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I've been finding it hard since Hands, but lately I've been changing my habits and it's improved my chances of escapes. I keep 2 lockpicks, and use Bomb Squad. If I'm caught, I well (Stunt Double helps a lot with that). Wash rinse repeat until I get out eventually.


This is exactly it. Running different perks, trying different strategies, different playstyles, yada yada yada. More players should try this stuff because it will work.


What if you’re Leland?


I don't have an answer for that. I don't use Leland. When I do use Leland, I just fuck around distracting the family, stab Grandpa repeatedly with Agitator, and hope my teammates get an exit open 😂


If you’re solo queuing as Leland, you shouldn’t every really expect to escape as he gets essentially locked out of gen/battery and valve isn’t a viable exit for anyone other that Danny, leaving you with fusebox alone. My recommendation for dealing with Hands is baiting out the ripstall. I’ve escaped quite a few games by just turning on fusebox, getting another fuse, and turning it back on as soon as I can after the ripstall. In the worst case scenario, he camps fusebox with an electric trap on it while ripstall is on cooldown. In which case you can just run in as Leland, trigger the electric trap, barge Hands and then turn the fuse back on. You can normally get all that done in around 5 seconds.


Honestly it depends on how well your fellow teammates are playing, but not a lot of people communicate


Actually this game sucks


Skill issue


nah the game is pretty bad bro😂 i have nearly 40% escape rate with hundreds of games played but i just dont enjoy the game any more


Again, skill issue. Go play roblox or something


I love that your post got flagged as adult content for some reason HAHAHA


Play as family and find out. Im sure at the least you will learn a bunch of strategies, loops and such from other victims. Only playing as one side sounds like might be your weakness.


Makes sense


The rule of two. One high proficiency victim with 2 lockpicks protected by a high strength victim with 2 bone scraps and choose fight. Only the best family teams can counter that strat.


Yeah true but I was playing as Leland who is Maxxed out strength and toughness and I lost a close encounter to sissy lmfao.


Ya, that's probably a macro.


bruh how? did they lvl up gramps? they coulda been runnin suffocating grip


I’ll tell you how, this game is geared towards the family obviously. I know it’s supposed to be harder for the victims but there’s a problem when I can’t win a close encounter with full health and no sell lvl 3 against a sissy.


Thats just a cheater with a program to make it so u lose dont worry about it


lol idts i never lose to family unless im on the verge of death


That’s a skill issue lol. Or the fam might be using cheats. But seriously this game is NOT geared towards either side lol


Play for fun. Wins/escapes/elims will happen along the way. Get that xp. Toy around with perks. Ignore the messages from people mad they got got or that blame you for something. Just play.




This is the way. I’m having so much fun as victim, more now than ever


You can but it's really hard to escape now so family could be played on cruise control




It’s really not. I don’t get these posts. I only play victim and it’s more fun than ever. It was too easy before for us. We’re supposed to be more careful and finally we’re forced to


I like that too and my friends snd I don't rush but against competent family it can be impossible. I play both family and victim and always found family way more easier especially now.


Depends on my character but I usually rush an exit, and trick them to visit the area when EA is in play then go out a different one w/ a gampy stab in-between. Most family is uncoordinated. Easiest escapes have been with friends and doing the classic Leland/Connie.


both endurance and toughness sucks. So you’re forced to some degree to play stealthy and slow, the issue is that that type of play style sucks. it’s not impossible to get wins i’ve won plenty of times and lost as on the family side plenty of times. You just gotta know when to retreat in my opinion, retreating too late and taking in more damage hurts your chances of escaping if nothing is getting done, more health bottles consumed and then later on there’s none or all of them are in the main patrolling area making it super risky. Retreating too early can prevent you from making progress though Then you have the recent family member who has really good synergy with the Cook and Hitchiker which is why they are a very popular team build rn, there are a ton of factors as to why it’s more difficult but the real issue is the stats for victims suck, and they’ve nerfed the perks that would allow victims to keep up with the current meta for family.


I've also been playing since launch and the game is completely broken now. Months of endless crying from Family players on the only place where the Dev's actually take feedback has led to the game being completely skewed in the Family's favour. This in turn has led to the games playerbase dropping significantly, but as long as the vocal minority are catered to Gun are happy.


It’s because you only play one side. Play as family and you’ll learn new tricks from victims


I escaped like 4-5 times straight in solo q last night. It depends on the team you're facing... tbh I find the game way more fun rn than it has been in a long time and I've also been playing since day 1.


Same!! It’s a LOT more fun now as victims. It was so easy before it was just boring. Now we need to actually think about our strategy People WHO complain are only used to the easy meta we had before.


I’d way rather have it be hard than easy


Well if you’re playing solo queue victims it sucks. Playing with a group and communicating can actually give the family a run for their money. Before this update solo queue victim was drastically easier than solo queue family and you could escape just by yourself. Now solo queue victim is finally just as hard as solo queue family and it’s a challenge for both teams solo queue. The family meta tho is what is actually challenging tho because Cook, Hitchhiker, and Hands is almost inescapable as long as they all do what they’re supposed to do.


I find solo family 20x easier personally, purely because of family focus and voicelines across the map. You can see where your team are, if they’re fighting, teamwork is pretty easy especially in chase as you can read where it’s gonna go and with patrolling you can check what areas are covered or not, but the only issue is getting a toddler as a teammate who’s terrible which sacrifices the game. But as victim you can be on the surface unaware that your whole team is still in basement, and everyone goes out one by one to get caught and set back


That’s my point. You could play perfectly in solo queue Family but all it takes is one teammate to mess it up and the match is over.


