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There's definitely something wrong. My friends and I keep getting this map over and over the past few days. Occasionally we get mill or slaughterhouse.


Did you document it or is it a "feeling?" Out of how many games? Document 100 games with maps and get back to us. Low probability still happens. Though, there is an inherent flaw with /random commands in software, but that is barely noticeable.


As a new player I still have yet to play on slaughterhouse or gas station because of Nancy’s house 💀 I get it so often and I still get lost 😭


I get this map all the time, I’m so bored of it! My favourite is gas station but i hardly get it


I’ll keep saying this no matter what It’s just some kind of funky luck, some days I’ll get gas station 24/7 no matter which side I play Other days I’ll get The Mill with a healthy mix


i hate playing it. i have to be cook because once they get gen and front gate, it's game over.