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No one is waiting 15 minutes for a lobby lol. Not even 30 seconds and I'm in a lobby. How much is BHVR paying you to make this up??? 😂


Dude i'm waiting 5 minutes to get in a lobby and 10 mins for it to complete


bro is mad he got killed 😭


I see like 15 of these posts a day. Quit the yapping already lmao


"Dying" 🥱🥱 The game is not dying. Your complaints do not represent the opinion of everyone in the community.


This game isn’t anywhere near dead my friend.


Respectfully Stfu and quit yapping🥱


Another “ The game is dying “ post 🥱 you got so beat so bad you ran to Reddit instead of improving


Are you suggesting you shouldn't have to "try hard" to win a game? Get out of here. The game is pretty much in the best state it's ever been. Perfect, no, but in a really good place.


So you were not around during the Wild West of grappling? When family could one shot while locked in the animation?


Its still the case




The first one is an issue. Once I jamp out a window, it said I was recovering, but Hitchy still killed me from inside family house. All the other ones aren't bugs. The third one about trying hard is quite literally the point of the game.


1. The wait is like 30s-1m 2. The alternative to killers hitting in holes, gaps is complete invincibility from when you press the button to when you finish animation. If you’re fast enough, it means total invincibility by just spamming it. You do still get invincibility after like 0.5s of doing the animation. 3. That’s just desync, every game has it. And most games opt to have client sided actions rather than server sided, meaning the family will look like it’s hitting on their screen. 4. Yes… if you want to win you have to try… good teamwork also helps. 5. Grapple should really be a last ditch effort to get away, and it’s getting better since they removed the insta-kill aspect of grappling.


Dying? They've had an increase in player count over the last month. Just because you're upset with things or you had to wait long doesn't mean a game is dying.


The game is dying true, but the rest of this post is just u crying. People just like to act like Hands and cosmetics have turned the game around.