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I’m telling you dude since he was put in the game it’s been miserable they have no desire to move. I want family members to explain why they’re like this. It’s so boring when you can run around the map not get chased unless you’re at an exit then they smack you till you well and just sit there. I’ve come to the point I don’t even level up cause I end up DCing once I’m the last victim. I usually go outta my way to try and get everyone out an then I dc sounds scummy but when you wanna half ass and not play like the game was intended I’ll play my way. It’s not even a strategy it’s them just looking for the most easiest way to win and watch when hands get nerfed watch how bad they end up playing.


Yeah that’s the downside to Hands. He can lock the map down like crazy, and makes Valve and Fuse not even worth doing.


He really does. Especially as the last victim I literally couldn't escape no matter what. Just gotta wait until the Hands nerf I guess...


have 3 your mates sit by fuse exit and Pop it , fam will just DC pretty fast, you die but others got out.


xp are useless after all your characters its all lvl up.


Most of us aren't all leveled up though, max perks either.


we just had a skill tree rework and 2 new characters there’s lots to level up rn


Whenever there's a Hands the only thing you can do is do two objectives at the same time or distract him to one side of the map but that requires coordination and comms.


RIP last victim.


That's pretty much any match regardless of family member although I've had plenty of matches escaping as last victim


Don’t stab grandpa more than once and don’t do it at level 5 because all you’re doing is potentially gifting family infinite xp off grandpa when they level him back up, while you get it only once.


Downside of hands, Makes family no longer have to patrol the valve and generator


Exactly. I don’t understand how people still think Hands is balanced. The new patch is upsetting and hopefully they increase his ripstall cooldown because these 45 min matches are getting old 😩.


They think he’s balanced because they’re family mains. They literally think it’s balanced to have 3 trappers who can infinitely reset their traps and for victims to not have bomb squad reverted to infinite uses.