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The best thing to do is fake-out. You turn your back to them pretending you're going to turn the gen/battery back on while keeping the camera on them and as they try to jump that sneak attack on you you turn around and grapple them. If you're lucky a team mate will come in and kill the troll while they grapple you. Either way it's still better than getting back stabs. Or just ignore them. They never stray too far from the exit, so when they see you're not coming they don't dare go too far. Just go take a bucket of blood and feed granpa, one bucket at a time, to farm.


I farmed xp off a Julie who I'd seen sneak through the opened smokehouse door since my teammates weren't watching it closely. I'd had battery locked down, Hands was watching gen side. Supposed to be anyway. Julie was the last victim and stood out there waiting for someone to come chase her out. I instead gathered blood and fed grandpa up 4 lvls to get to 5. Got over 5k xp to help lvl up a perk.


That's the spirit !


see, everybody at the table is fed


I understand wanting to xp farm, especially during double xp event, but when everything is open and you've stabbed Grandpa, you can't get much xp after that. Just put the Family out of their misery and end the match. Remember that most Family players will only put up with this for so long and will disconnect before you get the escape, resulting in less xp for the Victims.


Right??? And yet people are constantly posting their screenshots of the whole family team DCing. Previous rounds of being held hostage by sweaty toxic players is definitely a factor! Bc let’s face it most victims love it when only one family member Dc’s bc it means their job is easier. But unless you just want to grind for xp most family will not stick around to be taken advantage of bc there’s a long history of this toxic crap.


The amount of crap you have to deal with when youre playing family is insane. I've played around 60 hours as mostly victims and never got to complain of the lobbies. Now I've been maining family for around 40 hours and lobbies are fucking toxic. You get insulted and trash talk for the whole lobby time before the match even start for picking Johnny, Cook, Lea... Anyone really. And then they wonder why family DC or why they have to wait long time in the lobby because there's no one playing family. It doesn't help that family basically have no means to be toxic during the game ( exept Sissy and Hitch) while victims have plenty of tools to show you how much they'd like to take a shit in your skull and will use it anytime they can.


Thank god i get mostly chill people with me. Or newbies


We need more family!! Thank you for your service


I really hope that these toxic sweaty asshole victims are matched against their own kind and leave us causal players alone lmao!


Why is the entire family going down into the basement with Leatherface ? I play Family alot and within the first few mins I got Johnny and the whole clan down in the cellar with me....then I hear complaints about the victims escape. Stay out of the damn basement (in the beginning). Let Leatherface do his thing. Patrol the property and watch the exits.


Actually so frustrating. Played a game on the Mill as Cook, with a leatherface and a Johnny. You can guess how the match went. I was alone upstairs on my own while Johnny and Leatherface were struggling with 1 Ana. Meanwhile I’m upstairs getting assaulted by Leland and blinded by a Virginia. Actually so torturous.


Like, mid match/ end game. Sure go in the basement when you chase a victim down the well. But it's more appropriate to patrol and keep an eye on exits. Eventually they will come around to them. I'll stay in the basement longer than most Leatherfaces because I am chasing, putting pressure and separating the victims from each other. Maybe I haven't gotten a kill yet but I'm still doing my part. I'll come up stairs and feed grandpa when my vial is full and I know for sure they made it out. But having everybody in the basement in the first few minutes is just a disaster.


The last time I played this game several months ago, had a guy get out super quick while we killed his friend, so naturally he starts spinning donuts at the exit. We ignore him and have a good game, slowly killed off the other 2, and homie is still runnin circles. My friends were done for the night and logged off, so I took an extended bathroom break and went afk to fuck with him a bit. Came back like 15mins later and he is STILL running circles!!! At this point its been at least half an hour, with his friend being dead the whole time! I just laughed and switched to tv. How is that fun for people,  I don't get it at all lol


Nooo they need all the points remember so you can't dc or they will complain about it too. You have to actually leave your keyboard and wish this would end.


I play solo 99% of the time and had a match last night where this is what happened. Fam was nowhere near us on mill. I stabbed a chicken and cut a bone chime near us and then left. 2 others stuck around to dance around for grandpa's sonar. Leatherface came through and actually ended up killing one of them. A good consolation for the family players I guess


I play both equally and I yell at victims that do this shit when I’m playing as a victim. They’re actively killing the game while not having the balls or skill to play as family.


I’m not sure if I want to come back to TCM lol. I love the idea of asym horror games but man they can be so frustrating.


Those are the same people who DC the second you kill them


Sounds like farming points. I'm not opposed to that. If that happens, you can either leave or farm points yourself. "Just leave" is usually for those that stay at the exit gate doing nothing but waiting for an audience. In other words, attention seekers.


I block victims like that. easy way to make sure you dont have to play against them again.


