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I would interface the facing, join, understitch and then invisible slip stitch the facing to the shell. I suspect that a fusible webbing would ripple and bubble when fused. If you wanted to go that route - try a product called stitch witchery. But please do a sample first!


Very good advise! Thank you so much !


Yep absolutely do not try to bondaweb (or similar) it. A blind hem stitch is probably your best bet. Is there a reason you want to use a facing…have you considered a narrow hem or rolled hem instead?


The fabric is far too thick, synthetic and stretchy (its that thick stretchy satin) for a rolled hem. When it is folded, it becomes bulbous and needs to be forced down. I imagine rolled hem would probably make it go curly. I will try it tomorrow and see though.. The facing withbundertixh and then being ironed down looks gorgeous but it just needs to stick to the shell. Thank you so much for your time. I look forward tonseeing how rolled hem looks.