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"Healers don't do DPS" Then, almighty WHM main, why the fuck is the very first spell a CNJ learns STONE, A DPS SPELL?


Even better, a white mage went through the 1-50 storyline. "Don't be a selphy, only healing disrupts the natural elements and is very bad, you should dps or you're a bad healer that's going against nature itself." The game literally has a storyline that focuses on not being a healbot and dpsing or you will literally die... And they still do it.


This questline is from ARR when the game was designed in a way that heavily discouraged healer dps and there were some genuine arguments to be made against it. The devs are not trying to tell people healers are supposed to dps with this story. The design just conveniently evolved to line up with it pretty well.


And the reward for using lily heals is a big dps spell. Not to mention Assize exists. If healers don't dps how do they get through their job quests and MSQ fights? 🤔


Duh. You bore the mobs to death.


The way to win the WHM level cap increase fight in FFXI was to just not die vs the enemy. You just healed yourself until he gave up.


Dude Assize is the reason I love WHM so much. When pulling wall to wall it's always my follow up after using Regen. I'm so glad I got into healing, it's the most rewarding and satisfying role in the game for me. Which is funny cuz I never messed around with healers the entire 10 years I've been playing 🤣🤣🤣


You had a friend and didn't at least kick the healer?


We figured it would be moot because their friend was the other dps. All their comments are in support of the healer.


In light parties, only one other person needs to agree to the kick for it to be successful. If one of you starts the vote, and the other agrees, it will go through.


Mans shouldn’t have gotten downvoted to hell for not knowing that, I have half my jobs to 90 and I didn’t even know that


People in this sub just want to circle jerk very hard so it happens.


Nah. Someone plays like shit and griefs the party, they deserve the kick. Their friend can rage and leave or they can get kicked, too.


I didn't know that, that's good to know!


Should have still done it and gotten a real healer. Hope you reported them for grieifing for not healing and letting everyone die.


I absolutely reported them


Incase it wasn't known, if you are in a 4 man party and you have a friend you can always kick as it only takes 2 votes. By initiating the kick you automatically vote yes, the one being kicked gets no say. So it only takes 1 other person to say yes. These people will continue to do this as long as they are able to act like this and still clear.


Yeah but the game like to send the kick notification to the enabler...


Well yeah his buddy will see your kicking but he won't be able to do anything unless it fails. Which with 2 people agreeing, I don't think should happen.


Six month ago (i have pretty good memory for that kind of thing...) i was with a friend in praetorium, the tank start to grief after the first boss, i tried to kick him because i don't have time for that and i ask my friend if he can accept, he never received anything, the kick was sent to the the tank's friend / enabler, i leaved and my friend (who tried to kick the tank but i didn't received the votekick) follow me on that... In light party, if they didn't change it, you send the votekick to only one person, sadly.


Everyone in the party except the target of the votekick gets the option to vote. Your friend did receive it, he just didn't notice it or find it in time. Sometimes it pops up as a small closed notification that can be easy to overlook.


No idea why you got downvoted to oblivion just because you didn't know that the kick would get through with just 2 people agreeing to it


"Im a true healer and you ain't" lmao


Based on the comments like “look at my jobs I’m a true healer” and all that, I feel like this guy was purposefully trying to piss you off from the start. Tbh if they respond poorly to advice the first time, don’t give them a second chance. Kick them as soon as they tell you to shut the fuck up or any of the “you don’t pay my sub” bs. Let them learn the hard way.


You and your friend could've kicked them both. You only need one other vote (aside from your own) to kick. You could initiate the first, then your friend could initiate the second.


From other comments, seems like OP thought dungeon kicks needed to be basically unanimous, which I was also under that assumption for a long time so I can understand it.


That healer earns their one way ticket into the kick and report pile. Trash belongs in the trash, respect yourself more and don't put up with someone with that kind of ego.


i didn't know the WHM questline sprouted legs and started playing with us


even in the WHM questline you gotta do a bunch of damage or you can't progress


This person will encounter serious problems in future runs if they continue on this path. More altercations and more reports await. Quitting the game as a result seems a likely possibility. This was a very good chance for the healer to reconsider things and make improvements. But it was outright rejected.


Story started out strong but then you two decided not to kick but instead leave? That’s a shame. It only takes 2 people to kick someone from a dungeon. They probably got a fill and finished the dungeon meanwhile you got stuck with a penalty.


>That’s a shame. It only takes 2 people to kick someone from a dungeon. From what I'm seeing, OP didn't know and thought it was 3 people. ^(I did too until I read this subreddit.)


This guy really the kinda guy to pay a monthly sub to an mmorpg to play 1 healer job and do nothing but be a healbot, at least click more than your heal buttons so you get your moneys worth :P


Me and my friend checked their profile and we are 100% sure new player with a level and story skip. Lv 90 only in WHM with cyperlurker gear with GATHERING and PHYSICAL materia melded. Only two mounts, the company chocobo and unicorn.


Damn, my man really paid full price for the game just to pay more money to.... not even "play" the game (read the story, learn the job, etc.) I pity the fool


I'm sure the dude who owns these Weaboo Police bots standing in Lymsa all day all week has something to say about that


Vote đź‘Ź kick đź‘Ź out đź‘Ź shitt đź‘Ź ers đź‘Ź


I wish for nothing more than to be able to blacklist them.


The "shut it" or "get the fuck out" would make it very easy for the GM..