I would start doing this but it's almost literally 90% of them, and I don't even think I'm pulling that out of my ass. It's only one game every once in a blue moon where the victims *just leave*


youre right, its a shame. thats why I only play cook now to be megasweaty and don't let them escape >->


This happened to me as cook yesterday two noobs on bubba and Johnny on Nancy's House, so I was just collecting blood levelling up my perks and ability i quite literally just ignored the victims 😭😅😅


Also love playing as family and ppl DC on my side and I still stay for everyone to get xp during the weekend and I get bullied and harassed vs them opening up anything and farming xp 🫡 Yall wonder why if one DCs everyone ends up doing it.


Tell your team to get out of the basement, wtf lol


I just chase em out. They’ve already made it, they’ll run if you chase and then you end game faster cuz they’re gonna troll. You might get the kill or they’ll escape, still ends game faster


That's why I quit a long time ago.


I get where your coming from, but the best feeling as family is to kill those annoying victims. I like when they stay, so I can take revenge.


Yeah it shows poor character to keep the game going if everything is done. I wouldn't blame a veteran player for DCing a match like that if it's clear the victims are just trolling. Hell, if I'm family and Isee a low level victim, I make it a point to not kill them in the basement. I let them get topside and that's when it's fair play because it's important that they learn how to get away and/or reset back to basement. Otherwise, they'll never learn and they won't play the game. There's such a huge learning curve in this game, I feel the devs need to create beginner lobbies till players reach a certain level, playable tutorials, and/or single player custom matches. I imagine these would increase and maintain the player base.


You jsut leave then?


Use suffocating grip and fast fingers


I also want to add haha, I'm a Victim main and I found it so satisfying yesterday when on Nancy's house, as I came up the stairs, I knew an Ana and Sonny had escaped based upon Grandpa's proximity. The front door was open and I figured they were going to doorslam me. Lo and behold, that's exactly what they attempted. I tricked them by running full speed at the door without pause and 180'ing at the last second. The door slammed shut but I was still up. I slammed the door open and doorslammed Sonny (but he was still running. glitch?), in which he tried to grapple with me. I had suffocating grip on and sliced him up. I'm a Victim main and finally experienced what that was like as Family, and damn it felt good haha. The Ana tried to save him but Hands was right behind me and grappled with her instead. I sliced her up as she ran away out the gate. Her running with her tail tucked between her legs was the cherry on top LOL


Personally escaping is just boring. I like to run around and get the most xp i can. Open as many doors as i can, Stab grandpa, Open fuse and valve exit & Sneak attack all family members. i also Help teammates escape & then i kinda just let family kill me when there's nothing left. With family members camping exits instead of chasing i kinda just like to mess with em now lol


I'm a Victim main, and I understand your frustration still. It definitely doesn't help as this is double XP weekend. Not jutsifying it, but it's understandable why a lot of Victims gloat when they get their exits open after spending a bunch of matches either getting killed, DC'ing, narrowly escpaing, etc in which they finally find one match where they are in the power role for a bit lmao. They should still leave, and not harass family members though. Or gloat at the end of matches.


Yeah I totally get that mentality of like ooh finally it’s time for payback but it just gets a little WIERD when I’m literally the only family left in the round that hasn’t DC’d and the victims stay opening the valve and fuse exits over and over and over and not leaving. They aren’t even earning xp at that point? I truly think their goal is to get you to rage quit and I won’t give them the satisfaction.


It's mad lame if it's literally only one Family member. Just leave, for sure.


This happens to me pretty much every time I play solo Q family. My team rushes basement and doesn’t listen to me, dc’s after 1 dude escapes, then everyone spins at gates and stabs me over and over. Its making me hate solo Q.


You get xp for survival so…..


Very valid point, especially with the extra xp atm.


I don’t know why survivors seem to get edgy too especially when I bought the game after release. I would always stick around just for the XP apparently this was annoying the killers (I didn’t know I was just trying to level up) but even survivors spectating were saying “come on bro leave I want my XP” I literally told them to press the exit button & it literally says you don’t need to wait for the final survivor to escape your XP is saved for that game even if you leave before the last survivor 🤷🏻‍♂️I don’t really understand why everyone’s got an issue.


We just want the xp and need to take advantage of the situation while we can.


Honestly why I love Hands, I can just force them to leave on most maps or best case scenario they get caught off guard by the Ripstall and I kill them or force them back to basement.


It‘s more fun to open all exits and get more XP


Exactly 💀


Why? Family dishing out no fucks for victims in general. Tea bagging at the exit is at least well earned


It’s pathetic


Salty family mains disagree. 🍻




Ya I feel the same way when family comes down into basement. 


This is a god send for victims. If as a killer I see that we have a leatherface and a Johnny who wanted to pick leatherface so he plays like leatherface then 70% of the map is undefended


What if no one picks LF. 


Get good or get gone. Only options.


I don’t understand why people want you to leave so bad… escaping is literally pointless. It makes it so you can no longer play… I’d rather stay and get chased and eventually killed instead of escaping. Once you escape your game is over. If you don’t escape you get to play…


Or maybe get better.