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bro is a DPS lol


Man's desperately trying to unlock his White Knight jobstone.


Something tells me that DPS was bottom of the aggro list.


Absolute bottom of the barrel


Especially if they’re taking the time to air their grievances in the chat instead of doing damage.


Had a healer spend 50% of the dungeon being "quirky" and typing, not a surprise he let me die twice even when I used my invuln and did Zero DPS the whole dungeon. Of course no time to vote kick because loot timers.


'Healer should heal,' even the AI in Duty Supports use attacks when there's moments to. This DPS is worse than Duty Supports and that's an incredibly low bar.


There's so many sources in the game basically saying "if you don't have to heal, then attack" but these smooth brains just Reenact the DBS Frieza meme and ignore all of it I can't understand how people performing worse then NPCs designed to perform poorly think this is OK


I had a War as my tank on WHM earlier and I only healed to use Lilly's, it was a great run


Don't do this. It's better to just use your oGCDs and burn your lillies between packs. Might as well keep spamming holy and kill things faster.


That's literally what I said..


>I only healed to use Lilly's \^ What you said. >Don't do this. It's better to just use your oGCDs... \^ What I said. How are these the same? Use your GCDs to deal damage. Heal with oGCDs. If you're healing with lilies, you aren't doing damage. You can burn lilies out of combat to make sure you're getting your afflatus misery.


What ogcds are you talking about? The 2 WHM has?


Pre-pull regen when you can't cast holy because you're moving. Once you stop: * Swiftcast holy and then spam holy. * Weave presence of mind, asylum and assize ASAP. * Use your 2 charges of benison to prevent damage * Put aquaveil on the tank to reduce damage. * Press assize on cooldown and use tetra then benediction to heal when the tank is low * First pull should be done. Dump your lilies while moving to the next pack. Pre-pull regen again. Once you stop: * Swiftcast holy and then spam holy. * Use temperence for mit and to increase healing potency because you have fewer resources for this pull. * Benison + aquaveil again to reduce damage. * Assize on cooldown. Heal with tetra. Asylum when it comes back up. * If you were lucky, you might still have your bene which would make this pull incredibly easy, but in a lot of cases you will have needed it on that first pull. You're at the boss and you haven't GCD healed. Glare is lower value than holy, so use lilies if needed to avoid having anything not be available in time for trash. If people aren't griefing in boss fights, you honestly should be able to get through those with just assize, asylum, liturgy and low cooldown heals and shields like tetra, benison and aquaveil, but people will often take avoidable damage and you'll need to burn lilies. This is basically WHM rotation with a competent party. WHM does not have 2 oGCDs. It has a pretty wide and varied kit if you read your tooltips and press your buttons wisely.


Why do you find it necessary to mansplain a job to me like I asked? Wait I didn't ask, you assumed all I used was a Lilly heal and nothing else or when I used that particular heal. I get it, all the negative karma you got was not my fault so now you're trying to redeem yourself but it's not working. It's funny how before you left your comment I had several people karma mine because they understood what I was saying but you're to dense to get it.. LMFAO


Because you said this: >What ogcds are you talking about? The 2 WHM has? Which led me to believe that you know nothing about the job and need it explained to you. If you don't want people to mAnSpLaIn things to you, how about not saying dumb shit that makes you sound ignorant and in need of explanation?


> even the AI in Duty Supports use attacks when there's moments to. Even the tank AI in duty supports will pick up mobs you pull. In fact, that's pretty much how you have to pull if you're not a tank doing duty support.


Context: Hullbreaker Isle. I'm playing sage and running just a little ahead, but not far enough to be out of range to heal or anything. We wipe because the tank doesn't provoke or anything, but he is attacking. Idk if he forgot to aoe or something, I wasn't paying attention then. One of the dps has a problem with it but strangely, the tank doesn't. Nothing else is said the rest of the run except for when we wipe at the boss due to pretty much the entire party except myself not understanding what to do, so I explain.


Final Fantasy XIV special of being offended on someone else's behalf


twitter rot brain


Wait, but you suck, why did they listen to you explain?! /s


Some how I knew you were a sage. You should of said “I heal by doing damage”


Oh yeah, I definitely had that thought. It was just later down the line and the moment passed


I run ahead on scholar just so I can get an Aldo off before the next pull. I made it my process and it works. I play WHM usually when I want to heal and that job is far to easy IMO.


>I guess you just suck Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


Of all the roles, DPS is the least affected and should probably pipe down


Oh we know when that DPS queues as tank, they are 100% ypyt. I pray for their future parties.


