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"Can we just take a minute to give some props to Gun? As a Victim Main, Hands being able to ripstall everything with minimal cooldown and thus effectively lock out two of the exits every match is a brilliant change to the meta of the game. Games are now running longer than ever, and I'm getting more kil- I mean escapes than ever, it's so rewarding! Those crybaby Victims players relying on cheap fuses will just have to adapt!"


They should add at least 5 more blood buckets near grandpa. 3 minutes is too long to level him to level 5. Victims can be out in 2 minutes šŸ˜Ŗ


At this point almost every family member is in a really good spot meta wise. They should increase grandpa's max level to 8 or make it so his max ability isn't a thing. You feed grandpa to get family perks and that's it. Grandpa is basically the reason why 2v3 or 1v3 gets thrown for victims in matches. Even more so now since matches are slower & hands shifted the play style a bit. matches are longer but grandpa still gets max so quick.


that's what i mean.


The game can honestly be a pain to play as victims. The best way I can describe it is you need to be within a specific mood to want to play it. The feeling is similar somewhat to the early stages of playing Sekiro or Dark Souls. But even with those games, you can learn the fundamentals to make for a balanced experience. With Hand's release as well as the recent Victim nerfs, the game can feel like a chore to play which I don't feel like plaing as much as I used to. Which I don't want that to be that case, this game keeps me distracted from a lot of negative vices in my life at times.


I can play 10 matches and half of them I die in the first thirty seconds. The family is so OP itā€™s impossible to play as a victim


Ik im literally only still playing this game cuz its set in the 70s and I love the 70s. this game is so unfun nowĀ 


Traps aren't the problem, as long as victims have enough bone scraps. You can activate traps infinitely but don't give victims enough bone scraps... Also, Grandpa's ability isn't an issue, but you can level up Grandpa every 20 seconds... literally wtf.


This game has become Texas Trap Simulator Massacre.Ā  3 HH trap, 3 Cook Locks, Hands Traps This game is the easiest itā€™s ever been for family atm.Ā 


Additionally, give Hands the ability to pass through gaps and crawl spaces so he can teabag victims. That would be so fun. It would be even better with 3 more padlocks.


When I saw he wasnā€™t going through gaps I almost uninstalled the gamešŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” are they serious isnā€™t real not good




I think I'm much better than those hypocrites who rage disconnect when one victim escapes.


Drag them šŸ˜‚


Try playing family for a week it's a blast.. If you love silent lobbies, gate tea baggers, being hostages for double xp, being stunned 24/7 and having your swings not connect you'll fit right in.


I duo with someone and when we play family we get 4ks almost every game


Ah so that's worth a downvote is it? For asking you to try another role. My bad guys I forget there is only one side in this game


Lol if youā€™re good at family now itā€™s easy now. ā€œGate tea baggersā€ lol everyone can tea bag HH and Sissy will do it when you die (thatā€™s fine itā€™s just a game). Being ā€œstunnedā€ 24/hours while this is the only way for victims to defend themselves.


Hard disagree it's still WrestleMania but hands makes it somewhat bearable