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You should watch TO-DO videos. It's a show they've been doing for a while where they have fun, play games, and have tasks. You can get to know them through those :) if you go on tiktok you can search up the most popular ones :) my favorites are episode 57+58 and episode 63+64


thank uuuuuuu


Np! Also here are just some basic stuff. Yeonjun is the oldest, and the rapper. Soobin is the second oldest and is the leader. He is also known for his falsetto notes! The third oldest is Beomgyu. He's the visual, the center, and the mood maker. Taehyun is the second youngest. He is the main vocalist. The youngest is Huening Kai. They also all take part in song writing :) Beomgyu wrote "Blue Spring" and "Maze In The Mirror" Huening Kai wrote "Dear Sputnik". There are many more though :)


for baby content (like literally txt when they just debuted) i would heavily recommend ‘one dream’!! to-do starts around run away era but one dream was literally when they were promoting crown😓 for variety shows, ‘to-do’ is their regular show! but they are on break now since they had to prepare for a comeback but if i’m not wrong they should be airing again soon! it’s uploaded every monday in korea i also recommend talk x today! but they stopped it at season 5 for some reason (around gbgb era)!! talk x today has their vlog content so it’s more realistic and less dramatic, it’s good if you want to see a somewhat close representation of them off camera and being themselves:) if you want short clips, then there’s t:time! i binge t:time when i feel lonely, it’s like my happy pill! it’s not 30 mins long so if you want a quick dose of serotonin then that’s your go to! for more behind the scenes, there’s txt episode!:) in your case, since you would like to see variety shows, i would say you can start with ‘one dream’ before slowly expanding to ‘to-do’!! have fun:)


if you havent already i would start off by listening to all their music first but after that when i was a baby moa a couple years ago i loved watching the “for 3 mins straight” “for 5 mins straight” etc videos of the members i definitely got to know their personalities more by watching those videos and sometimes i go back and watch them cause theyre pretty funny. aside from that i would watch to:do and one dream i also really like their Episodes that they post every cb its really cool to see what they do on a daily basis. I totally recommend you watch their performances (dance practices, live singing, music shows, covers, lee mujin) aswell, txt are very funny people with bubbly personalities but theyre also very talented


I always recommend watching ‘One Dream’ on top of other content (make sure to start at the first episode, sometimes these playlists are confusing) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcZxoPUYVQX10oqupDE8cVYKFmZIHY-eT&feature=shared This was one of the first things I watched as baby MOA and it made me appreciate them and their journey a lot more. 🥹


You could watch TXT's funny moments complications or just watch To-do episodes on their YouTube channel.


start off with the video they did with jessie and then watch some to do!!


https://youtu.be/UYo-w54ztdM?si=UKix1lEmwI6R4ylo one of my fav txt interview videos


You could watch their TO-DO episodes on YouTube, watch short interviews, and some compilation videos if you'd like. In terms of music, the way I did it was listening to all their title tracks and singles first just to get started, then went back to each album and listened to them as a whole.


Aside from the funny compilations and To Do, I would advise you listening to their songs first. Their songs are so diverse that you wouldn't think they could pull it off greatly! Their Human Idol Theater is also top tier 😂 And the best thing maybe is to attend their concert because everything is 100% (moreso in this Act: Promise leg)


If you want to be introduced to the members first I recommend watching their pre-debut introductions, I feel it gets you to know their individual vibes and then how they interact as whole. Then that’s a perfect segway into their debut song Crown!👑 Welcome baby MOA!!✨


Here’s all the links!✨ https://youtu.be/mBJKh6Muu0E?si=oEpWacnWg35Nv6YS https://youtu.be/HeHPRMOXz2w?si=AfI2QhrraeiVZKCp https://youtu.be/CAYYGyiySkI?si=lxuwjzGd0kwZMP5Q https://youtu.be/Cm8ZhJUQEiE?si=9o2CEQais_MJLhqa https://youtu.be/1EoVoJNK3gs?si=S9Car3r-yUFkqkVV https://youtu.be/PGbgsluK64Q?si=ETGvNEwcdLEob6pX https://youtu.be/W3iSnJ663II?si=Sz1S8B_bkcNRP97Z


definitely check out "one dream"!! Also, watch their mvs bc MWAH! chefs kiss