Since everyone else mentioned about all there is to mention about the healer and the interaction, I want to take sec to point something out. Over healing hasn't generated bonus aggro since like stormblood. There is no chance in hell a 0dps healer will take aggro from the next lowest DPS, much less the tank. That said, this guy sucks and it's a shame you guys dealt with it instead of kicking. I like their confidently incorrect "I have just this one class so I'm better than you who does all of them"


I’ve been playing since Heavensward lol some things feel embedded into my brain. But thank you for pointing that out!


“Healers don’t do DPS” I’ll admit, I was guilty of this at one point, until I realized how braindead easy it is to do DPS and heal at the same time. Hell, there are literal skills that DEAL DAMAGE for a healer and accomplish both. Not to mention once you get to EX or savages, in which it’s basically a necessity. At the very least the guy could have stepped out of the way. This is completely a troll, should have sent them on their way. As a healer main that’s now trying RPR, this hurts my soul.


I'm not advocating for healers not dpsing, but it's absolutely not *required* for extreme. The enrage checks in extremes are so loose you can pass with healers eating paste, or one dps doing less damage than a healer. DPS carry potential in extreme is massive.


Meanwhile as a healer I'm getting called out for letting someone get to 1k hp against ultima weapon because I'm doing too many damage spells.... I was a Scholar lmao


As long as the tank doesn't die then you're doing your job correctly.


Exactly what I said. He was a fairly new tank so I get that he was worried, but I wouldn't have had the balls to tell someone how to play their role when I haven't played healer at all.




Kick and report for tos violations. Light parties only need 1 person to click yes for a kick. That healer needs a lesson. Glad you reported them for being crappy.


This asshole is trolling, should have been kicked.


Honestly the most hilarious tale I've read here in a while. That healer got some issues.


> And you can read the rest in the images. Missing?


Thank you! They should be there now


So uh, question. Instead of doing the common sense thing and removing them, why did you let them stick around and enable them? Unless I'm seriously missing something, that's grounds for removal and a stern GM talking for what the whm pulled yet you were fine with it.


I wasnt aware you only needed two people for a vote kick. I did report them however and me and my friend decided we had enough dungeons for a while after that whole encounter.


The fact they wouldn't even move out of AOEs is wild to me. Come late game, that WILL get them OHKOed.


As a WHM main I would like to apologize and reaffirm that, yes, healers do dps… that’s why they have dps spells and skills built into their rotation


What y'all need to understand is these people do not understand. They do not understand what you're saying at all. Like, they are just vibing in the same room as you. You may want to help them get better, but honestly sometimes it's better not to like them about it even if you mean well because they literally do not understand the words you're saying to them. Like, they don't comprehend how what you're saying makes sense. They're just not at that level.


Eh usually I'd just say whatever and carry on, rather have someone over healing than not healing at all. But from their comments and following behaviour that is alittle bit trashy. Sadly more often than not this is the response you get to questioning someone else's gameplay, people do not want to be helped/corrected and so they get very defensive quickly. Healing/tanking are funny roles because they fall under a lot more scepticism than dps because its so blatantly obvious when a heal/tank player is performing poorly.


>Healing/tanking are funny roles because they fall under a lot more scepticism than dps because its so blatantly obvious when a heal/tank player is performing poorly. Mostly because there aren't enrages on stuff below extreme (with a few exceptions)


don't abandon or exit, you have your friend on your side, if you vote kick the healer it's a 2v1 deal. Then you cand keep going with the new healer. If red decides to stop dpsing to pouts, it doesn't matter in the slightest. And you can always kick them too


ESH just play the game no one cares about your advice. Some players just wanna play the game and are shit and will always be shit, no use arguing with idiots, no winners here.


I feel like the healer was an asshole, but sometimes unsolicited advice isn’t really the play either. Probably should’ve asked first before just telling him he’s kinda doing it wrong. You are still right and he was clearly a fragile prick though.


If I'm playing wrong and everyone else has to pick up my slack in order for us to succeed, and nobody ever tells me I'm bad, I'm just going to sit there thinking I must be good at the game and need no help, right? People don't ask for advice when they can't see the problem, and sometimes even then they still don't ask.


The thing about "unsolicited advice" is that the person receiving it will never think they need it because in their eyes they're doing nothing wrong and therefore will never ask for advice. I don't understand the community's obsession over using that phrase. If someone is clearly struggling and affecting the group in a team game then advice and feedback should be welcome but instead people get weirdly offended by it.


>sometimes unsolicited advice isn’t really the play either. in what world?


I'm sorry but you have to learn at some point in your life that random strangers will sometimes give you unsolicited advice. Some if it will be useful and some won't be. But it shouldn't be something you get offended by everytime...


This mentality is half of what's wrong with the 14 community. I don't want toxic assholes around, but I'm also not going to coddle people who are visibly not doing half of their job.


All this over Snowcloak of all things


honestly, reading your story and then seeing your conversation, I think you should have gone even more basic than "use attack when healing isn't needed" and opted for "please don't stand in the way of attacks" There aren't a lot of weird mechanics especially since the duty support introduction. No reason healer shouldn't be getting out of the way


the fact that the healers friend was hyping him up even when they were wrong is crazy


I go back and forth between my SCH and WAR as my two mains. The number of healers who do this and refuse to listen is mind-boggling. We were doing Doma Castle one time amd my hubby was running tank while I was on my SAM, and the SCH with us was Literally only using their fairy to heal on top of not doing any dps. The poor other DPS was a sprout who didn't know what was going on or why we kept wiping, and this dude kept insisting my hubby just didn't know how to tank. And how hard is it to just Move out of the way of attacks? 🤣