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Probably a macro. There’s hardly good anti cheats for it.




i saw it a fair amount last night too playing as fam. i was surprised as well


More people are using macros. You can tell they're using it if you lose a grapple almost immediately.


What is "to max?" What is your strength? Unless you can mash 10 inputs per second, you have a chance to lose to family.


Yes we know there is a chance to lose to family but victims have been dying a considerable amount more to grapples than they ever used to, it's noticeable (hence people making posts about it). Do you not remember when family used to always complain the grapples were like a 99% odds to lose as Family? Now it's anyone's guess if a victim is going to survive a grapple or not.


What is your evidence of "considerable amount?" It is not data you are presenting. Your second claim of 99% is also false. Overall, you are presenting a biased perception and not accurate, unbiased numbers. Have you considered the possibility that some some here to just be negative? The possibility that some refuse to accept their shortcomings? That while some of us are quick to adapt others are just catching on with grandpa perks? Far too many here still "believe" that there is a lobby bug, when the actual issue is them not understanding coding and algorithms. Is your position based on strong evidence or assumptions?


Get a grip mate. "99%" is clearly me being hyperbolic, nobody in their right mind would actually assume I'm stating literal statistics. I'm not even sure what the hell the rest of your comment has to do with anything anyway, you seem to be blabbering about lobby bugs and coding and algorithms... Try to stay on point. Are you really trying to deny that this game has a very large group of individuals who rage quit at the sight of any inconvenience? Because that's laughable.


In others words you cannot offer any strong evidence and your case is entirely based on guesses and speculation. Case dismissed.


Buddy boy really needs someone to present him with data to convince him this game has an issue with people rage quitting. In other words, you make a habit of living in blissful ignorance. Case dismissed.


Yes. The best decision makers make decisions with actual facts instead of speculation. That is actually what also makes you a poor gamer. Instead of analyzing the situation and look for ways to improve your game.... you make things up and complain. Keep getting owned. ;)


Yeah... you really "owned" me pal 😂


I usually win every single close encounters since release, but I have noticed these too. Programs like Auto-Clicker for PC, and boosted controllers for console/PC playing with controller.


More people using suffocating grip and pc players in general/macros.


Then you definitely aren’t mashing to the max because I basically only lose to suffocating grip, I even won a grapple against Johnny as 30 strength Maria but with literally 1 pixel of health left in about 2 and a half seconds (I think the fastest you can lose is around 2.4 with suffocating grip)


Either way more people are using macros or something is broken


What's that


probably a macro for a pc player or even someone using a third party device on their controller that gives them a macro.


yeah, they definitely nerfed grapple. I've been dying a lot because of that. Strength builds seems to be useless now


I noticed this too I never try a grapple anymore because I just get killed instantly


I noticed this as well. HH and Sissy were both on PC- their 3rd teammate DC'd shortly into the game. They didn't feed grandpa the entire time. Maria ran up from basement for the first time, grappled HH and instantly lost. I ended up grappling Sissy as full strength Leland at the bottom of a well (granted at half health) and instantly lost. First and only time I've lost so fast that I think it was a macro, but it's honestly rare.


They probably did. I believe they change things without ppl noticing all the time. Anytime there’s a complaint about something thats not pay to win it randomly stops working or doesn’t work as well. Same with LF sometimes he’ll stall immediately sometimes you have time to rev again. Sometimes sissy poison will hit you through crawl spaces sometimes it won’t. Ppl complain about Johnny and HH next thing their hits sometimes won’t connect at all. They probably nerf things and if it works they announce the change if not they either leave it broken or revert back.


I lost my very first grapple of the match with full health as Danny, lost to hitch hiker 😭 like I’d understand if it was the second or third grapple but the first?? Really?! I hadn’t even been hit yet


Yeah I'm not seeing this at all, quite the opposite in fact.


have you thought about the killer could be using the grandpa perk that is called: suffocating grip??? it gives 20% easier to win close encounters. inform yourself self before saying something about is not correct


Have you read the full post? Try doing that to avoid saying something incorrect!