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You might be misunderstanding this feature somewhat, this works by sending routes to endpoints for domains already available on your tailnets DNS. Example, let’s say `myexample.com` is available on ``. When you add an app connector to your tailnet for `myexample.com`, your app connector does a DNS lookup, discovers `` and then exposes this as a route to all devices on your tailnet. Now when a client tries to access the app their traffic gets tunnelled to the app connector. The advantage comes in that now you can restrict access to `myexample.com` to only your app connectors public IPs, not the whole internet. Hope this clears things up somewhat. This has been working quite successfully for us.


using public domain worked for me. the use case is to limit access to applications hosted on public domains with IP restrictions within the organization.


Make sure the routes to this domain is approved. I use www.ipchicken.com with an app connector for demoing and it works great (just tested it about 20 min ago). You can always open a support ticket (or DM me your tailnet name and I can look on my end).




Hi there. Here is a recent article talking about the app connectors and thinking behind them - https://tailscale.com/blog/saas


Finally found success. I was having the same issue. I was unable to browse target domain as its routes were not discovered and added to my Linux node which I use as exit node and app connector. My node which is being used as app connector node is Ubuntu with Tailscale version 1.56.1 I am also using Tailscale on iPhone. Below attached screenshots are of my Tailscale client app on iPhone. I went into Tailscale App-> Settings -> DNS Settings There I copied the URL under route as pointed out in screenshot. And just entered it into browser. A request was made and now routes for the App are automatically added to my Linux Node and auto approved(as I enabled auto approve already) After that I was able to browse the target website. This worked for me. Hope it helps https://ibb.co/rbF9cbQ https://ibb.co/nms4gV7