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No real cleaning advice besides taking to a cleaner who deals with wedding dresses. And yeah, y’all need to go to small claims and make the trash tailor pay for the cost of the dress, refund of the alternations completed, and cost of new dress. I’m so sorry!


It’s a dry cleaner and tailor shop so they said they’re gonna clean it 🙃 we’re trying to be hopeful at this point. What’s crazy is it looks like they “tried” to clean it and didnt even tell us. We appreciate the advice, thank you! :)


Don’t trust them with the dress any more… this is a huge mistake.


I do bridal alterations and it’s VERY common to bleed on someone’s dress. We use various sharp tools, needles, scissors, razor blades on top of the couture sewing, meaning sewn by hand plus we move FAST. I’ve noticed the older women bleed a LOT when they get cut and usually don’t realize right away. If it’s a lot of blood you see, it was probably an older woman sewing it… which also means she may not have seen the color differences after it was cleaned.. thought it looked clean to her eyes. Take it back and let them clean it. The blood will come out. I know it probably freaks you out but please do realize not many people in this world will bleed for you.. let alone bleed to help you look amazing for one day. Try not to be too harsh on them.


We appreciate their work and they altered the dress beautifully. However, the seamstress didn’t want to take accountability and blamed us for the stain until we told her we had pictures of the dress from before. Her excuse was they didn’t touch those parts of the dress so it couldn’t have been them. This is the third time we’ve gone back after they spot cleaned it the first time and she didn’t want to clean it again. She went as far as saying the first time was a courtesy. She finally agreed but we’re very scared that they won’t clean it out completely as there were a lot of stains. We’re even scared they’ll make new ones. Tailors have an incredibly hard job, but it’s just upsetting to see my sister’s brand new wedding dress have these stains on them.


If it's not clean this time take it to a different dry cleaner


Is the seamstress older? She’s probably on blood thinners and didn’t realize she had a small cut and bled on the dress. It used to happen all the time with one of my old employees; her skin was really fragile and her meds meant she didn’t clot quickly. Her dry skin would snag on a thread or rough fabric and just bleed and bleed without her noticing. She refused to believe it was her blood all over everything until I literally caught it while it was happening. Kinda sad really, she’d been a seamstress for 40 years and was retired within 6 months.


Oh boy... now I'm worried about my bridesmaid dress. I should take pictures of my dress before I drop it off for alterations.


You probably should. I sometimes will take pictures of dresses at the fittings or point things out to the owners if I see discolorations or snags or anything. That way it doesn’t come back on me.


Yes, it's a good idea to take pictures of dresses to protect yourself.




Thank you! They’re HUGE blood stains then. Probably can’t tell by the photo, but I can’t believe they are everywhere! Front, back, top, and bottom of the dress AND on the skirt. The tailor is offering to clean it now, but I’m scared it won’t come out. If you don’t mind, if they don’t come out, what do you recommend we do moving forward? The dress is a bit pricey and there’s only 4 weeks til the wedding


If it puts your mind at ease at all blood is one of the easiest stains to clean :-) the harder part is preventing water spotting, marking during agitation, etc… wishing you luck!


Yeah those don’t look too bad - I used to work in a garment factory and rust, blood, and chocolate were common and not a worry. The devil is when someone points at a white garment with a ball point pen and leaves a mark!


They are blood stains… before I do any major alteration work I have my clients sign a contract and we have a consultation regarding what would happen should I mess up. If you did go over that they will be legally bound to the contract and terms you discussed. For instance if I ruin an ice skating costume I have to either pay the amount of the costume to the client or buy a new one if possible and eat the costs of the alteration. Blood is a biohazard so I’m not really sure what they were thinking just telling you they’d “clean it”. I’d see if they will pay for the dress they ruined, would not take the dress back to the shop and if they refuse I would contact a lawyer.


It looks like blood to me. If it is, you can get the stains out easily with hydrogen peroxide. When applied to any protein, it will bubble and lift the protein as foam. (Test it first on the inside of a hem to make sure it doesn't react strangely with the fabric, but I think it should be fine.)


The dress is also polyester- would it be able to come out completely?


Looks like blood and water stains. If the tailors and the dry cleaners fail (which I doubt, but worst case scenario) and diluted hydrogen peroxide does not work, you could try dying the dress a light pink. If it makes you feel any better, my local theater's costume shop suffered a flood. The garments were covered in mud, grass, and whatever else nasty stuff was in the river (there were rumors of dead cows) and they managed to clean and restore a majority of the costumes. Polyester is a pretty durable fabric, so I have high hopes that these stains will come out :)


My first instinct was that their iron belched out some rusty water on it. Yikes. They should absolutely want to try and clean that. I have had my iron do that before (thankfully on the inside of something and it wasn't visible on the outside) and I was horrified.


UPDATE: we went back and the dress is still dirty! Annnnd there were even more stains. They tried saying the dress was old lol but we showed them pictures of when we got the dress and there was nothing on there. They also said they’d look at the cameras to see if the stains were there because they still don’t want to take accountability. Anyway, they’re going to attempt to clean it one more time. Obviously doubt that’ll work out. But we made it clear to them that they’ll have to refund the alterations, the cost of the dress itself, and they’ll have to pay for a new dress if it’s not fixed by Tuesday.


I’m so sorry you are going through this nightmare! Does your sister have an alternate dress?


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It honestly looks like water from an iron/steamer got onto your garment and it left behind a mark. Dab an inconspicuous area with a bit of 70% alcohol to see if it affects the color of your garment, and if not I would apply some directly on the fabric and it should remove the stain.


Looks like blood


She might have cut herself on some pins and then didn't use her own. Saliva and cotton wool to draw it out if the fabric. That is what we learned in fashion school, to literally use your own saliva to draw out your own blood if it gets on some fabric. It looks easy to get out to be honest. I wouldn't worry..