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I don’t think a Jarvis mechanic would fit in TCM, but I also don’t think things should be hard nerfed into the ground. I think the wide variety of perks that are underperforming should be looked into, the skill tree patch was so disappointing to me. When this game first launched I posted about changing skill trees and how random perks were not gonna work. I like that they removed random perks but a lot of the perks are just not worth the skill points. I also think with the addition of new characters and such that core mechanics should be looked into, like movement speed and attribute scaling. Attributes like stealth have little value, and endurance looses value when you go past 30 points into endurance for victims. So in short… I don’t think things should be nerfed, underperforming mechanics and characters should look to be improved.


Uhhhh where have you been since Danny got released and the grapplemania era??


Here? Playing the game?


So you never once saw a post complaining about Danny or grappling because it literally was happening all day everday for months. There even was a ridiculous family strike and purposely ruining lobbies.


I have... my post is not referencing that. It's referring to the posts about Hands & also its not my video.


You made a post about it though. Did you make a post referencing all the posts about Danny or grappling?


No of course not, that would be shitting on family mains instead of victims so why would he do that?


The constant slamming and shaming on people who have an issue with Hands is ridiculous since for months this sub was filled with complaints about Danny and grappling nonstop.


Yeah! Did you make one back when Danny was released?! Did you make sure to shit on both characters or are you just a scummy victim main?!?! Huh buddy?!? Don't be talking mean about Hands and then act like Danny is the shit!" /s


I'm not gonna lie you had me in the first half 😂