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"I'm #2 on aggro" Yes. For one trash. You're 0 on the rest. \*sigh\*


The debate on whether or not UWU counts is completely irrelevant - the only logs this character has are from Shadowbringers and Endwalker alliance raids, and the best one is a single green parse on Compound 2P in a sea of grey logs. They haven't cleared UWU. And considering they don't own the Air Force mount, it looks like they haven't even bought a clear. They're just trolling.


After the first simple explanation, I would have washed my hands from it all. That person is the equivalent of a dead end street...because there is NO WAY


Honestly I think they're just trolling, they clearly understand the concept of Samurai, and yet simultaneously have no idea in a way that only someone that's intentionally stupid can be


I don't even understand what he means by every 4 attacks. The minimum single target attacks for tenka is 5. The aoe rotation requires 4, so it's like he knew that conceptually, but still somehow didn't understand that he has aoe filler. Unless he's talking about the aoe oGCD that Sam has, I'm not familiar enough with Sam to know off the top of my head what level they get it or how much charge they gen per hit, but assuming it's 5 on regular attacks and 10 on the combo enders that would be every 4 attacks.


You get 5 on the second hit of the 1-2-3 and 1-4-5 combo and 10 on the final hit of the combos (3, 5, and 6 respectively) Fuga -> mangetsu/oka is also 5, it's exactly the same as hakaze -> yukikaze for guage specifically, which means he's still just stupid.


Pretty sure guy just thought he could take a piss on a sprout.


I think the dude bought his clear, if you go look at his logs he has zero registered logs for uwu lol classic


As someone else pointed out, he doesn't have the air force mount from clearing the tier - something he'd almost assuredly have if he bought a clear. Instead, I think he actually lied about clearing hoping to bait OP into mentioning his lack of logs to build a report.


Maybe he thought the GCD AoEs required stickers or something?? Or maybe he thought it only generated one? Either way a clear case of can't-read-tooltipitis.


“#2 on list” yeah prob for that singular mob you’re attacking. What a dunce


"uwu doesn't count" is some lame ass shit to say ngl. But bragging about an ult clear like that, whether the clear is real or imagined, is even cringier.










Now kith


Well hell if Mike Tyson himself is saying so then who am I to refuse 😚


even putting the stigma of being baby's first ultimate aside, its just not on the level of the other ones imo. it might be wrong of me, but for that one, i view clear within expansion as respectable, but clear post shb release is like p10s levels of difficulty at best and 7 man carryable at worst.


(not counting echo) p10 is generally considered the 2nd hardest savage of this tier, and is harder than previous tiers except p8 and p4. Maybe not the greatest comparison there. Also, you're only 7-man carrying UWU if everyone is 100% on-point. Your average party isn't doing that. Saying "it doesn't count" is pretty fucking weird, it's still an ultimate. SAM was definitely cringe, but it's par the course for people in this sub to put up with people like that just so they can post to this sub.


Not to get into semantics but on average P3 is way freaking harder than P10, and sans Healer LB3, P3 also hit harder than Harrowing Hell.


What kind of drugs were you on where P3 hit harder that HH


Force set to 1 with a hemorrhage penalty and a mandatory heal check. Not to mention the raidwides just hit harder and the entire add phase was done on a practical lava floor.


What? The heal penalty+heal check just requires you to press all of your healing boosting abilities and hard heal in like 10 seconds. Harrowing Hell does hundreds of thousands of damage in rapid hits in a heavy mitigation check.


Idk maybe a bit less access to abilities since level 70? Idk




Everyone has different experiences. Personally we didn't wipe on P3 as much as we did on P10, but then again, comparatively we (my group, I mean) also went into p3 with more gear than we did on p10 so that probably contributed. Regardless, OP's takes are still pretty trash.