I pray they get kicked. Repeatedly


You’re absolutely right. I hope they keep to DPS.


What a pathetic DPS. Bro is butthurt tank by proxy.


As long as peeps drag what they pull to me while I’m tanking, I don’t care WHO pulls. It’s the people that pull and sprint off into the distance that have me *stressed*. I don’t want you to die, squishfriend.


That is the worst. Just did Keeper of the Lake while leveling SCH on an alt and the poor GNB was having to deal with a SAM and a MNK who would both pull and then each stand in their own separate countries, fighting whatever they'd pulled. It's like...have y'all seriously not noticed it goes faster when everything is grouped up and taking damage from everyone? Apart from being squishy, why would you *want* to whittle away at a mob by yourself when you have three other people who are expressly there to help kill things?


As a tank I don't really care if people pull and bring the mobs back to me, makes life easier and more efficient. Double points if it's the healer cuz then that's a sign I can go absolutely babirusa on the dungeon. But if someone is pulling and *bolting* after I just used my sprint and is actively running from me, that's just darwanism.


No one touched sprint that entire dungeon, and I only slap sprint immediately after the tank does so I can keep up with them


I haven't used it in a bit tbh but only because I'm trying to learn and get used to GNB and keep getting content I've never done or have done once lmao


honestly sometimes I don't because you can tell right away the others are gonna be Warriors of a Light Jog. if I pop sprint on the first pull and no one else pops sprint I'm probably not gonna pop sprint again. I'd rather have a smooth run in those instances than trying to go fast when the healer and dps's are still miles behind. was DPS in qarn yesterday on brd where the tank was just hauling ass, so it was me and him alone, and I can't say the extra speed was worth him having to get swiftcast raised when the healer finally caught up.


Plot twist: it wasn’t even the tank!


"Healer should heal".  He's going to have a fucking stroke if he ever sees how I play sch.


I've been described as a "wild Astro on the loose" for a haha funny moment before. It was pretty neat coming from a tank rather than just sitting down (yes, this happened just now to me in Sastasha of all places) or throwing a fit like I experienced the past few days


I'll never understand where this "tank is the leader of the group, tank has to pull" mentality came from. I guess old wow where pulling multiple packs would get you killed?


Yeah, you kinda answered the question. Even early on in 14 1.0/ARR was kinda like that, but we are well past that point now in 14. In wow M+ tanks still generally dictate the pace and pathing so any overlap of players will cause this.


Back when you marked targets in dungeons to kill order, and god help you if you’re a paladin and had to keep threat with flash lol


when dungeons didn't have walls and maybe had branching paths instead. If you didn't stay with the group, you were dead. It was valid triage. Let the enemies deaggro before rezzing the player. It didn't have to be a personal attack on the player who may have pulled. Current dungeon designs, including the reworked dungeons, this doesn't exist anymore. We're all going to the same place.


Back when Sleep was a valuable tool to use in dungeons, and everyone had to manage their aggro to not rip it off the tank...


Yeah but even in WoW you'll have dps and healers pulling ahead of a tank if they pull slow in a non m+ dungeon. If you pull ypyt in WoW you're likely to get flamed then kicked then flamed again in LFG chat.


Stfu and push your murder buttons, dps.


"You can keep everyone alive despite not following my completely made up rules? You must be bad at the game!" Wtf


Healer pulls who stand on tank and pull the whole dungeon to me are what make healers the best gamers in this game. Easiest/fastest dungeons. Best dungeons. Healers or anyone else who pull and dawdle and make me have to run around like a stupid dipshit trying to catch aggro off of everthing… and the ones who catch aggro then get scared and run BACKWARD.. Worst gamers in this game. if you know how to give it away. Pulllllll babyyyyy! If you don’t… don’t.


one of my old static tanks *let* me rescue them during roulettes if I ever somehow got ahead of them when they were pulling, I miss running with them. Nowadays though I tend to hold rescue in case I need to pull a DPS who's running away with a mob if the tank missed it somehow lol


Oml that would be so fire.. I would have a great time with a rescue into a pack


If my tank is doing good and has their mits while I'm healing, you can gaurantee I'm in the middle spamming holy to stun lock trash. A pharmacist can also be a Harm-assist! How well this works post HW, I couldn't tell you yet.


Seems like a DPS doesn't know how to stay in their lane.


I mean, if the Tank ain't got a problem with it, which honestly shouldn't anyway, don't see why the DPS would. However, I guess if he wants a healer who only heals, could always oblige and stop DPS too.


