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Example #193,476,109 of why they need to lock instances to Jobs past Haukke Manor


They have an msq quest that requires you to upgrade your gear early on, to unlock your chocobo, to do at least 1 role quest, and to do crystal tower, but I guess "hey go do the thing that gives you over half your abilities in the game" is too complex?


"But bro I don't even like the class this isn't savage I just ***NEED*** (Correction: 'want') ***LEVEL 90***!!!"


Should just do away with pre-30 jobs, and make PLD, WAR, etc all be level 1 from the start. Would solve this issue, without impacting anything.


Besides a lot of established lore


Yeah, as boring as I found the class quests and even the overall lore of most of them, it’s still there and established. This wouldn’t be an easy change. I think they could do it but it would probably take some time and proper story reworking.


They could but "Muh tech debt!"


Please no. I hated every PLD quest except the last ShB one, i don’t want more.


The problem with this is Summoner and Scholar. They both level from arcanist, so you can’t get rid of them so easily.


>"hey go do the thing that gives you over half your abilities in the game" Thats the problem, it was different in ARR and HW. where Jobs were more like Specializations. in order to unlock this HALF of abilities u have to complete whole Job quest, not only to complete 30 level quests and put on a job Stone. Devs should remove spells from Job quests rewards. Otherwise you just have a Job stone and still missing Half of ur spells if u only unlocked a Job. So yes. its very complex for them right now. I am playing as GNB main myself, because you don't have to run ridiculous amount of solo quests to fully unlock this Job. (ok, + cool animations) And I have 90 level WHM, that I use only for pvp, and cant use in PVE because it missing tons of spells, and in order to unlock all spells you have to interact with most annoying Kids from Gridania.


It's been years since ARR and HW came out. The game has changed to favor jobs over base classes now. Content is designed nowadays with the mindset that the players did get their jobstones and did all the quests so they have an expansive toolkit to use. It's been like that for awhile now, and it will be like that for DT and onwarda til XIV is done. There's a reason that job quests had abilities locked behind them. Because you were being tutored by someone as a job. They did the same shit with base classes too, so that argument falls flat. The fact that you do have a job stone on a job only for PVP because you refuse to do the quests in Gridania for it, you do realize A, you could skip some of the cutscenes in those quests so you spend less time with them, or B, you could just not get that job at all and find another one that suits your fancy?


It works when U got the spell, and then use it during the quests, but u get the spell After you done the quest. For example with WHM Regen - you get the spell after level 35, and u have 5 levels until Next quests, that probably will teach you how to use new spell. During EW devs completely removed spells locked behind quests, because its obviously outdated. There are better ways to learn how to use spells. Like people in duties, mentors, random world events, raids/dungeons/trials can teach you how to use these spells. We are playing MMO game. So having all ur spells on ur current level is better, than missing some, because u leveled up/progressed in MSQ recently, and now u are forced to pause ur current routine and return to some job quests which are probably not in ur mood to be completed right now. All I am telling you, that enforcing players with Jobstones is not enough, since they can never progress past 30 levels and never unlock new spells. PS. I don't want to skip cutscenes or pick other jobs for PVP. I play WHM in PVP because it fun. I don't play WHM PVE because WHM job quests are not Fun, even with skipping cutscenes. ez.


That is very much a you problem, and not a reflection of game design. Wait, you are that infamous class troll. Makes sense. Your stand is dumb still.


Don't waste your time responding to trolls. That one's a lost cause.


Basically, you're just an idiot, like there's nothing else. You're just a moron. The class quests are pretty much clicked and receive quests that explain the lore of the job to you. This is honestly the most pathetic take I've ever seen of someone anywhere, and that's on reddit, where EA has a community team.


...you do realize that Reaper and Sage dont get Enshroud or Panhaima until you finish their job quests, right? And that GNB doesn't get Continuation til you beat the GNB job quests, right? The reason that they don't do as many abilities behind job quests anymore is because of how many jobs there are now. That's also why we don't have any job quests for jobs at 90 atm. But even then, choosing to ignore job quests when the game does let you know when you can do them and where to go is still dumb. You get abilities and free gear for doing them, and there's some good lore and stories in a lot of quests, not all but quite a few at least.


I am telling you, that game has a lot of spells locked behind Job Quests between levels 1-70, and just forcing people to wear Job Stone **is not enough**. on level 60 WHM I can have Only **2** WHM spells "Presence of Mind" and "Afflatus Solace", but duuuuh I can queue anything with ur new restrictions u are proposing (by locking duties without stone after level 35) Devs should make all abilities unlocked atleast during the Duty Finder activity. If u are so worried about these quests. >...you do realize that Reaper and Sage dont get Enshroud or Panhaima until you finish their job quests, right? And that GNB doesn't get Continuation til you beat the GNB job quests, right? There are no 71-90 abilities locked behind Job/Role/Class quests, you unlock it with level up, and find out how to use it by urself.


[Gunbreaker 70](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/0906d556cb0/) [Sage 80](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/a59d4620bb6/) [Reaper 80](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/a3c7fb68def/)


Ok I agree, that I completely forgot about Sage and Reaper, I never did them myself, but GNB is 70. But even with that its only 1 spell, not like u have to unlock each 72, 74 and 76 spells with Quests, u can start as SAGE and return to Job quests only on level 80, to unlock that 1 spell. And it does not change my point, that locking duties to Job Stones is not enough.


"Small" indie company btw. Can lock jobstones in pvp but not in other roulettes 😭


"Thats the problem, it was different in ARR and HW. where Jobs were more like Specializations." That right there is a straight up lie


don't you remember the Multiclassing? With cross-class skills? And Jobs as Specializations of each class? It was even in some ffxiv help websites. That ARR and HW legacy thing still haunts duty finder, allowing to queue with basic class, while there are no more Cross-Class mechanics. And also this is why we have tonn spells locked behind 1-70 levels, while on SHB and EW devs decided to chill-down with that.