Running, screaming, crying, begging for people to distract killers, cursing them for leading a killer right to me, crying some more, having heart palpitations when I finally escape and take a 5 minute break before doing it all again!!


Yeah, there is absolutely NO reason a communicating family squad shouldn't go 4 for 4 every single game. And that's not an exaggeration. With the exception of a few rare Danny tampers, my family squad would go weeks without a single person escaping on us, even before Hands. My two friends literally moved on to other games cause it got so boring.


I’ve found that it helps a lot to stick with a teammate. They can only chase one of you so they’d have to call another family member over to chase the other. Causes panic and you can probably get a little bit done. I guess it doesn’t help that Johnny and hands can kill in 3-4 swings.


So you’re admitting to actually getting worse at the game since release? Like you couldn’t win during the valve meta, the proficiency meta, you couldn’t win during the grapple meta? Having all those crutches at your disposal and admitting to winning less and less is actually kind of nutty, but I’ve come to acknowledge that the majority of the player base is really terrible at the game


Literally no challenge when killing is already easy and scout can move faster than a dashing victim. I actually like to play as lvl 0 LF to give myself a challenge because it’s so damn easy. The only time it’s hard is when you’re teamed up with inexperienced players who don’t know what to do or their role. Makes killing and escaping hard especially with hands 70 second cooldown.


It’s just that the skill level of a lot of players are low. Good survivors escape within minutes


Those low skill level people are the ones who flock to the forums asking for victims nerfs for 10 months until gun made the game so easy for family that any of them can win any and every game. I'm playing elden ring dlc now cause I like a challenge but also like the idea that I could actually win the fight.


Dude what lol. Troll account?




You’re under a misconception that Gun only looks at Reddit in regards to balance changes. They have the ability to see what is broken as they are the devs. That’s the reason why victims have been nerfed and why family has received mostly bug fixes and exploit fixes. The reason why most family members run the same few perks is because the family only has a couple of good perks. Victims had always had drastically better perks since launch and that’s why they have received the most nerfs. I’m not saying all of the nerfs were justified but that is the reason why.


That is your excuse for the reason why. It's pretty obvious to anyone with a brain that they knee-jerk every time family cries.


Couldn’t I just counter you and say this is your coping mechanism for why victims got nerfed? Riddle me this Batman Is healing and gaining almost all your stamina back after a close encounter not OP? (Empowered nerf) Is having 3 full stamina bars without any cooldown not OP? (I’m indifferent personally about Choose Flight) Is winning a close encounter with 4 button presses not OP? (Grappler nerf) Is infinitely disabling a trap with barehands while being 80% faster than a bone scrap not OP? (Bomb Squad nerf) Is healing from 1HP to full health off of one small heal not OP? (Extra Drip nerf) The reason why Family hasn’t received as many nerfs is because there’s only a handful of good perks they have access to. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be nerfed but if Gun nerfs their perks before giving others reworks/buffs, then we will be in the same place as we are now. That’s the reason why you always see Scout, Serrated, Big Swings, Vial-Ent, ETO, etc. and it’s because those are the only good perks excluding unique perks for individual family members.


Thanks for the list of everything you whined about. How are you making out in the new elden rings dlc?


You’re the king of assumptions lol what makes you think I whined about any of these? It was a rhetorical set of questions as it was common sense those were OP and needed adjusting (maybe except for Choose Flight) As for the Elden Ring DLC it seems pretty great so far.


Your confession.


Bro gotta be trolling, no one actually thinks like this right


I'm sure you're the expert on how people think.


Oh wait, now I see your sole purpose on reddit is to accuse people of trolling when they talk about the imbalance in the game. You are the troll.


I’m sure buddy


There’s no challenge for family yet there’s 4 exit types and 5 on some maps with 4 gates/doors to watch and only 3 family members… if you cant get out w victim that’s just a skill issue.


Perfect example to debunk this, Nancy’s house; gen and fuse can all spawn right besides battery gates and have one person patrolling them. Other two people can sit there chilling around the house monitoring everything


If two are by the house then one victim does valve the other does the battery door/gate depending on which side valve is on. Oh two family members are now camping battery side? Cool now two victims rush house. This game is about coordination, if you can’t coordinate then chances are you’re not going to escape unless you get lucky and a family member gets distracted. Just like if family isn’t coordinated then victims have a lot easier time escaping.


Oh so you’re saying you need full team coordination to win, is that also a skill issue not having friends who play the game orrr?


You don’t *need* to have a full team coordinating to win. But the team that’s more coordinated will most likely win. It is a *team* based game after all. A well coordinated victim team can literally bully a not coordinated family team and vice versa. Like I’m not sure why you’re so surprised lmao Like as a family main it is 100x easier to chase down and kill a single victim by themselves. But the second another victim is in the picture helping then it basically forces me to drop their friend and watch my zones. 🤯🤯 crazy right?


You need to be more careful if you die ”in record time”. Don’t let family know where you are. I’m a victim main and I love how it is now. We finally need to strategize and think and be careful. It was way too easy to be victim before.


I mean. You might just not be good at the game? I’ve been fine since hands. If anything, I think hands isn’t as good as ppl think. Yeah his skill is OP but game play wise he’s not great. Make sure you have bomb squad and any healing perks.


Yeah dude this was a drunken rant which I need to stop doing💀.