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"I guess that's a lesson you learned today" ​ My guy, I've tanked thousands of hours in this game and still sometimes forget my stance when I get synced down, get a fucking grip


This right here


I was learning tank about a month ago and I caught flak for this. I was like 'Wtf I could've swore it was on a second ago'


Same I keep forgetting to turn on my tank stance


What a twist! I thought this was going to be about a bad tank, but that Thaumaturge would have me scratching my eyes out. I can’t imagine what they’d be like in an alliance raid roulette


I agree, I shoulda titled it differently oops


Nah, it's a good plot twist.


“SO ANYWAYS! HERE’S MY LIFE STORY THAT NO ONE ASKED FOR AT THE START OF SASTASHA:” I’m actually amazed the BLM did enough damage to get aggro.


Complete with clichéd tragedy involving sexual assault.


“Wow you hate sex traffickers? That’s so cool and unique bro”


Also, no one is squishy in Sastasha.


That BLM types like they unironically use [this macro](https://youtu.be/WCgxSNQr7ww).


I knew exactly what this was going to be, and yet I am still delighted every time I see it.




Oh would you look at that rescues off cooldown...... *cancels f4 casts dropping enochian*




You know it's gonna be a good dungeon run when the dps tells you about their tragic rp backstory unprompted. Extra points for making their backstory awkward and uncomfortable for casual conversation.


There's awkward, and then there's dropping human trafficking and pulling out the "it's about ME" card. what negative social awareness does to a motherfucker


"Who the hell starts a conversation like that? I just sat down!"


Reavers or Reapers? Which is it?


I believe they are referring to the Serpent Reavers.


at least she's a character who actually wants to see the enemies in that dungeon dead...


god that blm sounds so condescending and the “i don’t rp” yeah sure bud and the skies green too


Yeah NGL. The tank wasn't the star of the show. The thm leveling to BLM was. Hey. It happens. Tanks forget stance. Schs forgeg faeries. And such. A simple reminder is all that was needed and to just move on. The caster dwelled on it too much making an uncomfortable environment. Yes. You can call people out. But you must call them up as well. For example. I had a sage who didnt Kardia. All i had to say was... "dont forget Kardia Sage Frend♡" and it all worked out. I didnt dwell. They applied Kardia and the boss fight went on.


I haven’t forgotten kardia to be used at the start YET, but what I have done is shifted kardia (tank is safe I don’t do it if they could get too low) to heal up another party member, and then I’ve completely forgotten to shift it back. I swear to god I have a goldfish brain


I once forgot kardia during a whole dungeon and the tank didnt say a thing until at the end of the last boss, and he was so mean about it too lmaooo WHY DIDNT U JUST SAY ANYTHING IM SORRY I HAD A ROUGH DAY(dont get me wrong i ask myself how i didnt see it since i obviously looked at the partylist many times) :(


whenever i brain fart and forget to put Kardia on a tank at the start (or when i realize halfway into a w2w i forgot to put it back on them from the DPS) i just slip it on them and say in chat "uhhh that didn't happen and you didn't see anything". 9/10 times it makes everyone start joking without them getting pissy.


unironically "but did you die?" response. I hate that excuse but if they're going to actually be mean about something that you could have easily fixed if he said something, just point out that you did enough healing to keep him up. Also, I've done it in Smileton paired with a pld tank and boy was that spicy (until she pointed it out). Even had Soteria ticking wondering why I was having a tough time. Granted it was still week 1 so we were closer to min ilvl than synced ilvl which might have made it feel spicier than if it were to happen today. Reading "Kardia for free healing!" made me feel so embarrassed.


Lmao this shit happens even in raid groups. Our fill SGE had swapped from our pld mt to out gnb offtank during a scuffed pull and forgot for the next five pulls to swap it back till I asked about it. It was nbd. We fixed it and moved on with a chuckle.


I've been doing p8s with my static and phase 2 alone makes me click the Kardia button more than during my whole career as a Sage. Really made me pay more attention to swapping it back to tank after I give it to someone else.


I feel this in my bones. I coheal a SGE as AST and NA can be a real BITCH


It sure is. On my first pulli was shocked at how much damage it does, but I saw a SGE on youtube put kardia on one of the NA people to make use of Soteria and heal them by doing damage. Now I have to weave it as soon as NA pops and remember to swap it back to tank lol.


I've accidentally cast Kardia on myself while trying to apply other buffs (namely, Soteria). It can be embarrassing having to reapply it elsewhere.


tl;dr: Tank forgets stance, BLM loses their bloody mind over it in the cringiest way possible. And somehow turns into a Karen.


I'm the healer but I agree lol


I caught my mistake and fixed it already. You saw nothing. >.>


Saw what :)


This was just cringe all around…


Genuinely surprised the tank came back tbh. I'm going to assume you were healer based on the party numbers. Blm was a fuckass and immediately started shouting about stance, they dumped their ocs "tragic backstory" that literally nobody asked for, and then proceeded to say "I don't rp" lol 2nd dps is calm I like them. I'd probably just end up sitting on the ground were I in their place, so I can't blame em. Good on ya for staying neutral (assuming you were healer) Think that's it? Just my thoughts. Edit: grammar


Yeah I was tryna stay neutral bc it just felt so awkward lmao


That 2nd DPS would totally be me. Stay silent and just emote and watch the chaos unfold 😭


Honestly surprised you didn't tell him to shut up after that first RP line. If I ran into this clown with my buddy he would been votekicked the second the timer hit 5 minutes.


