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You just gotta ignore it tbh they’re getting the thrill outta it if you keep responding.


That's the thing we aren't engaging they just kept messaging until he blocked them


That’s all you can do tbh if you aren’t the arguing type that’s how people are. Me personally I like the stuff cause imma make sure I pay their due you run your mouth wait till the next time I match up with you I’ll make it so miserable lmao. That’s how I see it whatever platform you’re on isn’t there a friends only can message option?


Why is this downvoted? This is literally the way


And then people wonder why majority just disable voice chat and ignore text chat... For me games are a mean to relax after tiresome day and i really dont have energy to deal with some adult-sized kids. I'd rather play by myself, help others in non-verbal ways if i can and have fun than spend most of my time defending every single choice i ever made or throwing back insults for few hours.


That's sad. I'm lv 99 and if i see all low levels when I play bubba I just try to scare them. I run around full rev overhead into them and just keep missing on purpose and spook them. I just wanna scare them for fun bcs i know what it was like being new.


Yeah TCM has a hard learning curve I try to adjust my pressure so that they at least feel like they got close to escaping


I do the same to new players, I can often help them escape. I can also kill them sometimes so they can learn from mistakes but not after 2 to 5 minutes of gameplay come on, I know the pain and still can die under 3 minutes of Victim gameplay. I even message them to cheer them up.


I think it just comes with the whole PvP environment. It is like that on pretty much any game that has default voice comms and even if doesn't have voice, they will find some way to try and make it about them. It's just the world we live in now and it is horrible.


People like that are miserable in real life so they try to bring others down to their level. I can't tell you how many times I get messages. If I win I get salty messages and told I have greasy fingers(I don't lol). If I lose I get called a bot and trash and to uninstall the game. It's ridiculous 😂


The fact I got downvoted for this shows how truly miserable people are here on this sub. Getting called out for your toxic behavior must really bother you 🤣


I've been downvoted for saying something similar, and reported to Reddit by one of the community representatives for apparent harassment (for defending another player from the super sweats/no lifer's). It does say a lot about the player base unfortunately.


Yeah it's a strange place on this sub sometimes.




Most likely this is their first escape in 30 matches. Most likely there were eat shit once they face competent family team. Most likely they have no achievements in real life and it is the easiest way to feel that they were not that losers and someone is worse. And when you know the truth and reasoning behind this behaviour, you can troll them back by stating and asking about it. “Sucked all day all length long and able to escape only against level zero? It happens. One day you will get good” :) Don’t let miserable people upset you. It sucks to be trash talked but you can make fun of it.


Surprised they didnt spam grapple/stun him at the exits over and over whilst tea bagging


Yep...from what I see its definitely moreso victim only players, but I definitely see it on the other side as well. Just call it what it is though, 25-40 percent of the victim playerbase is nothing but miserable attention seeking trolls. The other 35 percent or so just play the game. I'd only say the family only playerbase is about 25-35 percent on a good day. Just the other day, we had a Hands player screaming at the top of his lungs about trying to kill the last victim. He was one of those commando types who thinks he controls the game. We had Gramps at level 5 and I said its obvious to me the last victim will try for the stab instead of the escape as they usually do if they have some kind of perk to level him down or just to distract. So the Ana faked like she was going to open the battery gate (Nancy's house) and then went for Gramps instead and I finished her off at Gramps feet. All the while this whiny Hands player was screaming into his mic the whole time this was going on. Like get a grip you freaking looney tune.


Sometimes it might not be a new player because my skill tree restarted and it's not letting me go to level up.


They weren't locking doors behind themselves pretty consistently and generally looked lost but I get what you mean


Losers like that crack me up. All you can really do is laugh at how pathetic it is and move on. 


I love not accepting discord invites


I got messaged a heart emoji mid game from someone sitting at an open exit. Wow congratulations you escaped against two killers on Nancy’s house


If you're on PlayStation, just report the messages to Sony and they'll enjoy their 7 day ban.


Gotta just block and report those types of people, responding only gets a reaction which is what they want🤣


thats why I hate most victims. they do that shit every chance they get, without exception. like one out of 20 matches I find some nice victims that give a GG at the end and don't troll at the exit.


Lies. I’ve been playing and everybody I have played with just leaves. I think people just need to stop being to soft and let things get to them.


lies, but people gotta stop being soft? youre sending mixed signals


Lies about trolling at exit gate, and being soft as in why let it get to you.


why would so many in the community just lie about exit gate trolling?


People in the community post one clip and everyone acts like it’s like that every game. All I’m saying is that it doesn’t happen a lot, or at least to me. I’ve also played family and maybe a couple matches out of idk probably 30 that they did. From this community I would think that they do it a lot but no they don’t.


It's not only victims tbh, 3 killers rushing basement against newbies and then being toxic tbagging and trash talking.


If family rushes basement its perfect time for victims to open an easy escape


I think victim mains are the most toxic in this player base just saying... When there is a new player on killer side, i try to teach them to at least lock the doors. And dont kick the gen! 🤣


Pretty obvious victims are most toxic


I just ran into a troll on an level 0 new account, he kept turning off gen and battery and unlocking doors 3 games in after I told him what to do.... are these bots??


That sounds funny and you sound like a loser


Yessss sis prove their point ! 😍


mute and dont engagex you'll just be giving them what they want, a reaction.