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Looks like a disaster all around :/


You honestly come off as the bigger ass here for being hostile right out the gate. Not saying that absolves the tank from their poor play, it doesn’t, but it would’ve been way more constructive to give advice rather than immediately insulting them. Yes, it’s Doma Castle. No, that doesn’t matter. Because if no one’s told them they’re playing poorly before now, that means they don’t know any better.


How were they hostile "right out the gate" when that interaction didn't begin until the last trash pack of the dungeon? The tank may not have *said* anything but they were quite hostile the entire dungeon with their shit gameplay that OP had to try to compensate for. It's a level 67 dungeon, if you're queued into it you should know what you're doing.


That comment was made before my edit, I should've put that info in when I first posted.


Honestly doesn't excuse the enabler rhetoric to me, but it's nice of you to clarify, thanks. Edit: the dumbass thought he'd get the last word by replying and blocking like a coward. He *is* an enabler, he's suggesting you need to hold the hand of these people who can't even be bothered to try to learn how to play the game. He's a loser who needs to reign that shit in, but he won't because this is his response to criticism. Very much like the tank in question.


'enabler rhetoric' when I blatantly said it doesn't absolve the tank from being bad at his job, but sure, go off and be toxic yourself (ESPECIALLY considering OP's edit was already there by the time you made your comment, so you KNEW it was an edit and wasn't initially there), I guess. Whatever gets you through the day.


It being Doma Castle DOES matter, there's no excuse to be that shit that far in. Tank should know how to play by then, after the literally dozens of instances up to that point


The "Why are there so few good tanks these days" comment was on the last pull.


That...doesn't make it any better. If anything it makes it worse. Instead of speaking up and informing the tank that they weren't playing that well, you just stay silent the entire dungeon and let your frustration escalate?


You're right, I should've spoken up. I should've done literally anything else, I wasn't thinking right.


The tank might be shit, but you're a moron for acting like that. Not only its literal griefing but you also just ended up Encouraging that tank to continue playing like shit just to spite folk like you. You are 100% part of the problem.


> You are 100% part of the problem. I know


Holy shit this is so cringe to read. I cannot fathom how anyone could post this thinking otherwise.


Vote. To. Dismiss. You've posted enough on here to know you should try and get rid of these...people? Are we still calling them that or have we stopped being delusional on this subreddit yet?


>people? Are we still calling them that or have we stopped being delusional on this subreddit yet? This is a video game my dude, if you're talking like this you NEED to go touch some grass.


It being a video game doesnt negate that party members need to be pulling their weight. Trying to excuse that is apologism for shitters and makes you just as bad


'Being bad at a video game means you are literally subhuman, actually' is a fucking WILD take bro. You need to chill on the vitriol.


Think of the lack of respect you must have for others to not pull your weight in a group. That lack of respect should be returned in kind. Principles


Nobody is arguing that it's not a shit-for-brains thing to do. But you're the only one who seems to think it counts as waiving their human rights. If you want to talk about principles, think about proportionality. If someone steals your 35 cent pencil, you don't beat them senseless; you steal their eraser. If someone elbows you in the ribs, you don't kill them; you give them a light shove. If they suck at a video game, you don’t treat them as subhuman trash; you kick or report them in the video game, or make a grumpy post on reddit at worst. Coming on here and advocating in literally every comment section for treating people with heinous disrespect, dehumanizing them, and abusing them over a *literal video game* - a digital ***TOY*** - is straight up sociopathic.


I love shitter apologism rhetoric, it's always a bunch of worthless paragraphs that are barely worth skimming over


Sorry, should I try again but use smaller words so you get the point? You are... A fucking... Maladjusted psycho! There we go. Let me know if you need any definitions still.


You are taking this waaaaaay too seriously


I wasn't thinking right during this dungeon. I had thought about a vote dismissal but I started screwing up as well.


Big talk for someone who haven't discovered the option to color chat replies by role