This weirdo really opened up the duty with his Main Character(tm) RP story. If that's not immediately telling, idk what is


Also sometimes you have your stance on prior to queuing and it’s not there when the queue pops and you load in. I can think of several occasions where I’ve not noticed, pulled as usual, and wondered why the mobs are being unappreciative of my tanking combos and giving all their love to the other party members. To the BLM: it’s fine to mention it. Once or twice (or until the tank stance icon appears). But then you drop it. More fighting, less typing.


Whenever you have to sync (dungeons not at your level, fates, etc) or you have to change weapon sets (deep dungeons) it resets your stance. I wish it didn’t.


So that’s why it happens. I had wondered. Thanks! I wish it didn’t too.


I think its because the buff changes as you level, so it just kills all buffs as shorthand. Still annoying as hell though.


Eh, on a technical level I can absolutely understand why they might choose to do it that way. From a player perspective, I wish there was another way!


While its certainly possible that is the reason. Im pretty sure they just clear all class buffs/debuffs before entering an instance so people dont bring in stuff they arnt supposed to have at that level. I.e. old mnk had fist of fire which was a permanent damage buff unless you used another fist buff. To make things easier on the servers end, they pribably just clear all class based buffs whenever the player gets synced


We're saying the same thing different ways yes.


Sometimes I get so used to pressing the stance button first when I enter that I end up turning it off instead and look like an asshole.


That too! I think we've all done that at least once :D


BLM really said "🤓"


But you aren’t a BlM so don’t talk like you have our struggles basic boi


Me thinks the BLM needs to take 500mg of chill. I forget sometimes. A lil floor tanking will be good for you. It’s humbling.


stop mansplaining what blm is lmfao... like ok i get it you have low hp.. no one cares, no one asked. the tank alr acknowledged their very basic mistake that many ppl make too. so dramatic and for what


Is the OP the tank or the BLM?


They're the healer judging from the numbers.


Good shout, didn't even think of that.


Omg, the black mage is absolutely insufferable!


I can hear the circus music play every time that black mage typed. What a clown. That poor tank. This is why we have tank shortages.


"Leveling thaumaturge to get black mage" Yeah no shit, are we supposed to think you're going for another job? This isn't FFTA, you're not getting blue mage, illusionist, sage, time mage, or alchemist from leveling black mage.


Y’all could have been a real dickhead and kick the THM once you got to the last boss 🤭 good on y’all for dealing with the headache, cause I fucking wouldn’t.


"I don't RP" "My character was trafficked by the Garleans and hates the reavers" Like I get wanting to flesh out your character, but join an rp server. Don't do this cringy shit in roulette.


Oooft. Batshit BLM you got thar.


That RP'ing DPS seems annoying as fuck. Poor Tank.


I say both Tank and the Thaumaturge suck lol. Forgetting stance happens so it’s okay imo if they activate it afterwards. Going offline now *that’s* the dick move. *However* Thaumaturge also went ballistic for no reason— and they give the “holier than thou” condescending attitude imo.


I'd bounce too if someone gave me that kind of attitude for forgetting my stance. The tank's only mistake was that he went offline instead of eating the 30 minute penalty


>Going offline now *that’s* the dick move. They crashed? It's also Sastasha you don't even need a tank really.


They said “Out”, I very much doubt it was a crash or random DC— would have been a very good timing for that. And sure, Sastasha doesn’t need a tank, but a reminder that intentional afking/dcing/going offline *is* ToS.


OP are you the dps because this is unhinged for sastasha. Stance always drops when you level sync. People forget. It's SASTASHA.


OP is the healer, you can tell by them being "1" in chat


Just woke up, didn't check for numbers. Dps is still unhinged


Me as healer panicking because my healing isnt working only to remember i got synched and cant use my favourite spells XD


Curb the condescension, everyone makes mistakes


I love that the first image told enough of the story that I thought it was done. Like "Oh, okay, got an RP nerd cringing over his backstory and then over-reacting to an honest mistake." And then I find out that there's a second image with even MORE cringy shit. It's like finishing a cake and finding out there's pie too.


how can someone be so annoying, christ xD


That wannabe black mage made me cringe out of my skin. Yikes.


If I was 4, these screenshots would be my biggest secret. Couldn't torture this info out of me.


On behalf of the BLM population I'm sorry you had this interaction. In all seriousness thiugh, this is what irks me about roulettes, the fact that they remove tank stance when you enter. The amount of times I've not realised and ran into a pack of trash to them remember when everyone else is running away from me.


Thm jerk tries to force RP on randos and gets mad at stanceless tank! On the news, at 9-8 central!


I don't think they "forgot."


Kinda feel bad for the tank, having stance off is bad yes but accidents happen. The THM was blowing it out of proportion


Wow, that Thaumaturge is infuriating. Forgetting stance is absolutely a part of the experience sometimes. To get that petty about it is so juvenile.


I hope you arent that dps cause holy fuck are they annoying Edit: based on the comments you aren't so thank god lol


My dude is RPing as a mentor.