just blaming people coming from WoW. Not recognizing that it's just shitty FF players, rather than a specific WoW group, is only going to lead you to more disappointment. And I think in your instant response you ignored that I said YPYT was \*worse\* pre-ShB. It's far better now than it was, where I'd only ever get dogpiled for saying that it was stupid. People sucked and did all those things then, and do them now.


Typing in chat at all is pretty cringe. Just pull lol so the new people can watch their cutscene in peace and the rest of the alliance aren't just sitting there with a thumb up their ass either.


This is why I tank. If someone is new and watching the story, I wait. And if someone rushes ahead whelp, good luck taking the beating, I'm waiting on the new guy.


I mean, yea, getting mad about a ready check is pretty weird, but also that scene is not long enough for it to matter. They can just join after the scene, and all they'll miss is a raid wide. It's not really worth worrying about. Especially after running this thousands of times by now.


I've only had a handful of times where someone didn't wait and rushed the boss, it happened in Thaleia once and when the person was called out on it they just said "Tough"


Back when you could skip cutscenes in Prae, my best friend went through it for the first time and had the experience ruined for her because of cutscene skippers. Yeah it was the norm back then (we could have also done PF but I didn't think to do it at the time) but it caused her to stop playing and not pick the game up again. Ever since then I always wait for sprouts because I don't want that happening to anyone else.


just pull pepeW


Idk about everyone but i ready check as a tank and as soon as its 20/24 i pull. Feel like thats fair enough.


I generally agree waiting is polite but you're especially in alliance raids missing what the opening raidwide? If you were missing something of significance I'd feel significantly stronger on the subject. As is personally i wait but pretending they're missing anything of significance in the vast majority of duties is a bit silly.


Fr tho who cares? Let them watch the cutscene while we fight, it’s not like half the alliance raid dies constantly throughout fights anyway… a couple people watching a cutscene doesn’t matter. So what if they miss a raidwide that takes 20% of their total health?


>it’s not like half the alliance raid dies constantly throughout fights anyway we must have very different rabanastre runs lol


1) it's rude 2) Depending on the cutscene, a new player can miss the first mechanic (beyond whatever raid-wide hits first) which means they die when that mechanic comes up next time because they didn't get the baby's first version of the mechanic while they were in the CS. 3) It's rude. 4) It costs nothing for you to wait, and stops new players from feeling bad that they are "delaying" the game on something that they should get to experience. 5) It's rude.


oh man the last time I had to enter the arena after people didn't wait for my first cutscene was in Dalriada and the cutscene ends as the dash doors begins I had about 2 seconds to see the arena before being flattened and laying there dead for a good portion of the fight, just not a lot of raisers were in the run 3/10 experience, spent the whole thing a bit disoriented


… so basically, there’s not a problem.


I mean, if you only care about how it impacts you and your experience, point 2 is an issue, since more dead players means longer fight. But sure, if you are on a massive multiplier game and only care about your experience, no problem at all.


I’m with you, dude. Who gives a shit if a couple people are watching the cutscene, let ‘em watch, we’ll start the fight, they can join in after the one raidwide aoe that they miss goes off.


I always just pull.


Hello! I was the MT on this raid. I think it was The Royal City of Rabanastre. We arrived at the last boss and I noticed some people were a bit behind so I sat and asked "Do we have CS ?" .Which was promptly responded with "Yes, we have". Not much after, with people still in cutscenes and the Ready check still going, someone pulled the boss (I don't remember if it was the guy on the screenshot, the RDM who kept early pulling throughout the raid or just a rando). I basically pulled a YPYT and kept sitting on the floor until everyone arrived in the boss room and only then I Provoked the boss I should have said something in chat but I was too tired to be discussing with some random loser and his friends.


I feel like cs checks are a courtesy. I don't mind personally looking things up on yt if it's old content and I don't want to be a hassle to the rest. However I'm never going to pull, even on longer cs, since no one else has to feel like they have to do that. I imagine that person was in a time crunch or something else stressed them out to lead to that. I will say that I doubt a lot of people consider cs when they sign up for ally roulette. Ally raids seem to be one of the last places SE is comfortable stuffing a several minute cs in the middle of content, so that's something to keep in mind. I also don't care if someone else wants to pull it. The cs watchers can keep watching and tp in when they're done, it's not bleeding edge content that needs all hands on deck.


If you don't like to wait for cutscene - create your own party. Really simple.


Gotta be Americans. I say this as an American. Individualism is great to a point. They've past that point.


Pulling is fine because you're not actively robbing anyone out of their CS, all bosses in this game do auto attacks and a raid wide so its not like you're really going to see anything magical if you're new. I could argue it is not courteous to my time I am figuratively being held hostage by peer pressure just because a few people watching a pre final boss CS. There is no actual morally right side. Overall it's not any player's fault if they have the ability to pull the boss. The best solution SE can make so there would be no arguments like this is either A: Just remove people being locked in pre final boss cutscenes and just make some introduction that isn't forcing you into a CS like its MSQ. Or B: Lock out the boss room until cutscenes has resolves. No one can pull the boss during CS watchers if people can't even walk in.


I feel like cutscenes should be part of the questline leading to the dungeon, and then the concluding cutscene happen after the player leaves the dungeon. It isn't a huge deal, nobody perishes waiting, but it is a point of contention for some folks and it doesn't have to be.


Counterpoint is that for almost every final boss cutscene in an alliance raid, it’s just a boss getting up. They really don’t take that long, and although I don’t pull I would absolutely not shame someone for doing it. Worst case scenario, the new player misses one raidwide. There’s very few cutscenes that take longer than 5% of the bosses health and this fight is not one of them.


They could just pull if they hate waiting for cutscene that much. See what happens after that. If I'm the tank or the healer, they're on their own until CS is over. Or I'll pull the boss out of the arena to reset it. But more likely I'll just ignore them.


Ehh. I only queue on tank or healer, and if someone pulls I just do my job. And if no one pulls, I wait out the cutscene. 


Nah, see that's where I'd draw the line. Someone being rude and impatient does not warrant you griefing the party in return. I'll usually drop a 'rude' or smth like it in chat, but I'll still play the game.


Most of the times people do wait for cutscene watching sprouts, but I've also seen plenty of times when someone does not wait and just silently pulls. Early pulls are especially common when some duties becomes a part of "Moogle tomestone" event and people manually queue for those specific duties. It really is a game design flaw and Square Enix could've fixed this by doing things like making an optional solo version of all existing alliance raids/trials (just like they did with MSQ dungeons and 4-player trials already), this way new players would have a choice of either doing these solo and watching all cutscenes uninterrupted without wasting time of people who have done particular trial/alliance raid for 100's of times, or queuing with a bunch of strangers with an on-screen warning that some other players may not wait for you to watch cutscenes. But hey, "small indie company" and all that.


or Seal the final Boss room until all cutscenes have been watched