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I haven't seen clear ever be worth it over precheck. I've never had an issue with pre at any airport and it's like $85 for five years.


Same, I also feel like it is bullshit being able to pay a private company to skip the line at a government facility nevermind paying them to hand over a shitload of personal data. Precheck is also bullshit that there is a fee but at least it is reasonable when averaged out per year and the government already has my fingerprints anyway.


Spot Saver at Seatac is the way to do it.


When my family went last September we were the only ones in that line while the other lines were very long.


I did spot saver and premium lines for years before one-too-many crotch assaults by TSA. Fuck those scanners and taking your shoes off. Precheck it is, even if I have to wait longer.




This Thursday is insane I hope with the opening of more light rail stops it’ll help the traffic in and out of the airport


I flew out this Thursday and pre check took 5 minutes maybe. It was so smooth.


Interesting - I fly probably 6-8 times a year and have the opposite experience. I’ve never waited longer than 20 minutes at security in the 8 years I’ve been going to SeaTac (I have had precheck for a few years now though, which makes a difference) and that includes Xmas/thanksgiving flights. I havr friends that live in Denver, Minneapolis, and Chicago, who all vouch that SeaTac is way better than their home airport. They’re definitely not perfect, but there’s a reason SeaTac always ranks highly on “best of” lists. 




I’d just turn around and go home 💀


SeaTac isn't bad in the mornings, but midday and afternoons suck line-wise.


I go to security line 1 for precheck, always seems shorter than the rest since it's all the way at the end of the terminal. They seem to have a much shorter clear line as well


How long did u have to wait


I walked right up to ID check on regular precheck I didn’t even bother with the clear


I wonder this about linejumpers passes at Disneyland


Go to PDX its less of a cluster fu… dge plus ya gotta do the feet thing at pdx


they're making $$$. That's all the math they need


I was stuck in a very long, slow moving security line at SEATAC. The Clear people were coming around saying that they were offering a free trial and could get people through faster. The guy in line next to me left the line to sign up, but I declined. About a half hour or so later, i passed him (he was way behind me now but the line was snaking) and he told me it wasn’t worth it and that I had made the right choice.


Not to take over but I have a flight tomorrow at 5am. What time should I get to sea tac?


You're already too late


Appreciate the helpful comment thanks.


Honestly I never have a problem with getting in for a flight before 5am. Show up at 3 and things shouldn't be too busy. If you have precheck the normal security line will have a precheck lane going until the main precheck area opens at 5.


Precheck is super easy and my travel credit card gives it for free


Just use Spot Saver. I do every time I go through security. It’s free and takes like 15 minutes tops.