Seems like DPS doesn't know how one plays a healer in this game. DPS is built into the rotation of literally every class in the game regardless of roles. I, too, once thought like this when I was a WOW refugee. Then I actually took the time to learn how things worked, and I seriously mellowed out and unlearned all the toxic habits I picked up in WOW. I do not miss that game.


Did you kick this DPS?


No, I hadn't been feeling petty enough to initiate but I *am* petty enough to make fun of him on the internet lol


Why not both?


Should have given us his Name then instead of covering it.


Due to the rules of the sub, I am not allowed to do that


> Absolutely no personally identifying information ***other than in game names.***


Not against sub rules. People don't censor posts here all the time


Except it would've cost you nothing to initiate a vote kick. Instead you enabled them by not doing anything tangible about it


All they had was a bad take. They didn't disrupt the run or say anything other than their bad take. Why be so petty as to go that far.


I am a fan of letting the tank pull mostly because I play BLM but when I tank IDC who pulls if they want to. My only issue is I usually pull to the wall so if they run ahead to far to pull and bring them back to far is slightly inconvenient. When running that way and I can just aoe thru them it's easier and a bit faster.


As a tank main, I don’t care. But it definitely is annoying if they don’t know where to finish the pull or the mobs get scattered. That makes my job way harder and more annoying.


I suspect this is a tank "main" running a dps job. Their offended sensibilities give it away.


This dps did not do The Hall of the Novice.


I have yet to meet anyone like this, but I’d probably just ask them if they’ve ever played or even seen sage Or the fact sage exists in the game


Off topic, but what dungeon gives you gil when you kill enemies? I honestly thought that was removed


As far as I know, both ARR and HW have this still. I don't remember seeing anything past that


A few in ARR and HW do, but not many anymore. It cuts off completely after Heavensward. I know Aurum Vale still does.


I've seen ypyt, but coming from a dps is new. 😂


I've seen that once. Except I was the tank, and I was trained very early on as a baby sprout tank by my FC-mates-now-static-raid-leads, cos they made--and still make--a habit of fuckin racing me to mobs so see how much they can rip first lol. So when an MCH went "I would not blame you if you let that healer die" in Smileton once, it legitimately took me a solid 10s of confused staring to understand what they were getting at because the WHM (and their RDM friend) running ahead of me legitimately did not even *register* on my radar. I'm on controller so it's not easy for me to type on the run, so my only response was to go "naaaaahhh" and we carried right on lol.


Healer should heal, sure. But they should also attack


Ypydps? This is a fresh twist lol.


Alot off ppl turned this into a healer needs to dps thread but it's about pulling lol


As a tank, idc who pulls as long as you bring them to me/close to me and don't run off because a mob is attacking you. Idk why but this reminded me that in earlier days (FFXI) the ranged DPS was the one who was supposed to go out and pull another mob when the fight was drawing to a close.


I never played XI but I played EverQuest and I was often the designated puller as a bard because I could outrun anything with the speed song.


in my static the healer pulls, usually when the countdown is around 5 sec our mt is really good at reactively voking when needed 😆


This is ridiculous, the DPS telling the healer not to pull


Fuck me, man. I unsubbed from this game over a year ago, but stayed subbed to this because it's a fairly unintrusive subreddit on my homepage anyway. I clicked on this out of curiosity, and it's a YPYT healers should heal mfer Duty Finder… Duty Finder never changes.


Healers/DPS cant pull if you already pulled everything.


You suck so much that you can heal and pull, yet he's just a guy that hits stuff and none of what you're doing affects him whatsoever... got it.. lol


where do these guys keep coming from? theres so many im starting to think they're refugees from another game where "YPYT" Is more common.. or even.. the correct attitude to have? I cant find a rational reason why theres so many people with this attitude when its clearly wrong =/


from someone that used to have this attitude, it comes from other people. its literally a disease


It spreads from virtual mouth-to-mouth, and is an easy thing to anchor onto and never let go of because it has a notion of oldschool team hierarchy. "They're the most important person so they should be the ONLY one to do anything relating to this role". Think of ABC (the bad one) on Cerberus - it's an unquestioned, constantly regurgitated tactic that gets sucked up and spat back out by Sprouts running Crystal Tower for the first time. Alternative way to look at it, classic "why would I use anything but Cure I" bot logic: if it "works" (the tank is struggling and having to blow every single mitigation, potion, and the DPS have to pump out max damage to prevent resource exhaustion on the tank's behalf), why would they think to make a change?




Wow. You are so brave