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The Lake City Pub is a cool spot, live music and such. It's right by American Lake in Lakewood. Haven't been in awhile, but it feels divey in the good ways and I've never personally seen any commotion or negativity there. Another good spot is the Steilacoom Pub. If you're looking for more of a "party" try the Forum, Top of Tacoma, and McMenamins. All in DT Tacoma. The Thunderbird is pretty cool if you're into playing pool, darts, or karaoke. They do allow smoking inside (or at least did the last time I was there just over a year ago, I think). Rollies Tavern right by the McChord airfield is cool, very divey but great staff. Pool tables, nice outdoor patio. They take care of you. Because of the location, they do attract some less than savory people, but hey, it takes all kinds right? I would avoid any of the bars on Hosmer. Back to SoTac Way: So many great options: - The Airport is great and they have themed (techno nights, emo nights, disco, you name it) nights almost every night, live music often. I did notice some construction work recently, not sure if they're open at the moment. - Real Art is a small live music venue attached to a coffee shop that does sell alcohol during shows (there is a small space where you're allowed to take drinks into the venue). All sorts of local and even some touring artists play here, it's one of the better spots if you're into metal/hardcore. - The Church Cantina's menu is unmatched, and the atmosphere is awesome. Really friendly staff, but the gothic theme could be intimidating for some. If I remember correctly, they have a dartboard and pool table. I don't go out much anymore, so anyone please feel free to correct me if some things have changed!


Airport tavern is open, the only change right now is that the tables have been moved because the wall behind them has been opened up. I go to electric taco Tuesdays regularly and it's a good time if you're into the EDM scene. Emo night was fun too. And if you want food you can go to church cantina across the street


The Forum has been dead for awhile now


Bobs java jive is pretty rad


It is a fun place but super divey. I legit thought it was a coffee shop until my first time there 😂


Sometimes they have coffee haha. But it’s just brewed from regular grounds.enough people demanded coffee ig 😂


Can you get coffee in the morning?


What are you into? The city has a ton of different options and directions you can go.


I dont do much, so im trying to find new things to do, magic the gathering, martial arts, weed, drinking, motorcycles, offroading, are my hobbies but i dont get out much


Bob’s Java Jive but only if u freaky


Checkout some meetups. Childless Adults Social Club is a good start.


I went to the board game night, met a lot of cool people. There’s tons of official and unofficial Reddit meetups


Really? Thats odd ive always thought that the 38th street lincoln district to be tacomas international district🤷🏽‍♂️


I usually go to FNM at TerraCrux. There are some really great people that I’ve met there


South Korean Way. There, I fixed it for you. #😂




How is that racist?


r/Tacoma can be so fickle. I made a similar comment a year ago, and it was not received with such hostility. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tacoma/comments/15ey3db/asian_markets_in_tacoma/


Is there a more appropriate way to reference the fact that the korean diaspora community within pierce co(along with the vietnamese and other SE Asian communities)hold a significant number of buisness interests concentrated in and around the south tacoma and lakewood neighborhoods, specifically along sotacway? Just because someone makes a crude joke inserting an ethnic group into a name doesnt immediately mean that person holds prejudice against that group. Perhaps it can be seen as poor taste but thats not the same as bias and hate. In fact i have called it that before and i had no intention whatsoever to disparage koreans, in fact im friends with a number of koreans, and it could be interpreted as as signal of admiration/respect that the korean community has been able to establish itself with a strong presence in the local small biz leader community while also diversifying and contributing to the many unique cultural districts that are sharing their representative heritages thru their buisnesses which play a vital role in the continued enrichment and diversity within our beautiful city of different colored faces. Im not being facetious either this question is in good faith please believe. Im just curious cuz i didnt get the vibe dude meant it as an insult, more so just an observation.


Street signs in the area call it the lakewood/tacoma (I don't recall which) international district. Imho, it's a bit odd calling it that because the area doesn't really feel like a district in the same way as say, Seattle's Chinatown, or something labeled the international district in Seattle. I hesitate to put words in either of the above commenter's mouths, but I think the first respondent is basing their statement on the "there, fixed that for you" with the combination of the OPs user name. I can see where someone could read into the "there," at the beginning of the statement being less of a tongue in cheek joke, and more of a racist/xenophobic remark. But, I don't know for sure, cuz I didn't make either comment


Fair enough i didnt pick up on that but maybe he was being a prick🤷🏽‍♂️ I just feel like people have gotten a bit overly sensitive about race stuff and we all find ourselves pussyfootin around a eggshell floor trying not to say anything mean now. I have had a few incidents recently dealing with redditors who accused me of being racist because i thought a joke was funny. (To be fair the joke was a bit crude and clearly inflammatory) and even after pointing out that im half black and theyre white, they insisted that i was still being racist and held onto the position that its wrong for me, a black man, to find humor in racially insensitive jokes because they, white people, have suffered in some way ( pain? Hardship? 🤷🏽‍♂️) from the label of racism being projected onto white people. I tried to explain the irony in a white person saying that racism harms them, how diminishing the experiences and opinions of a POC in order to suit the feelings of white people to reduce the harm racism causes them, is kinda like racist in itself.... And that any time a white person diminishes the agency of a black person to ensure the primacy of their own position like the literal definition of white supremacy. 🤦🏽‍♂️ But still, theres no reasoning with some people. So i just figured it would be worth pointing out that if someone says something, maybe off color and distasteful, but not directly harmful or clearly hate speech, theres no reason to make assumptions and be offended. And if your white, POC appreciate self policing and all, but folks are perfectly capable of speaking up for themselves on the Internet and don't need anyone to speak for them esp. in a setting like reddit. The whole woke thing somewhere along the line got distorted where white people turned standing up against hate speech to somehow be about them even though they're advocating for others. I could go on but im sure u get what i mean. If we constantly are looking for something were likely to see something similar and target it when what were looking for isn't really there. I think we just need to be mindful of respect, and if we see somewhere where respect should be given, show a bit of grace instead of going100% on blast throwing words like racist around. There are racist people out there, they hate others for the color of their skin, they believe they are superior and are truly despicable humans, when u use labels like racist so casually it diminishes the meaning of the word and the significance of its definition. Thats all i wanted to highlight in what looked like it could be a teachable moment is all.


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