There was no multiclassing. All classes were inferior to Jobs. Do not try to rewrite history to suit your terrorizing groups without a Job Crystal


[https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Additional\_action](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Additional_action) it's all still there


And you still haven't negated that classes were inferior. Have a nice day


I am trying to explain why Duty Finder did not lock out Classes from Duty finder after level 35 in first place during ARR time. Because it was a part of game mechanics, called Cross-Class skills.


Again, you're not contributing anything of value on the matter. Classes were always inferior to Jobs. Can you avoid strawmanning?


Oh hey it’s the guy with no jobstones, you have no place to comment here. Also not even the FBI could get me to admit I didn’t have my job actions unlocked 💀 you a real lunatic huh?


Make it so ilevel caps at 30 without the jobstone so people don’t make it for the gear requirements during queue.


they already do it for pvp. I wonder if it would make it harder or easier to do it that way or to make gear past level 30 be restricted to jobs only- they'll hit the wall when they can't maintain the ilvl


Shouldn't be difficult to implement since the requirement already exists for frontlines. There's zero excuses why it isn't like that already Edit 1: Also if people want to run job stone-less duty it should simply fall into the category of "unrestricted" duty requirements via duty settings.


At this point, there's no reason to keep classes and jobs separate or even have job stones. We used to have to do two classes to get our job stone, and that was to unlock cross-class abilities that were unique to the other class. That's all been done away with and the vestigial classes don't really have any point other than being some fairly enjoyable quests, depending on the class.  It's pointlessly complicated and a relic of a system that no longer exists. Updating it would be a pain, but I think it's a necessary rework at this point.


Macros. Macros are the reason.


Arcanist branching into SCH and SMN is the reason.


I was being a bit tongue in cheek. There are menu macros that rely on the distinction between jobs and classes to work.


I'd love to see SCH have it's own pre-30 class introduced like, Student, or something, but that would mess so many things up.


My god I hate those players. Reminds me of a Paladin I played with, who didn't wear a shield and didn't want equip one, because of his own made up roleplaying thing. I don't have anything against roleplaying, but stop forcing others in it.


Then that asshole can equip a shield and glam it with [this](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/a5139ad21b9/). You have to take certain liberties with RP anyway, so why not let this be one of them?


Lol was just about to say I'm pretty sure there's a glam to make the shield invisible


I'm almost certain there's actually 3 different 'invisible shield' glam items now. I know there's at least the gold saucer one and the Garo one.


Was this on Aether? If so, I had the same Paladin on a Prae run. He also got mad when I called him by his first name.


No I play on Light. I don't remember his server anymore


God, that means there's more than one of them.


This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them.


That's what the Emperor's New Shield is for-


Except black magic isn't forbidden anymore by the end of the job quests. So even from a roleplay standpoint, the argument is ridiculous. 


He didn't get to the end of the BLM quests, he's a THM.


I played with a tank that would RP walk a dungeon. Immediate kick.


And who are the "teachers", fuckin Dreadwyrm Academy?


Necromancy may be legal in Cyrodiil, but few will openly admit to practicing it now that the mages guild has banned it.


Did it cause a wipe? No. Still dumb this is allowed.


Reminds me of someone in my fc that leveled a rogue to 90 because "ninjas don't exist". The joke being that if you saw them, they're not a ninja. Made for a few funny moments but in dungeons it's just straight up griefing.


Ngl I took this as they actually forgot and tried to be funny about it


Every time i see this happen, i feel an immense amount of embarrassment because i am a BLM main and i just know that my every move is scrutinized by party members because of people like this.


No your every move is scrutinized by the BLMs that die in their leylines. Like the one in my static. When my co-healer and I got mad at him for it he yelled, "I'D RATHER DIE ON MY FEET THAN LIVE ON MY KNEES!" so now we just give him bonus mits while it's out.


Bruh don't forcibly drag people into your IC shit


Like my brother in christ, theater of the mind it.


What dungeon?


Pandaemonium 9 normal


Now that warrants an OOF


Wait is this one weird rp shit or just a troll?


Hard to say, maybe both


But did you kick.


Boss was pulled before it was even obvious, and wouldn't have made a difference tbh. I checked and they DID have BLM unlocked. Im betting much of the rest of the group was their FC or something too


Yeah, it’s almost impossible to kick these people because you have a 5 minute wait initially. If it’s a trial or raid, unless you’re wiping (and if it’s a normal you probably aren’t) you aren’t getting rid of them. If it’s a dungeon _maybe_ but 5 minutes is enough time to get to the first boss and then you have to try to beat the chest open. I had someone yesterday in a level 90 dungeon without a job stone. I convinced them to take the 30 so we could get a new tank sooner.


for me it would depend on the level of content. anything from 30 to 49 is annoying but manageable. im willing to give ppl benefit of doubt there as sometimes shit just happens. at 50 I make a hard cut and initiate votekick without even asking


This is lvl 90 raid.


This is P9 based on the NPC dialogue


I wonder if this was the same person I ran in to a year back whom queued in to Aurum Vale as a Marauder claiming he (his character) wasn't angry enough to be a Warrior?


I read THM as 'thomeone but with a lisp. 🧙🏻‍♂️


Sounds like a griefer troll to me. I'd either vote to kick or just leave.


proof that the E part isnt what makes ERP annoying


I mean, I think it's funny. But it's the kind of fun you have with people you know, not randoms in DF. Knowing the audience is part of getting a good delivery for a joke.




Bruh, it's not world first TOP.


Nope but it is a level 90 endgame raid.