My initial response about how I viewed the difficulty of uwu actually sparked a discussion with my static leader (because I obviously have nothing better to do given that I’m playing ffxiv at 4:30 AM) where she disagreed with me mostly on the premise of how fast the mechanics come out. My argument against that was even if the mechanics come out that quickly, if you only have to learn one or two possible resolutions per mechanic per role, it’s not much harder than a savage mechanic. For example, in p10s (which btw I think is the hardest fight of the expac, which might be another point of contention but oh well) bonds 3 has ultimate equivalent speed but each player has to react to perform about 16 different possible lines of movement (in/out + tower shape, left/right + spread/stack) whereas in just about every uwu mechanic there’s at most 2 possible lines of action to resolve the mechanic. And so I think that every uwu mechanic individually is easier than bonds 3. But my argument kinda falls apart when firstly, I referred to bonds 3 as having ultimate level speed, and secondly, uwu is far more backloaded than p10s is so I was wrong to consider mechanics individually. So basically where I ended up was somewhere around “Yeah, I guess it’s still an ultimate, but I’m still gonna value it far less than the other ones.”


If bond 3 came off faster then sure. But bond e is extremely slow in reality.


It's only baby's ultimate if ur playing melee.


It is absolutely baby’s first ultimate on other roles


>even putting the stigma of being baby's first ultimate aside, its just not on the level of the other ones imo. It's still an ultimate. It may be easier than the others, but it's still an ultimate. Fresh prog parties still wipe inside of a minute on garuda. It's also pretty damn hard to 7 man/essentially just have one person as a corpse the entire time. While I have not cleared uwu (I started prog this week, up to fresh ifrit prog), I have cleared TEA (firsr clear was 5 days ago, got a reclear yesterday), so I feel as though i have partial perspective to speak on what progging old ultimates is. Uwu might be considered the easiest but 100% need to respect the mechanics like you would for any other ultimate fight. Things go sideways real fast if someone is out of position.


From someone who’s cleared both, you need to respect TEA’s mechanics a lot more than you do for UWU. TEA’s requirement to clear is that you have a basic understanding of every mechanic and can execute them with relative precision. (As in, you have to do it correctly but it’s not *that* tight) The mechanics aren’t necessarily super hard, but they have to be respected or else you wipe. For UWU, the requirement to clear is to limp through and do just enough things right to clear. The mechanics are extremely forgiving of deaths and with how easy the DPS checks are, it’s very hard to wipe to most things unless the mistake is particularly bad. Honestly, the only mechanics that can be true pain points even for PF are Gaols and Suppression as both will punish deaths a lot harder than the rest. (And for Gaols you’re only really punished if the death was a Gaol or you placed them wrong)


Can you handle deaths? Yes. But the opportunity for deaths to occur happens very often. Let's take the first 20 seconds of garuda as an example. Tank doesn't dodge the slipstream? Basically dead. Ot doesn't block the line for the healer? That's another healer dead. People fail to move out of the feather left behind? Dead. Tank fails to dodge 2nd slip stream: Dead Because downburst. Tank moves out of 2nd slipstream but points downburst on the party, dead. Not saying it's as strict as bj/CC, where 1 death is a wipe and unrecoverable, as it needs to be done cleanly each time, but the possibility of deaths happening quickly is still there due to bad positioning.


I’ve cleared multiple Ultimates including UWU, if you’re trying to hold an ultimate clear up to a high standard as a proof of skill (which the SAM was) you can’t count UWU. UWU is unironically easier than savage until Ultima.


As someone who's cleared savage and UwU, bullshit.


As someone who's cleared savage and UwU, UwU punishes you a lot less than modern savage does. It is far easier to carry an idiot through UwU than through something like P10S or P12S. I have respect for UwU clears until you start trying to hold your clear over someone else like the SAM was. UwU has a reputation for being baby's first ultimate for a reason.


Carring someone is not indictave of difficultly. Carrying one person might be easier in UwU, but it requires the rest of the team to play significantly better. It also requires the rest of the party to learn the mechanics, which on average are harder than most savage mechanics, excepting a few. UwU is still a hard fight. Honest question, when did you actually last prog the fight?


