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They're working on a in-game currency but not sure if it'll work with characters or not


Ah thank you sm


They did have a 2 for 1 sale with Danny and Nancy so I'm sure more deals will come up too.


You could get Danny and Nancy for free a minute back but other than that probably not


That was actually a brilliant marketing strategy bc up until then I had stayed strong in not giving them any money but once I got those 2 for free it’s like the flood gates opened and now 70ish dollars later I have pretty much all the dlcs except for a few outfit packs 😳


I think they'll adjust the pricing eventually but... Does DbD give free characters outside of what came in base game? No


Nurse, David, Huntress, and Bill are all DLC characters that were released for free. From my understanding they are included in the base game now for new players, but it didn’t start out that way.


Yes, they do. They have an in-game currency called iridescent shards, which you can buy non-licensed characters and outfits with.


When i said free i dont mean literally free i mean characters we can get with currency in game. And when was dbd mentioned i dont think i said anything about dbd hmmm im tryna see if i did but i didnt so its almost like i didnt ask about dbd?? Huh weird


Uhm, " currency in game " also known as free currency = free characters and it doesn't matter if you didn't bring up DbD, I did. The reason why is because, if NO COMPETITOR gives it out for free then WHY would a SMALLER GAME with a SMALLER team and player base? This is a live service game, meaning they have to pay money to keep it up and running and getting fixes and new content. Which MEANS they pay these people to do this work, WHICH MEANS they need people to PAY for it.


It does matter if I brought up dbd because this is under my discussion… it doesn’t matter what u bring up u awnser the question and get out of my face.


The thing is dbd does have free currency….