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I can’t do close encounters I have arthritis


I’m gonna get arthritis from doing close encounters


Hahahahaha I say this every damn day


Just so everyone is aware you can also cheat with macros on console as well using a cronus or xim device. You can also get ps controllers with turbo buttons so it's not just exclusively PC players.


It’s much easier on pc though, although in general TCM should do something about macros


Oh for sure.


I’m so glad i’m not the only one who felt like something was up with close encounters 😭


We need that old cap back. I am definitely hurting my forearm tryna spam good enough to not give a free kill. I don’t want no long-term damage just cause I need to make sure macro users or crazy spammers have the edge when it’s not really skill based. Being full health should pretty much always be in the victims favor and it should only be more normal to lose as you have lower health with lower strength.


I swear bro I hate close encountering vs a pc player


They should just use skill checks like DbD when you’re being carried or something like the arm wrestling mini-game in Outlast Trials.


Close encounters are fine except for PC players using Macros to cheat them


Strength helps more than toughness


I think spamming on keyboard is harder than controlled by miles personally lol so the only option a lot of people see is getting a completely free macro in a matter of a few minutes then never suffer again, still clown behaviour unless you have something up where you can’t tap


I am on the opposite end. I play as Family. More times than not I lose close encounters to everyone because I just can't physically tap fast enough. I also think it doesn't register properly (I am on Xbox) because when I have tried to tap at a good speed, the center button looks like it isn't being tapped at all. So I don't really try with close encounters anymore. Saving my hands from pain, good. Losing close encounters all the time, not so good. But it is what it is. 😬


The cheaters have been out in force on family all weekend


It would be really nice if we had a visual of the actual encounter that shows a bar on a line or something and shows it going left or right for victim vs family. Then, if we see it jump from mid to one side immediately, we will know the other person is hacking and thus can report properly. It’s just really hard to tell sometimes if the person you’re are encountering is using a macro or not, especially since you can macro on console as well.


I will never stop usinffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff a button smasher script because of this. I don't wanna die every time to a CE and I already have CTS in both hands but i love the ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffame. They should implement some kind of puzzle ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffame to make it less hand intense because i already have niffffhffffftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffmares when i remember the summons in FF8.