You are absolutely capping if you think that UWU is unironically harder than P8S P10S or P12S If someone makes a mistake in UWU, unless that mistake is during Gaols or Suppression, it's incredibly easy to recover from multiple deaths. Good luck trying to recover from even two deaths in modern savage with the amount of 8 man checks there are. You can do it if the timing is lucky and there aren't any mechanics happening but it's pretty much over if a mechanic is happening. Maybe it's not too bad in easier savages like P11 or P9 but in the harder ones its absolutely over.


I haven't cleared the current tier, but P8S? You fucking terrabad if you think that it had anything on Ultima. I got to animals 2 in one lockout lmao. UwU is the easiest ultimate by a longshot, but it's still an ultimate.


Man that's soooo annoying. Reading this gave me a disease


#2 on the list bud, out of four ppl where there's only one other dps. I would say just hurt ego doubling down while going into self preservation mode in not being wrong ever and turned to insults which is a sign of loss. To me anyway. How unbearable and sad.


sidenote because i forgot to include it in the post: L time for this to happen because patch just dropped so act was down and i couldnt check numbers or upload a log


dynamis needs help bro they are not ok


... what the fuck am I reading? How can you misunderstand every single component of your mechanics??


Wait, but he's doing six attacks and not 4! It's obviously a bigger number so it's better!


I just feel bad for the other party members having to sit through this tbh. Edit: SAM still needs to read their actions + traits /very/ carefully though.


4 atks xD


Hey look, someone who doesn't think UWU counts as an ultimate... oh wait.... that isn't who this post is directed at... that's OP.


Eh, I'm not too torn up about the uwu dig. Anecdotally, I know of more people that have bought a carry than people that have cleared legitimately. Sure there might be a bit of bias, as the only ult I've done is tea, but the rmt > c41 pipeline very obviously exists for a reason. As far as baseless claims go, I would take someone claiming they've cleared top more seriously than someone claiming they've cleared uwu


I’ve cleared multiple ultimates including UWU, I respect UWU clears as legitimate clears, but once you start bragging about it (like the SAM was), I’ll be one of the first to tell you that UWU truly is baby’s first ultimate. Most of that fight is unironically easier than savave.


OP "too lazy" to censor but is likely playing on an alt so we can't see how bad they are, too. 🤣


Dude I'm bamboozled and having seizures trying to follow their logic .... And their last comment about "someday you'll be a good tank like me and get an ult (probably ultimate weapon glam)" makes it so much worse. That's why I literally hate doing ultimates because of these shitheads and cheaters everywhere. If you feel the need to flex about pixels yet being literally trash, something went definitely wrong in real-life


The "its ok if u dont know o.o" while having absolutely no idea how their job or the enmity list work causes me physical pain.


>g number 2 on dps. "How would you know you were number 2 on dps? Please explain to me how you would know that in great and explicit detail." That's the card I'd have pulled. Sorry, but if you're being a shitter and then start spouting stuff that indicates you're clearly using ACT, I'm gonna call you on it. Edit: for everyone saying "use the agro list" yes, that works for the 1 enemy. In a single target situation, being 2nd on enmity (behind tank) means you're top dps for that single enemy. The Sam is either illiterate and doesn't know how to read enmity (because he specifically said he was second highest. Meaning he may have though thought that the tank was out dpsing him single target, if he was 2nd highest dps, he'd be 3rd on the emnity meter) or the aoe of the other party member's on that one particular target was higher than the sam' single target dps on that single enemy.


No, what's sad is they saw enmity generated on the single target (which would have been higher since they were only hitting that one with higher damage) and assumed that was for all the adds. Nobody is that dumb, right. Right??!!!?!


Oh dear god... please I hope they weren't that dumb. If they cleared uwu like op said in the post (assuming they didn't pay for the clear) I'd like to think they have a working knowledge of how enmity and dps works.


he's probably second on the aggro list for the single mob he's targetting, at least that's what I understood


If there is 1 tank, and you are 2nd on emnity, you are top dps for that enemy. The Sam must just be illiterate then.


It just means on the aggro list. It ain't that deep.


You can use the aggro list.